Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
It is quite simple. Either the POTUS is a pathological liar, or a feckless twit. Cannot be both. Either way we Americans have been bamboozled like never before! Wowee. What if the president lied to us? So many of President Obama's statements about NSA have been wrong. But he's too smart not to understand the truth Excerpted from above: But just as it is utterly absurd to claim Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t lie before Congress (and some reporters thankfully admitted that truth in the open), it has now become almost silly to insinuate or assume that the president hasn’t also been lying. Why? Because if that’s true — if indeed he hasn’t been deliberately lying — then it means he has been dangerously, irresponsibly and negligently ignorant of not only the government he runs, but also of the news breaking around him. .................. But hey, if Obama partisans and the Washington punditburo want to now forward the argument that the president has just been “wrong” or inaccurate or whatever other euphemism du jour avoids the L word, then fine: They should be asking why, by their own argument, the president is so completely unaware of what his government is doing. After all, if he’s not lying, then something is still very, very wrong. bongsmilie
I don't see it as a either/or situation.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I bet you were PISSED when Bush lied us into Iraq, weren't you? I bet you were calling him a feckless piece of shit and talking about impeachment, weren't you?
That's Iraqis getting sodomized. Also Israel, UK, and Russia lied to us. But then why did our current president's cousin get to tell UN inspectors to ignore secret doors with weird smells. Why weren't you calling the UN co-conspirators.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever used your pipe as a hand?

Meanwhile, back in the bat-cave... What is the rationale behind granting Bush et al. immunity from prosecution for War crimes?

As noted earlier, something about this smells strange, but not for the obvious reason... Coupled with the timing of Manning's sentence, I have to wonder if Obama--being as constrained as he is--will pardon him on his way out at his term's end?
Doesn't the American president generally do something of this nature as part of tradition?

It's Bud the Spud, from the bright red mud,
rolling down the highway smilin'
The spuds are big on the back of Bud's rig,
and they're from Prince Edward Island,
they're from Prince Edward Island... (and don't forget, "Ketchup loves Potatoes"... Stompin' Tom was part of the potato conspiracy cabal!!!!)



Well-Known Member
in such a pinch, try the bible, you'll find salvation in the pages, they are perfect for rollin up a doobie.
I think Babbling Bibles are Better for Blotter.
For rolling, I prefer the Tao Te Ching.

Chinese Bong.jpg

Do you think this guy understands that it is the emptiness of the bong which makes it useful?


Well-Known Member
It is quite simple.
Either the POTUS is a pathological liar, or a feckless twit.
Cannot be both.
Either way we Americans have been bamboozled like never before!

What if the president lied to us?

So many of President Obama's statements about NSA have been wrong. But he's too smart not to understand the truth

Excerpted from above:

But just as it is utterly absurd to claim Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t lie before Congress (and some reporters thankfully admitted that truth in the open), it has now become almost silly to insinuate or assume that the president hasn’t also been lying. Why? Because if that’s true — if indeed he hasn’t been deliberately lying — then it means he has been dangerously, irresponsibly and negligently ignorant of not only the government he runs, but also of the news breaking around him.


But hey, if Obama partisans and the Washington punditburo want to now forward the argument that the president has just been “wrong” or inaccurate or whatever other euphemism du jour avoids the L word, then fine: They should be asking why, by their own argument, the president is so completely unaware of what his government is doing. After all, if he’s not lying, then something is still very, very wrong.


It pains me to admit this, but I think he's a liar. He comes off as too intelligent to be considered a "dummy".

I swallowed the "hope and change" that he was peddling. My expectations were that we would see some tangible changes to how things operate in Washington. He has accomplished *some*, but not nearly enough. He's been a disappointment to me. Not nearly as bad as the buffoon that was in office before him, but still unacceptable.

Both parties are so far in bed with corporate America that I think we are fooling ourselves if we think things will ever change. We're too fat and comfortable here in America to ever see a revolution. So, status quo it is...


Well-Known Member
what were those some things?
I don't like that the revolving door between corporate America and important cabinet positions has continued. I don't like that he has cracked down harder on medical marijuana than his predecessor. I don't like that he caved on health care reform, and allowed former insurance executives to basically write the Obamacare legislation. I don't like that we are killing American citizens without due process.

Not much in the way of change.


Well-Known Member
yea I know all thsoe things. I was wondering what you thought he actually has done. You said he accomplished Some. What? was it closing gitmo? no. He did "neccesarily make energy prices skyrocket" so kudos there. Anything else? Oh gay marriage. wait he said he was against that though.


Well-Known Member
strange mine went up. fortunately i just spent 4500 on a new air conditioner which is about 100x more efficient than my old one so my monthly bill was actually lower this summer.
also dipshit you live on the west coast where coal and heating oil dont keep your ass warm. ask your buddies on the east coast how thats going for them.
fortunately hugo is kicking down for the poor people.