Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I'm still here. gotta go feed the baby though..
I hear that! Feed that baby bro! Num, num, num.. haha.. ;) MILK!!
I have 2 get off here now and get this grass mowed! That & cook. Lol
But I will be back in here in alittle while with a update or 2. :mrgreen:

You guys take care untill we speak again. See and talk to everyone soon.

Yall's bud, Dank.


Well-Known Member
I hear that! Feed that baby bro! Num, num, num.. haha.. ;) MILK!!
I have 2 get off here now and get this grass mowed! That & cook. Lol
But I will be back in here in alittle while with a update or 2. :mrgreen:

You guys take care untill we speak again. See and talk to everyone soon.

Yall's bud, Dank.

Later! you know where to find me LMAO.............here...........somewhere;)


Well-Known Member
Can I have that cola. I am out of weed and just need to smoke.. Permission to print it up and smoke it sir???? lol


Well-Known Member
hahahaa Stewy, step away from the printer...you start smokin paper and we are comin to find you and put you in
a straight jacket!!!!!LMAO;)


Well-Known Member
IMG_1930.jpgIMG_1931.jpgI just put these 2 plants outside because they r hermi, the one thats fucked up looking is sinmint is it because i didnt harden it offIMG_1932.jpgIMG_1933.jpgIMG_1934.jpg


Well-Known Member
Pics are done uploading! c'mon over and check my diesel out and tell me's what ya think?;)

Dankster, holler at me bro, I'll be here;)


Well-Known Member
What's your secret for the pics?????????? HPS waves are M.I.A. lol... I have to pull the plants out of the light to take pics.... with HPS not MH... lol ;)


Well-Known Member
That pic is under a digital im pretty sure u only get the waves with magenetic ballast, but i just upgrade on the camera which is a plus
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