Went out to do a feed. since no more 1st spot this area got all 5 gallons.
View attachment 2798870View attachment 2798871View attachment 2798872View attachment 2798873View attachment 2798874 All looking female, Kushy looking one is coming along a lot faster than the rest. think it has more to do with genetics,rather than the bigger "raised bed" I mad although it probly helps a lot. you can kindof see the trichs starting to frost up a bit. like I said earlier in the year these spots don't get nearly enough sunlight to get LB's like you guys would expect but this could be a breakout year so we'll see. (If I didn't have to take out the first spot I would like to think id hit the 1 lb mark at least)....anyways aug. was a nice temp wise month with not much rain.it was a nice break from the heatwave of july. we'll see what September brings, weather channel says slightly warmer than average fall. ON A SIDE NOTE : on a side project you guys don't get to see, I had a caterpillar problem. I kept finding little shit nuggets all over one plants cola tops. and would find small pillers in the buds maybe 1/4" long and under. I would say I found at least a 15 over a 2-3 day span. kept seeing shit and finding one crawing around. so on the 3rd day of scoping things out I find a leaf near the bottom of the plant rolled up like a joint, now usually when I pull these apart they are spiders inside but this time it was a fat caterpillar. had to be 2" long and pretty plump. Don't know how it got by my watch for so long but it was the only plant in the area to have them so Im thinking it was just bacuse that fat hoe was pumping out babies right there. ( I remember in the spring there was a swarm of caterpillars and that big one must have been one that survived) well now that its gone hopefully the little ones will stop coming around.