Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
Bush didnt lie to us in Iraq. He operated off of the best intel available

*"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

all you ever do is lie.

you're an apologist for the lie that led to 4,000 dead american soldiers, and then you fake indignance and outrage at 4 american deaths in benghazi after the GOP voted to cut embassy security funding.

and not a peep about the dozen+ embassy attacks under your savior.

you guys may as well start with the potato conspiracy threads.


Well-Known Member
This is the best President since GWB. And W was a doosy.

See W was the very first President to ever lie. All Clinton did and Carter, Nixon, Kennedy, those other guys, oh yeah, Fuuurd, was they just told the truth.....riiiiiight.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know about the DOJ asking for immunity thing. Where did you hear/read that?
When I see several news outlets make a claim that is so easily verifiable, I take it as fact even if the news outlets themselves have demonstrated bias. It was a couple days ago.


Well-Known Member
Bush didnt lie to us in Iraq. He operated off of the best intel available and even other countries were saying that Iraq had WMD. Not that it was a good reason to go in but there was no lie about it. If you want to argue that then how could you possibly vote for Hillary who obviously must have been lying as well.
Yes you're a good little republican.

Me vote for Hillary? Why would I do that? Hillary is a neo liberal like much of the democratic party, in the same ideological camp as the republicans. I voted for Jill Stein last time around.


Well-Known Member
and ya know..screaming from the highest mountain..liar, liar, liar..but YOU have no idea what it takes to run a country and all anyone can do is be critical of this GOOD man..

complain, complain, complain on the ACA..but what is GOP's idea for healthcare? hmm?..i didn't hear you..what was that?..Oh that's right the GOP has no ideas..

I don't hear any positive comments regarding the IRS 501 (c) (4) scandal and how all that turned out to not be a scandal after all..

every single thing this person does..every single can keep your political forum!


Well-Known Member

they count on the sheeple not to wake up so they rub it in our faces just like all the lizard people flashing illuminati signs.


Well-Known Member
OMG, I have to say you guys are funny...I have a snootful of White Widow...speaking of 'taters, have any of you guys used a spud to make a pipe?
Just a little foil...fog away.


Well-Known Member
OMG, I have to say you guys are funny...I have a snootful of White Widow...speaking of 'taters, have any of you guys used a spud to make a pipe?
Just a little foil...fog away.
If you have the foil just make a foil pipe

The tater pipe can get messy