Private Investigator


Well-Known Member
Could be for an insurance company as well. The fraudulant abuse of workers comp and such give the PI business TONS of money each year. Most of it probably. Like Guy said state laws would have to be looked at for specifics. There's nothing wrong with calling the non emergency number and saying there is a suspicious person in your neighborhood. PI's were I am at do not have to tell police when they are staking anything out. They are also used to talking with police and having to show their credentials.
Business partners or former ones where outstanding debt is owed also call for PI firms as well as anything a lawyer would need some additional information on for a case.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
All i know in canada they need to inform the local authorities that they are doing PI work in the city. of course might be different from america
Not that I am calling bullshit on you, but this doesn't even make sense. How could you possibly alert local authorities if your guy is on the move? If you are a PI and get hired to find info about someone, what do you do when he drives across the county (or whatever they are called in canada) through 10 different cities and police jurisdictions? How could you possibly inform all those local authorities, especially since you don't know which way he is going to go once he leaves?; If you did you could just meet him there. Even if you did know every city you were going to be working in I still can't believe every PI would have to inform the local police. Are you telling me every PI hired for insurance fraud or a suspicious spouse has to inform the all local authorities of every jurisdiction he is in for every case? An infinitely more plausible scenario is that they require a license to professionally practice being a PI and the license is good within certain territorial boundaries (such as a state or province).


Staff member
Not that I am calling bullshit on you, but this doesn't even make sense. How could you possibly alert local authorities if your guy is on the move? If you are a PI and get hired to find info about someone, what do you do when he drives across the county (or whatever they are called in canada) through 10 different cities and police jurisdictions? How could you possibly inform all those local authorities, especially since you don't know which way he is going to go once he leaves?; If you did you could just meet him there. Even if you did know every city you were going to be working in I still can't believe every PI would have to inform the local police. Are you telling me every PI hired for insurance fraud or a suspicious spouse has to inform the all local authorities of every jurisdiction he is in for every case? An infinitely more plausible scenario is that they require a license to professionally practice being a PI and the license is good within certain territorial boundaries (such as a state or province).
it makes tons of sense if youre in a city the pi goes to the local police enforcement says "hey im here in this city heres my license" "okay no problem"
thats all they have to do, they need to inform the local police in canada that theyre in town
all i know is i have a personal story and thats how its done in canada and the PI was removed from the city and got his license taken away for not announcing to the local authorities that he was here watching a family member of mine

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
it makes tons of sense if youre in a city the pi goes to the local police enforcement says "hey im here in this city heres my license" "okay no problem"
thats all they have to do, they need to inform the local police in canada that theyre in town
all i know is i have a personal story and thats how its done in canada and the PI was removed from the city and got his license taken away for not announcing to the local authorities that he was here watching a family member of mine
No that doesn't make any sense, and you didn't address any of the points I brought up. What happens when your family member crosses the city line? I cross city lines multiple times a day. I guess I would create absolute havoc for anyone trying to investigate me. He would literally have to stop at 10+ cities to announce his presence, and many of those cities have multiple police stations within their jurisdiction. I don't know what the set up is where you live, but we have cities all over where I live, some less than 2 miles across. A simple 10 minute car ride in any direction would be enough add an entire day to the schedule of a PI that is tailing you, just for him to announce his presence to every possible jurisdiction. It would literally cripple any type of mobile surveillance possibility.


Well-Known Member
Guy, it's a different country. It doesn't make sense to us that you would have to submit to governmental inspections because you own a certain number of guns. It doesn't make sense that Canada lets baby seals be clubbed to death either. Or that child care options for their middle class are not very good. There's lots of stuff happening down here that makes them scratch their head. Look at each countries immigration policies.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Guy, it's a different country. It doesn't make sense to us that you would have to submit to governmental inspections because you own a certain number of guns. It doesn't make sense that Canada lets baby seals be clubbed to death either. Or that child care options for their middle class are not very good. There's lots of stuff happening down here that makes them scratch their head. Look at each countries immigration policies.
No I mean logistically it doesn't make sense. Within a 5 mile radius of my house I could potentially enter about 13 different cities, and several of those have multiple divisions within the city for different police departments and courts. I just don't see how anyone could possibly conduct any type of mobile investigation on me, or anyone in my area, if they had to notify every single local jurisdiction in advance. Even if you do know in advance where I will be going that is a lot of different local jurisdictions to notify. So if my wife hires a PI to catch me cheating I will be ok just so long as I do it more than a mile from my house (which would put me in 4 different jurisdictions depending on which way I go)?

Maybe if the size of the cities was different where she lives it could be possible. I just don't see it as being physically possible to conduct any type of mobile investigation in my geographic area due to the sheer number of local jurisdictions I go between doing normal daily business.


Well-Known Member
Strangers loitering is just plain annoying, and makes people feel un easy, unless its a bar. Job or not lol.

Insurance company if i had to guess now after reading others posts, hes too low budget and billy-bob appearing to be on a substantial case. Cause if that were the fact, you would have never known. you know?

If i were you, I would just continue life normally, and not give it a second thought. Or simply make a flyer, post his pic, and ID him as a private investigator, and pass them out to everyone. At that point, his whereabouts are no longer private, or inconspicuous. Whoever he was trying to investigate will be aware, and therefore render his presence useless.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
No I mean logistically it doesn't make sense. ........snip......
It's called professional courtesy. Mobile on their turf of course no notice is required it's only when you are there long enough to create work or become a nuisance for them. But sitting a stake more than a couple hours it's only common courtesy because if they get a bunch of nuisance calls to dispatch it's not right they have to come out. Next if you get in trouble you want them to know who to aim at.


Well-Known Member
No I mean logistically it doesn't make sense. Within a 5 mile radius of my house I could potentially enter about 13 different cities, and several of those have multiple divisions within the city for different police departments and courts. I just don't see how anyone could possibly conduct any type of mobile investigation on me, or anyone in my area, if they had to notify every single local jurisdiction in advance. Even if you do know in advance where I will be going that is a lot of different local jurisdictions to notify. So if my wife hires a PI to catch me cheating I will be ok just so long as I do it more than a mile from my house (which would put me in 4 different jurisdictions depending on which way I go)?

Maybe if the size of the cities was different where she lives it could be possible. I just don't see it as being physically possible to conduct any type of mobile investigation in my geographic area due to the sheer number of local jurisdictions I go between doing normal daily business.
Where do you live that there are 13 different cities within 5 miles? That doesnt even make sense lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So I spoke to my neighbor today and asked him about the man out front.

He said last year around the same time he was sitting in the exact same spot and he called the cops on his ass. I think he called the cops this time too, cus the man is no longer there.


Well-Known Member
So I spoke to my neighbor today and asked him about the man out front.

He said last year around the same time he was sitting in the exact same spot and he called the cops on his ass. I think he called the cops this time too, cus the man is no longer there.
sounds more like a stalker than a fucking PI... Glad hes gone... for now at least.


Well-Known Member
So which of the neighbors is on longterm disability and/or is having a case dragged through court. Lawsuits get stalled by good(?) lawyers until the worker has to go back to work or live below means for a long time. During this time PI's are hired to get the case tossed.

Just about any type of litigation there is money figured into for the cost of PI work, atleast on the side that wants to find out something that may gain their advantage.


Well-Known Member
Or he's just a creeper that needs his license plates turned over to the cops by the neighbor.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So which of the neighbors is on longterm disability and/or is having a case dragged through court. Lawsuits get stalled by good(?) lawyers until the worker has to go back to work or live below means for a long time. During this time PI's are hired to get the case tossed.

Just about any type of litigation there is money figured into for the cost of PI work, atleast on the side that wants to find out something that may gain their advantage.
I dunno... My neighbor that I talked to today has been home past couple days. Usually he is at work...

The plot thickens!


Well-Known Member
Cliffhanger! The plot thickened, then nothing?

Did you get murdered by your neighbor for asking too many questions. Uh...... I hope not.

Someone needs to drive to her house ASAP and start snooping around! Oh wait, that's how this all started.