Project SAM: anti-marijuana group


Yo dude, if you hate the US so much then get the fuck off this forum and go join a South American version.

Yes we have problems but your apparent lack of respect for our nation bothers me.

Dont mind using our military for doing your dirty work do you?

El Tiberon

Active Member
Yo dude, if you hate the US so much then get the fuck off this forum and go join a South American version.

Yes we have problems but your apparent lack of respect for our nation bothers me.

Dont mind using our military for doing your dirty work do you?
Fuck your nation and your military. We don't need you or want you. What dirty work do you do for Colombia other than getting your DEA agents killed in other countries and asking for explanations?

You are a nation of addicts and you use Colombia to make money dealing your drugs. This is what your government does. This is reality.


Well-Known Member
The last two comments in this thread were made by trolls to derail the important topic.

If you don't think it is important, find another website imo, isn't for you.


Well-Known Member
Who is we? Stanford and Princeton and Yale seem so interested in my tuition money for her. You must have mean you don't allow South Americans into your trailer park.
Again, you obviously don't know what country I'm from.

Fucking cucaracha...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Go fuck yourself gringo. You are responsible for the deaths of 1 million Colombianos. IF you do not understand why the Latin people hate you then you are blind and ignorant.

Why do you see "the latin people" as a collective and not as individuals? Are you a racist?


Well-Known Member
Why do you see "the latin people" as a collective and not as individuals? Are you a racist?
why do you complain about "special rights" and "quotas" for black people, even though quotas are illegal and they just want equal rights?

you ARE racist.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why do you see collectives as evil?

Do you hate other people and wish you were alone on the planet?

I don't see VOLUNTARY collectives as evil. No, I don't hate people. Nor do I think I should run their lives for them, why do you think some people should run others lives for them?

El Tiberon

Active Member
Why do you see "the latin people" as a collective and not as individuals? Are you a racist?
We collectively talk about how much we hate the white man and how his evil deeds must be stopped and it is our responsibility to breed you off this planet.


Well-Known Member
We collectively talk about how much we hate the white man and how his evil deeds must be stopped and it is our responsibility to breed you off this planet.
So you're all smelly coca-farm spic racists...

Thanks for clarifying why your country is considered the armpit of South America.


Well-Known Member
Probably not. Unless Congress wants it or The Democrats win back control of the house in 2014
Congress has nothing to do with it.

Obama could reschedule cannabis with no other authority needed, no questions asked.

He could end the crack down on cannabis all on his own.


Well-Known Member
How many dispensarys existed before obama took office
How many exist now? And name one dispensary that was busted that was complying with Local laws or tax codes
Just one-

Why don't you go ahead and post the numbers from a valid source. It's time to put this charade to bed.