Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
hey Dankster, where ya at buddy? takin pictures?;););) get a super close up on the purps flowers for us;)

can't wait to see them!!!!;) hurrrrrrrry up!!!!! LOL;);)

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey there stoners. From the pictures I've seen lately, looks like everyone is making good progress. Things are looking really good here again too! How are the auto plants doing for everyone entered into the auto contest? I've been searching and searching and cannot come up with any auto beans. I used all mine up this past spring.

Stew...question on something I thought I read on your grow that you were breeding a male to a female to collect pollen from her for making female seeds. I thought that when you breed a male to a female, you are going to get "predominantly" female seeds.


Well-Known Member
I said what now? lol

I'll list my crosses and see if it answers your question.

First I have 2 female Blue Dream clones in the closet I have been using for my male spyders.
They have already been dosed once with 150PPM colloidal silver. this is to turn them male.
Turning a female into male this way will result in feminized pollen.

Blueberry Yum Yum(male) x Blue Dream(female)=regular seeds
Blueberry Yum Yum(female) x Blue Dream(fem pollen)=feminized seeds
GDP(male or female whatever it is) x Blue Dream(female or fem pollen)= Purple Dream=either or

gonna add this one too
Cotton Candy(female) x Blue Dream(fem pollen)= Circus Candy(?)=feminized seeds

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the explanation stew...I thought I had read it wrong in your thread. Sounds and looks like you are doing some neat things there man. I'm breeding a Jamaica Airee to two girls, Bubblegum and Airee. Keep up the neat work dude! Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow man...just wow! I never really thought about female pollen before LMAO
that's a new concept to wrap my head around;););)


Well-Known Member
Dank sends his apologies. He isn't feeling up to RIU tonight and is getting some much needed rest. I'm out too guys, later;) .....Peach


Well-Known Member
I'm always on and I guess i'll just be lurking by my lonesome. lol

It's all good.

You guys all need some rest. You spent more time on here than me when you guys were on.... I don't get on till around noon everyday and you guys are all up at 8 even after going to sleep at 3-4 lol...... How the hell do you survive on that little amount of sleep?

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey there dank, Bak, Rosie, stew, and others. Just got back from the tents. All the girls are thriving in the flowwer tent, as well as several I have outside. I went into the breeding tent and took down a powdery male Jamiaca Airee and collected the remaining pollen for later use. Rock on


Well-Known Member
Because you are the ULTIMATE INVISALURKER! lol... just reading and that's it. :) No likes unless you are trying to let someone know you're on. lol

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Ok stew...I'm confused again, but I'm smoking some real good Short Rider right now. But, what is INVISALURKER?


Well-Known Member
Bak = Invisalurker

Invisible Lurking. haha when he reads every thread he is subscribed to without posting or Liking a single post. lol.... His way of catching up without letting people know he is on. Cause then he get's post and PM's asking him how he is. from ME!

Right BAK?


Well-Known Member
That was a serious question lol.......

I'm just trying to create a few strains that I can get a GOOD stock of and figure out how to sell my product to the seedbanks.

Circus Candy(fem) is one of them.

Blue Dream(fem pollen) x Cotton Candy(female)

Gonna do the initial cross with BD pollen. and then Colloidal Silver a clone of the Progeny to turn it male, cross it with another female clone to get an F2 Hybrid.

And that should be the stock I make a lot of. My F2's i'll want thousands of seeds if I plan to market them.
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