Buds outdoor 2013

Went out to feed the "found spot" and the 2nd. come to find out the path maker came back and decided to do some trimming. Did a good job taking out the lower spindly branches but forgot to take them away (I might not have noticed right away if they weren't on the ground). but anyways since pal wants to be a part of it I chopped them down. no way im gonna let someone else benefit from my work. 8-21-13 001.jpg8-21-13 002.jpg8-21-13 003.jpg8-21-13 004.jpg8-21-13 005.jpg8-21-13 006.jpg first 3 are of the second spot and the kushy one putting on flowers. and the last 3 are in memory of the 3 biggins. the last one standing was further along flowering than the rest. kinda bumming about those. might regret chopping them down but I was just pissed they would trim them. (I could have just stopped feeding but I don't want them to benefit at all. just hope they don't go looking for the others)
Your gonna have to stake this up or they will bend over to the ground once they put on some bud weight, I lost a whole big plant that way last year, quickly got mold, stems an break too. Cheers, They look great
Went out to feed the "found spot" and the 2nd. come to find out the path maker came back and decided to do some trimming. Did a good job taking out the lower spindly branches but forgot to take them away (I might not have noticed right away if they weren't on the ground). but anyways since pal wants to be a part of it I chopped them down. no way im gonna let someone else benefit from my work. View attachment 2785096View attachment 2785097View attachment 2785098View attachment 2785099View attachment 2785100View attachment 2785101 first 3 are of the second spot and the kushy one putting on flowers. and the last 3 are in memory of the 3 biggins. the last one standing was further along flowering than the rest. kinda bumming about those. might regret chopping them down but I was just pissed they would trim them. (I could have just stopped feeding but I don't want them to benefit at all. just hope they don't go looking for the others)
Oh man, Bud.... So sorry but I feel you on the not letting those mutherfuckers benefit AT ALL! Fuckin' lazy bastards don't want to do the work but they will snatch your shit quick as shit......fuckers
hey bud,yeah too bad ,cant let them have what you took care of.from this time on i get nervous coming out of the bush to see if my girls are still there or if someone has been there.
Thanks for the support puck and NEmarco. Ive been 2nd guessing the chop since I did it. kindof thinking I should have just stopped feeding and try to beat them to the chop in 6-8 weeks. It just took too much work and dirt hauling and watering to even leave it up to chance. Hopefully the others will make it to harvest.
Did you ever think about putting out a trail camera to maybe get a pic of whose doing this? Or was this more of an impulse move on your part- to just chop everything? I know myself, I would have a hard time chopping any plants, let alone plants that I put out. I worry about rippers almost everyday, even with what I think is very good security, and I would never think about chopping plants. Even if I caught someone casing my garden, I still wouldn't chop, not until plants were fully mature. I understand your reasoning somewhat- putting in all the hard work for someone else's benefit, but hey, at least someone's going to enjoy them, maybe you maybe not. You still had a good chance to be the one to harvest. Maybe you reacted too fast. I feel bad for you but "maybe" a lesson was learned? Good luck in your future grows, I'm sure you'll be able to reap the rewards of a good harvest in the near future.
you nailed it on the head. It was an impulse thing. this fool cut a huge path right bye my spot. ok. but now he wants to take over and do the trimming. I kindof had a jealous rage thing going on. And yes as soon as I ripped them out I thought was that the right choice? Like I said I could have just stopped feeding and hoped to beat him to the harvest. but now im more worried about him looking for the others. Trust me if they were my only ones I wouldn't have chopped. thanks for the insight, and hopefully I will have some stuff to harvest this year.
Went out to do a feed. since no more 1st spot this area got all 5 gallons. 8-31-13 002.jpg8-31-13 003.jpg8-31-13 004.jpg8-31-13 006.jpg8-31-13 008.jpg All looking female, Kushy looking one is coming along a lot faster than the rest. think it has more to do with genetics,rather than the bigger "raised bed" I mad although it probly helps a lot. you can kindof see the trichs starting to frost up a bit. like I said earlier in the year these spots don't get nearly enough sunlight to get LB's like you guys would expect but this could be a breakout year so we'll see. (If I didn't have to take out the first spot I would like to think id hit the 1 lb mark at least)....anyways aug. was a nice temp wise month with not much rain.it was a nice break from the heatwave of july. we'll see what September brings, weather channel says slightly warmer than average fall. ON A SIDE NOTE : on a side project you guys don't get to see, I had a caterpillar problem. I kept finding little shit nuggets all over one plants cola tops. and would find small pillers in the buds maybe 1/4" long and under. I would say I found at least a 15 over a 2-3 day span. kept seeing shit and finding one crawing around. so on the 3rd day of scoping things out I find a leaf near the bottom of the plant rolled up like a joint, now usually when I pull these apart they are spiders inside but this time it was a fat caterpillar. had to be 2" long and pretty plump. Don't know how it got by my watch for so long but it was the only plant in the area to have them so Im thinking it was just bacuse that fat hoe was pumping out babies right there. ( I remember in the spring there was a swarm of caterpillars and that big one must have been one that survived) well now that its gone hopefully the little ones will stop coming around.
Went out to do a feed. since no more 1st spot this area got all 5 gallons. View attachment 2798870View attachment 2798871View attachment 2798872View attachment 2798873View attachment 2798874 All looking female, Kushy looking one is coming along a lot faster than the rest. think it has more to do with genetics,rather than the bigger "raised bed" I mad although it probly helps a lot. you can kindof see the trichs starting to frost up a bit. like I said earlier in the year these spots don't get nearly enough sunlight to get LB's like you guys would expect but this could be a breakout year so we'll see. (If I didn't have to take out the first spot I would like to think id hit the 1 lb mark at least)....anyways aug. was a nice temp wise month with not much rain.it was a nice break from the heatwave of july. we'll see what September brings, weather channel says slightly warmer than average fall. ON A SIDE NOTE : on a side project you guys don't get to see, I had a caterpillar problem. I kept finding little shit nuggets all over one plants cola tops. and would find small pillers in the buds maybe 1/4" long and under. I would say I found at least a 15 over a 2-3 day span. kept seeing shit and finding one crawing around. so on the 3rd day of scoping things out I find a leaf near the bottom of the plant rolled up like a joint, now usually when I pull these apart they are spiders inside but this time it was a fat caterpillar. had to be 2" long and pretty plump. Don't know how it got by my watch for so long but it was the only plant in the area to have them so Im thinking it was just bacuse that fat hoe was pumping out babies right there. ( I remember in the spring there was a swarm of caterpillars and that big one must have been one that survived) well now that its gone hopefully the little ones will stop coming around.
Hey, an lb of good smoke is worth all the trouble. Things are looking good on that one in the 2nd pic. nice cola at the top starting to form.
you said it puck, I always say "who said money doesn't grow on trees?".. I actually only spend maybe 3-5 hours a month taking care of them. So timewise Its a very productive hobby. And 5150, I try to stay away from using any pest/mold products. these ones in the forest never really have bug issues and the other ones I can try and control the bugs by hand. I do have some organic spray if things get out of hand but I should be good.
Alright nothing really new on the babes. but I heard a joke on the radio and it made me laugh pretty hard. More for its cleverness than funniness. " I would tell a casey Anthony joke, But my mother would kill me"...like I said not funny what happened to that poor girl but these sickos on the radio had me laughing like crazy. Fucked up the mother got away with it too. Don't forget that, that woman is walking the streets!!!
went out for a feed and things are moving along. 9-7-13 010.jpg9-7-13 008.jpg9-7-13 005.jpg9-7-13 004.jpg9-7-13 003.jpg9-7-13 002.jpg First one is the "3rd area" and has the 3 that don't really do too good. Its gotta be either bad PH or didn't till the beds good enough in the spring because that area gets better sunlight than most of the others. And the other 5 pics are the gaggle at the 4th area. All seem to be putting on buds and not banana hammocks. First trip out where I wasn't sweating my ass off when I got back, cooler weather is here. Like Ive said before all my sunlight comes from above as you can see how they grow.
oh yea the tallest one is at least 7 feet, (in that 5th pic behind the bottle) but all the nugs will be in the upper 3-4 ft.
Looking good Nug, gonna have some nice colas! Starting to frost up yet? I like it when the buds form just at the cola and ends of branches. Easy to trim that way.