250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Active Member
I'm flipping the light tomorrow, tired of waiting.
Only 3 1/2 weeks veg but fuk it
I want this ball rolling :-D
Yeah ph is around 6.3 fox farm full nute schedule so big bloom grow big tiger bloom and plants are in half soilless and half soil bc my soil wasn't draining but this started last week very small so I flushed then watered n feed a few days later. Water feed yesterday but I didn't at and booster cha ching bc I wanted to keep it simple since I flushed was going to use chaching next feed which would be friday


Well-Known Member
Yeah ph is around 6.3 fox farm full nute schedule so big bloom grow big tiger bloom and plants are in half soilless and half soil bc my soil wasn't draining but this started last week very small so I flushed then watered n feed a few days later. Water feed yesterday but I didn't at and booster cha ching bc I wanted to keep it simple since I flushed was going to use chaching next feed which would be friday
Judging by the plants you have a few weeks yet before harvest. When you water next add the chaching. Check the ph of your runoff and make sure it stays withing +-/0.2-0.3. If your ph runoff is fluctuating wildy either way you will need to flush again with 3x the pot volume with +-/0.5 ph. To put it simply, if you water with 6.3 and your runoff comes out at 5.8, flush with 6.8 3 times the bucket volume and then follow with nutes @ 6.3 and check runoff ph again.

And since you are using a half soiless mix, pick up a cal/mag supplement. General Hydro's CaliMagic is great stuff and I swear by it. Calcium and Magnesium are both essential to plant health and Mag especially helps the plant to assimilate other base elements like N/P/K/Fe etc. Good luck mate
Ok so I did some more research and found out that need to lower my ph bc its mostly soilless media over 3/4 roots organic soilless so I feed with 5.5 ph and run off was 5.9 which is ok I guess but I want to see what happens now hopefully the get better bc my guess 6.3 it would of went up 6.7 or more


Active Member
What does a 250 pull roughly/average per single plant
It depends on what you're growing.
I got some ICED great fruit seeds here the I did a run of a while ago and with only a 4 week veg (in soil) I got more than 5 1\2 ozs off. Now this BLUE GO I'm doing now wit almost the same veg time I think I'd be lucky to get 2ozs (I've read a lot of grow reports about shitty yields). But I would say a nice yielding plant giving a nice veg time (to get the plant nice and bushy) you should get EASY 4-5ozs. That's just my opinion :)


Well-Known Member
O and I use mollasses and superthrive one or the other each feed. Used molasses last feed super this time
Superthrive is great for stimulating root growth. You will want to stop using it after some point.

I do add B-52 which is similar, but lacking the pseudo-hormone that is Superthrives's mojo,
for a few weeks of flowering.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Now I have a 2 day old Barney's Farm Grape Ape, and a one day old HSO Blue Dream that I will veg until I harvest my C99, and Atomic Bomb.

Grape Ape

Blue Dream

My C99, and Atomic Bomb are coming along pretty good too. They should gain some weight in the next few weeks.
Both plants just finished the fifth week of flower' so probably another 4 weeks left. I was a few days behind on my last post mentioning how far along they were.

Atomic Bomb

C99- I'll probably have quite a bit of popcorn bud off the C99, but I'm hoping the four dominant colas swell up a lot more for me.



Well-Known Member
I'm mostly looking for quick finishing Sativa, or Mostly Sativa hybrids. Low odor is good too.
If I like the C99 I will order that again. I was looking at Jekyll passion from Samsara Seeds, and seems to be what I want, so I will do a little research on her.
It will take me forever to pick 4-5 seeds. lol
My last order only took 6 business days to arrive from Single Marijuana Seeds Canada, and they are in the UK.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I takes me forever to decide on something to bro lol
I like stinky shit tho :)
I guess I'm not too worried about the smell either. I got that Atomic Bomb, and the smell of fuel is crazy. The smell of her, and the c99 together is real crazy. haha
I don't have a carbon filter yet, but have everything to make a decent one in case I really need it.