bye bye freedom...

Who would be ok with this..hell I can't even text dirty talk to my wife at work now..I feel some geeky ass napoleon cop type person will be getting sweaty behind a desk..its affecting my sex life..wonder if I can sue the government...
you do know people have already been let go because of sharing call records of phone sex around the office already. right?


Well-Known Member
Happy birthday man! Hope you have a good one!
so far it has been about trying to get at least ONE of my computers or phones to work, DAMN, I'm so old now that I forgot a password to one machine, another won't accept my power supply, the phone has to be charged and has a capacitance charger (is that what they are?) so I can't use it until it has a charge at all, I finally got this old dog running just a bit but can't type worth a shit because the letters show up on the screen a second after they are typed and well, what difference does it make.

Wife doesn't get home from work for another hour, so I've been alone all morning - fine with me. Broke out my best scotch, two of my diminishing supplies of Partigas 150's ($70 each....... supposedly), my last 40 (a real OC), a few Magnus MR 30mg and a brown pellet I recently aquired. I don't think I am up to plugging the Partigas (ala Clinton I suppose), and the Magnus is time release. So I don't know exactly WHAT I am going to do.
I was considering mushrooms but.... I don't think that would be such a good idea on this particular birthday. You know they say that 61 is the new 60. I don't need the reflection right now (canndo, what have you done with your life? what are you going to do now? Don't you think you should have managed to accomplish a bit more with all those years?) no, no mushrooms today. Tranqs? nahhhh, I want to be excited about this one, emotional escape is for the weekdays. Then there is the X, is my 61st worth blowing one eighth of all the legitimate X I have left and am likely to ever have for the rest of my life? Nahh So it's scotch, vietnamese duck liver pate and some sort of powder somewhere.... soon. then maybe a good steak, and more powder, somewhere.


Well-Known Member
This comes as no surprise, I never assumed privacy on the internet and most people don't care enough about it as a right to not have a convenient phone. The way I see it is, I have nothing to hide and the pursuit of privacy is suspicious I imagine. It is interesting that with all the depravity and illegal activity on the internet that weed would make the radar especially with the laws changing as they are. If anything, I see our personal information as a commodity to make us better consumers and to profile us for security reasons. I know it is a violation and that my rights are at stake but I don't care because they were never there before this. Misinformation is the obvious route to obscure monitoring attempts...the programs will just always run and surf the net randomly. The integrity of info will be lost and storms of BS will clog the systems, and a cat and mouse game begins. Marijuana for medicine is valid, if people start to get in trouble it will just push the cause forward and show that these are patients not criminals. The data needs to be productive to the people who monitor and enforce it. The agencies look ham-handed, desperate, and unconcerned with our freedoms for sending epileptics and cancer patients to jail in this way. It just does not make sense to me, I wonder if my sentiment is shared?


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Staff member
This is 2nd hand info from a friend who is probably the smartest friend I know..
The NSA is currently tracking all communications in the country and working tightly with the d.e.a. and handing over all communications pertaining to drugs to them..they are then told to fabricate evidence and cover the source of the 'lead' and go about their own investigations of said lead to get convictions...this means ALL communications..cells,homephones, road is target number one,and with george bush securing we have no right to say no to an NSA agent,I feel that soon the drug war will have another victim..who know how much $ the government will throw at this situation since they have now circumvented our freedom with a judicial loophole...this really has little to do with this part of the forum,but I thought it'd be best to post it out guys! Its getting real sketchy these days...
If someone who actually works for an alphabet TOLD you this they are stupid beyond belief. Worse they need to make reservations for their holiday at the russian embassy now.

I hope you actually got this here



Well-Known Member
Just wondering , What year were you born? no offense, just wanted to blow your lid further. Since the 1980's the NSA has had Echelon , they built all the facilities outside the us to side step congressional snooping, so they said, but in the 1980's while i was doing my computer science degree, I noticed how ALL internet traffic ALWAYS went through one of 4 majpr points in the US and then went straight through Herdon , VA (mispelled it ? ) the home of the NSA and CIA . BTW ALL telephone has been riding the ATM packets on the same wires / fiber optics too.

so don't panic , if you have ever said Nuclear , dirty bomb , talked about buying fertilizers and a bunch of other stuff , say like I have to build Telescopes ;) than you have made their watch list. so remember to talk to your friends and sprinkle a few of these words , as computers will tag it and set aside so some dude like the one hiding in Russia right now can look over it for content ;) oops I just said all stuff again LOL.

You have incorrect information.

I think humans will figure it out.

What we need to realize is the universe has no representation of good or evil, it only has a representation of balance and unbalance.
According to this though, we may kill ourselves. I will not loose faith.
Perhaps though, all of creation was completed before it was even made.
Humans suffer from a couple fatal flaws. Emotion, pride, ego, and a willingness to be wrong. Evolution is working on a fix for it, some of us are running a beta of the new software -- it's got glitches. Faith, which you shouldn't LOSE (loose faith... That like bangin' a hooker dressed as a nun?) Anyway, faith is another way to cope with fear, it's an emotional response, when a logic response would serve better. Again, humans are fucked, but, it's ok, the species IS evolving.

Here's a form of communication that's safe from the NSA........US Mail.;-)
Don't bet your life on that, good sir. Mail is frequently accidentally routed incorrectly, opened, and when the mistake is realized, repackaged in the same fashion, and returned to the delivery system. (Not just you guards that get to read other people's mail...)

If someone who actually works for an alphabet TOLD you this they are stupid beyond belief. Worse they need to make reservations for their holiday at the russian embassy now.

I hope you actually got this here

This "news" is pretty old. LoL, if ya' go back, and check out the bantering back in '10, we were talking about how we were monitored. You and I have joked about it right here, for months... it's pretty common knowledge that "they" know who "we" really are. And, so long as we don't start tomfoolery like talking about shipping lotsa weed across state lines, and posting pictures of said "lotsa weed" on here, in a boastful fashion, they mostly ignore us. But, they do like knowing what we're up to.

Is that puddle on the ground blood..?


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the ride because there is fuck all you can or ever will do about it

So why give a shit?

That's a lesson it took me 5 years to learn


Well-Known Member
Meh, it'll get to being worse than the alternatives, I'll brush up on Portuguese, Japanese, and Arabic, and head toward Dubai, via S. America: Valenzuela to expatriate, Japan, via Brazil, as a Venezuelan citizen, traveling on a H1B (High Tech) visa. Stop off in Okinawa, refresh some old contacts from when I used to work abroad, and then on to Dubai, and finally Morocco. Since my passport's been stamped "Sunni Muslim" since the 90's, I get a free ride with the king.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Meh, it'll get to being worse than the alternatives, I'll brush up on Portuguese, Japanese, and Arabic, and head toward Dubai, via S. America: Valenzuela to expatriate, Japan, via Brazil, as a Venezuelan citizen, traveling on a H1B (High Tech) visa. Stop off in Okinawa, refresh some old contacts from when I used to work abroad, and then on to Dubai, and finally Morocco. Since my passport's been stamped "Sunni Muslim" since the 90's, I get a free ride with the king.
Well that's one scenario indeed. I think it's just so rich you'd ride an H1B to freedom! I LOVE it on so many levels! As for Morocco, meh, I've got a 'friend' who'll give me a job in saudi LOL and send a jet if shit gets real. Human gen II are good friends to have and simply tasteless enemies.


Well-Known Member
Well that's one scenario indeed. I think it's just so rich you'd ride an H1B to freedom! I LOVE it on so many levels! As for Morocco, meh, I've got a 'friend' who'll give me a job in saudi LOL and send a jet if shit gets real. Human gen II are good friends to have and simply tasteless enemies.

I was on my way to Bolivia, last time. Had asked for asylum, even. (When you get to Bolivia, officially ask, and we will protect you as we review it.) I met the boss lady though, and decided to let 'em catch up to me. I know my old credentials still buy me a new me in certain countries... And, H2.O (get it?) is the ONLY way to fly. Fuck emotions, give me logic, every single day of the week!

Remember, back in the 90's, when some little upstart would annoy you, so you'd write a couple dozen scripts, a few databases, do the final write in C and obfuscated Perl, encrypted flatfile the databases, and make the fucker's department redundant? "Yeah, customer assistance? We've replaced you ... No, all of you. Oh? With a computer... An Engineer did it under contract last weekend...." I miss the good old days. I think COMPUTERS have become redundant, though... Firewalls? Fuck, everyone's giving everyone else their bank PINs on twitter, fuck firewalls... Kids today know less than their older siblings, and in the case of younger parents, than their parents, about computers. Remember when they talked about making programming mandatory? And they talked about giving every kid a laptop? Now, it's all done on smart phones and tablets... Crazy, that "Bill Gates" (mis)quote was right. They really WERE just a passing phase.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I was on my way to Bolivia, last time. Had asked for asylum, even. (When you get to Bolivia, officially ask, and we will protect you as we review it.) I met the boss lady though, and decided to let 'em catch up to me. I know my old credentials still buy me a new me in certain countries... And, H2.O (get it?) is the ONLY way to fly. Fuck emotions, give me logic, every single day of the week!

Remember, back in the 90's, when some little upstart would annoy you, so you'd write a couple dozen scripts, a few databases, do the final write in C and obfuscated Perl, encrypted flatfile the databases, and make the fucker's department redundant? "Yeah, customer assistance? We've replaced you ... No, all of you. Oh? With a computer... An Engineer did it under contract last weekend...." I miss the good old days. I think COMPUTERS have become redundant, though... Firewalls? Fuck, everyone's giving everyone else their bank PINs on twitter, fuck firewalls... Kids today know less than their older siblings, and in the case of younger parents, than their parents, about computers. Remember when they talked about making programming mandatory? And they talked about giving every kid a laptop? Now, it's all done on smart phones and tablets... Crazy, that "Bill Gates" (mis)quote was right. They really WERE just a passing phase.
I was the manager that did the firing..... LOL you know the type!

All technology becomes obsolete eventually, it's the nature of the beast as long as we are progressing. I would not count them eol just yet. For those of us who run servers and compilers etc... handheld's no. There will always be predator and prey, people who wish to be kept safe without purchasing the knowledge it takes and so it goes.

H2.0 is an interesting concept. I'm betting mother nature is being her usual treacherous self and not putting all her eggs into one single strategy. It's to early in the game to see where this is headed. Just a different way to deal the stratification of society I suppose. For as much as it changes the glittering generalities seem to remain with us. Oh and just because we see our loop as iteration #2 doesn't mean that's really the value of i ;) I wonder what iteration we really are.....

This post brought to you by durban poison x gsc (thank you).