The feds will "let" Washington and Colorado MJ laws go into effect


Well-Known Member
Ya Ok ..........[/QUOTE]
I think everyone everyone who was paying attention, that my posts about RP are said tounge in cheek.

I've posted many times who I've voted for and every time I've said that I voted for GJ.

RON PAUL 2016!


Well-Known Member
This guy has no concept of the Constitution or the proper role of the federal govt. He's not letting the states do anything. The 10th Amendment already makes it clear the states can do what they want regarding an issue like this. All he's doing is saying "we wont be as thuggish with you as long as you still let us have our list of excuses to get involved and take peoples money in the process."
What a bunch of jerks, huh? Sorry I was at work or I would have said it sooner.

El Dumbfuck over there will revive a YEARS old thread and then say the other guy did it. Seriously broken personality. WTF? Do simply ignore the detritus around here.

This is indeed exactly how it is. And believe me there are some on here are are not faking or trolling. They actually are as dumb as a box of rocks.

The 9th and 10th are the heart unbelievable peace in my life. I shut of the Newz-joke and go outside. :) I don't have to pretend to be free or listen to the junior insistence that I'm not.

The 9th in mine and the 10th is the State very real, Fuck off, to this Federal Govt.

People rule in Counties. These States have Warred between themselves. And still are quite actually and just less bloody now. Tenn. Valley Authority stance is something like....Who's water is water, anyway? (come again?) It is being low blowed and sucker punched, ambushed, etc, in Court.

The Fed is not a figment of it's own imagination. It the imagination of these several States. The States let the Fed exist. Don't forget it.

The Fed has no standing Independent Voice. The Exec has that for too many years, imo. The People's House funds this mess. Don't forget it.

Shut it down. Who care? The wrong people for the wrong reasons, is who. A small number of devious thought bullies, is who.

I wish more people would read the manual like yourself, my good fellow, and I thank you for that.


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of jerks, huh? Sorry I was at work or I would have said it sooner.

El Dumbfuck over there will revive a YEARS old thread and then say the other guy did it. Seriously broken personality. WTF? Do simply ignore the detritus around here.

This is indeed exactly how it is. And believe me there are some on here are are not faking or trolling. They actually are as dumb as a box of rocks.

The 9th and 10th are the heart unbelievable peace in my life. I shut of the Newz-joke and go outside. :) I don't have to pretend to be free or listen to the junior insistence that I'm not.

The 9th in mine and the 10th is the State very real, Fuck off, to this Federal Govt.

People rule in Counties. These States have Warred between themselves. And still are quite actually and just less bloody now. Tenn. Valley Authority stance is something like....Who's water is water, anyway? (come again?) It is being low blowed and sucker punched, ambushed, etc, in Court.

The Fed is not a figment of it's own imagination. It the imagination of these several States. The States let the Fed exist. Don't forget it.

The Fed has no standing Independent Voice. The Exec has that for too many years, imo. The People's House funds this mess. Don't forget it.

Shut it down. Who care? The wrong people for the wrong reasons, is who. A small number of devious thought bullies, is who.

I wish more people would read the manual like yourself, my good fellow, and I thank you for that.
Oh you are so sexy when you go on an incomprehensible, incoherant rant


Well-Known Member
So you really can follow that I'm sure but, I understand. OK. Cliff Notes.

9th and 10th A.

Read them.


Go outside Rejoice! again.


Well-Known Member
[h=2]The feds will "let" Colorado and Washington MJ laws go into effect .[/h]Fixed the title for you, you're welcome.


Active Member
The supreme court hasn't but that doesn't mean its not unconstitutional. The supreme court at one time argued that slaves could be captured in other states that forbid slavery and returned to their owners. So lets not assume that they always are just or right in their rulings.

As far as Chesus question about child prostitution. That is a state issue. Just like murder, rape, and theft. So your question is kind of absurd and implies that if we didn't have a federal govt then some states would be cool with child prostitution. Please, take a little bit of time and read the Constitution. Its not very long. In specific Article 1 Section 8 where the powers delegated to congress are. You'll find that the federal govts purpose was not to over-ride and nullify state govt, but its to form a common ground for the states to interact with each other. That is why states ratified the Constitution, not individuals. The states came together for some very few specified common goals... and that is it. Otherwise they were still 13 independent states. No state would have joined the union if it meant they would not have the final say as to the day to day affairs in their state.


Well-Known Member
The supreme court hasn't but that doesn't mean its not unconstitutional. The supreme court at one time argued that slaves could be captured in other states that forbid slavery and returned to their owners. So lets not assume that they always are just or right in their rulings.
they actually have ruled around the CSA. as stupid as the act is, it's not unconstitutional.


Well-Known Member
The supreme court hasn't but that doesn't mean its not unconstitutional. The supreme court at one time argued that slaves could be captured in other states that forbid slavery and returned to their owners. So lets not assume that they always are just or right in their rulings.

As far as Chesus question about child prostitution. That is a state issue. Just like murder, rape, and theft. So your question is kind of absurd and implies that if we didn't have a federal govt then some states would be cool with child prostitution. Please, take a little bit of time and read the Constitution. Its not very long. In specific Article 1 Section 8 where the powers delegated to congress are. You'll find that the federal govts purpose was not to over-ride and nullify state govt, but its to form a common ground for the states to interact with each other. That is why states ratified the Constitution, not individuals. The states came together for some very few specified common goals... and that is it. Otherwise they were still 13 independent states. No state would have joined the union if it meant they would not have the final say as to the day to day affairs in their state.
You mean the 13 states that initially each tendered there own money?
yeah that experiment worked out real well


Active Member
See, you never went and read the Constitution like I suggested. Otherwise you would have seen in section 8 of the first article the following powers that the federal govt was granted, which include:

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The supremacy clause only applies to Constitutional laws that conflict with state laws. For instance, if you read Article 1 Sec 8 where where it shows the list of things the govt can legislate on (standards of measurement, postal roads, going to war, maintaining a navy, etc...). So for instance, if the state of Montana wanted to define its own value for gold, or to deny or obstruct postal roads, then the feds could supercede the states.

To disagree with this is to ignore history. There is no way in hell the states would have come together to join a union that would have the power to over wright state laws. There is no way at all. I suggest you read the federalist papers and the words of James Madison. Just because the people allow the govt to get away with unconstitutional stuff, it doesn't make it constitutional.
You bring up interesting points.

Thomas Woods wrote a book on State Nullification recently that gets into these kinds of things. Of course if states should be free from a tyrannical federal government...shouldn't individuals be free from a tyrannical state?