I'm a newb and I need advice...

Okay, so I've got a few questions, but I'll try to keep it as clear and concise as possible.

1. I live with my grandmother(yeah, yeah. Lawlz at me. I'm 22 and trying to get on my feet.) and she hates bud. She knows I smoke and keep my stash in my room, but warns me regularly to not smoke in or around her apartment, which I don't. I badly want to start growing, but I fear she'll find out and kick my ass to the curb.

Should I just wait to begin growing until I have a safe and stable place? Or would it be okay to start a small op as long as I am stealthy as fuck and take all the necessary precautions? Should I just keep studying and reading until I have the proper environment?

Notes: My buddy offered me to live with him, but stealth would be equally necessary there. My grandmother isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she's not retarded and she isn't old as hell. She's only 57.

2. For a person who has never grown and has only seen plants up-close a few times, I've picked up a fair amount of knowledge about growing, specifically in DWC/RDWC setups. But, I still am a little intimidated by all the technicalities behind it all, most specifically regarding nutrient/supplement schedules and troubleshooting issues. I'm sure I'm up for the challenge and am positive I can pick it up and become successful, however:

If I do decide to wait until I have the proper setting and means to begin growing, should I start small just to get my feet wet? I've been reading a lot on SCROGing out 1lb plants in simple setups. But, should I take it easy for my first few grows and just have a small setup and shoot for modest yields, whilst preparing myself to take on more? Or go all out for a large yielding setup, right off the bat, while ingesting as much knowledge and help as possible?

Notes: I'm a pretty smart guy with common sense, but I don't want to get in over my head if it's going to be a huge trial-and-error thing where a lot of time will be wasted. However, if it's simple enough to yield big, I'd like to go for it.

If I do decide to start growing now, at my grandmother's, I'd start a small tent op and I'd probably only flower 1 or 2 plants at a time. I read and watch videos every day on growing and all of its nuances and I love the idea of growing, myself. I really want to do this, but I don't want to force anything. I'm also done dealing with shady connects and ridiculous prices. I want to grow my own damn bud. I'm competent enough. And yes, this venture will be primarily for profit, but also for my own smoke.

Please don't flame me, bros. I'm a super chill and polite dude who deeply respects and looks up to all you growers out there. Everyone's gotta start somewhere and any helpful information will be greatly appreciated. Please offer any insightful personal stories if you can, as I really enjoy learning. If you have any questions that might help you answer better, ask away.

I already know what you're thinking, "This motherfucker over-thinks shit too much." It's a problem of mine, but I really just prefer having assurance when tackling new things.

Thanks, yos! :bigjoint:
I think you already know that you cannot grow just yet. Growing some weed is not worth jeopardizing your grandmother's well being, APT not too mention relationship with you. Especially considering she is helping you get on your feet. It's her house, respect her rules and safety.
Dude unless you have your gran's full permission, do NOT grow in her house it is very unfair, many bad things can happen to her including the house being taken off her, also i would never live with a friend and grow, very bad idea don't do that shit you'll have way way too many problems.

If your actually serious about growing and actually want your own weed that much, wait until you have your own place, remember rule number 1; don't tell ANYONE, its childish thing to go tell anyone you grow, as it does not benefit you in anyway what so ever.

Also you said you have common sense, to me what your asking is common sense, i know its tempting and im currently wasting a lot of money on weed so, i to really want to grow right now but im in a similar situation and i have to wait months, be patient, keep reading, so that when you finally do grow it will be more rewarding as you waited and you'll know a more about growing if you read read read. Its fucking frustrating i know dude i really really don't want to wait, but its by far the best option for both of us lol.

Its a very bad idea for you to grow atm trust me....
its hard to hide a dwc when your always hauling jugs of RO water to your room >.<
But grandma im just trying to stay hydrated
wait i just snapped to primarily for profit no way you're gonna slip that past granny
i grow in a 3.5' x 2.5' box and that just covers personal
i guess you've never seen a 1 lb plant in person thats not something you hide in a PC case
scrogged it would be 3-4 feet squared

you try to play a tent off as a playhouse and your granny gonna boot your ass to the curb
For a pretty smart guy, you should be able to figure out that Grand Ma's apartment is not a cool place for a stealth grow. In fact, I can't think of a worse one.
Okay, so I've got a few questions

1. I live with my grandmother...Should I just wait to begin growing until I have a safe and stable place?

2. For a person who has never grown...should I start small just to get my feet wet? ...should I take it easy for my first few grows and just have a small setup and shoot for modest yields, whilst preparing myself to take on more?

3. I already know what you're thinking, "This motherfucker over-thinks shit too much."

1. Wait until you are on your own. Plenty of time to grow, don't take advantage of grandmother's hospitality.

2. Gardening indoors is a skill set. I think it's better to keep it simple at first. Grow in soil and add more equipment and gardening techniques as your experience grows.

3. People that think things through are the ones that don't get caught. Use your head and always be thinking when doing something like this.

Good luck. Prosp
So yea ad everyone else said, no way your gonna hide a decent sized plant a PC grow is possible but wouldn't give you enough smoke imo.....I would do a gorilla grow, depending on your area just germ em indoors and once you have little seedlings plant em a bunch of diiferent spots over town, in a forest or something.. don't go back to water or feed. And at the end of the season hopefully more than one didn't get plucked by teens or cops... I used to do this all the time, where I am temps allow me to grow outdoors all year... a lot got ripped but some survive and I think that will be your best bet...
Thanks, everyone. You're all totally right. I'm gonna just keep saving, keep learning, and get my own spot before I go for it. I really appreciate the words of wisdom.

But, when I'm ready... shit's gonna get real. haha

Thanks again, dudes. :bigjoint:
So yea ad everyone else said, no way your gonna hide a decent sized plant a PC grow is possible but wouldn't give you enough smoke imo.....I would do a gorilla grow, depending on your area just germ em indoors and once you have little seedlings plant em a bunch of diiferent spots over town, in a forest or something.. don't go back to water or feed. And at the end of the season hopefully more than one didn't get plucked by teens or cops... I used to do this all the time, where I am temps allow me to grow outdoors all year... a lot got ripped but some survive and I think that will be your best bet...

Too many rippers 'round here. My littler brother ripped someone's 3 foot, beginning-to-flower plant last week and I took it from him and tried returning it, but the guy seemed nervous and pretended he knew nothing about it. I didn't want that karma on my hands, so me and my brother-in-law left it in the woods by his buddy's house. I don't want anything to do with it though. I wanna earn my shit. Thanks for the input though, man.

Edit: And winter's right around the corner. Get's real cold here :[
Good Luck man... You'll do all right... and, I'll bet, she would be OK, for you to grow out in someone's corn field near by... Just remember: "Don't tell... no smell... and never sell"
Thanks, everyone. You're all totally right. I'm gonna just keep saving, keep learning, and get my own spot before I go for it. I really appreciate the words of wisdom.

But, when I'm ready... shit's gonna get real. haha

Thanks again, dudes. :bigjoint:

This is the smart choice, do NOT be tempted to change your mind, be patient and wait until you have your own place, and i can't stress enough that its a bad idea to grow with your friend.

If your serious enough about growing move in on YOUR OWN, when you can. And if money is a problem, for buying/renting a house and buying all the equipment, dont worry cause i assure you you'll make it back within the 1st harvest, the house and all the bills will pay for itself, so there NO need to move in with someone else to cut costs.
One thing I never thought about when I first started.. every apt I've ever lived in had maintenance inspect fire alarms/extinguisher and checked some other crap twice a year...it sucked. I wonder if everywhere does that
sounds to me like your gran is all you got don't jeoperdise it. it aint worth it. I say learn to stand on your own feet before you even think about growing. sorry to sound like a nagging parent but ive been in some pretty sh*t situations and pissed off a lot of people who actualy cared. regret it all now! don't do it geeza
You sound fairly intelligent mate, THINK about it.
Respect gran, and her apt.
When you've your own place, then you can do as you please.
Bu when your not gambling with your own chips, you don't always get to make the plays.