Ok now that I am home. So you basically want your material and your ISO to be as cold as possible, to do so you just put them into the freezer for 24-48 hours, the longer the better. You want the material in a mason in jar while it is in the freezer. After the freezer stage, you fill the mason jar with ISO until it is roughly an inch above the material. I very gently agitate the mixture for 20-30 seconds, the shorter the time the cleaner the product, the longer the time, the more green matter you will strip. You then want to pour the mixture into a screen, one for pasta or tea for example so the ISO drains quickly away from the material. You then afterwards take the liquid and pour it threw a coffee filter which will then drip into your Pyrex dish. The drying process is rather easy, you just let it air dry. You can place a fan near by to speed up the process. You CAN apply heat to speed up the process, I do NOT. I only use the fan to let it air dry. Once the ISO is gone, I then place it in a pan of boiled water for 30-60 mins depending on how much I made. Some say you do not need to heat it at all, but I do just in case. Some really good links are these two :
If you have more questions just let me know!
Thanks buddy! Sounds easy enough, I don't think I will waste anything at this point any way. My not be the best ever, but practice makes perfect right? Lol