Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I'm calling it a morning as well.... see ya'll again. probably around,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11am :)

Take care. stay high. all that fun and exciting shit that goes along with life! :)

BAK- YOU GAA SOME SPLAININ TO DO!!!!!! Where you been bro??????????????


Well-Known Member
I'm calling it a morning as well.... see ya'll again. probably around,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11am :)

Take care. stay high. all that fun and exciting shit that goes along with life! :)

BAK- YOU GAA SOME SPLAININ TO DO!!!!!! Where you been bro??????????????
Goodnight dear, I'll be here with bells on;) lol like you could ever miss my big mouth! LMFAO


Active Member
I'm back. Just pissed off. gonna get a new caliper bracket tomorrow. and still need to figure out how I can get this other bolt that holds the bracket out. I'm stressed the fuck out
take it from a 40 year veteran mechanic, when all else fails, HEAT, go down to home depot, in the hardware aisle, they sell a yellow MAP gas tank and one with regular oxygen / prop.
they sell it as a kit with tiny little hoses and a handle with a fine tipped torch , looks a barbie set to learn how to use real acetylene torches, anyways heat the shit out of the bolt, use a 6 sided hex soclet(do not bother wit 12 point shit ) and a breaker bar.
if you only have a small ratchet then buy a 2" diameter iron pipe while in the hardware dept by say 2 feet long and slide that over the ratched handle, if the bitch is still tight, put a hammer to the top of the socket!!!! not the bolt itself, and hit it hard to break free the welded corrosion that is keeping it locked. but the heat will do just that anyways.

it came in handy in the 1970's disassembling world war II submarine engines aka electromotive diesels .


Well-Known Member
Greatly appreciate the help. I've done heat................... nothing.(propane)................ I've tried [video=youtube;U11H8Xi_7RE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U11H8Xi_7RE[/video] a
nd still had no success. just stripped the bolt and bracket threads.... So I am going to remove the upper mount bolt somehow and just replace the bracket entirely. cost is less than the hassle. :) thanks again


Well-Known Member
I let the g/f take it to work. told her WATCH OUT I didn't tighten the caliper pins on the passanger rear. she was like OKAY. lol She only works 15-20 miles from here. lol I told her to drive slow. lol


Active Member
Stew at this stage, you may want to check that bearing too. I'm surprised with that heat the boot is still intact, looks like we were not putting moly lube on those pins. did the pads did into the rotors? they must have. good luck man looks like you are on it.


Well-Known Member
I lucked out.... the guy I bought the car from used shit pads. so they wore down and not the rotor.
but I have already placed an order for 4 new OEM rotors and 4 sets of ceramic brake pads.

The pin boot is gone. threads are stripped inside the pin so the bolt won't even hold.

The caliper boot(around the twisting cylinder, yes twist not compression like the old Honda's.... Boy I miss those easy things.) is popping off, so I think i'll end up buying a new caliper soon too....
For now though I will just replace the bracket as well as both pairs of rear pins.
I grease them when I do brakes, however when these brakes were done last is unknown to me....
So the seized pin may have been there for a long long time without me knowing. at least until it started making noise.

My main concern is the master cylinder. as well as the brake lines.
if the caliper is not moving properly then the fluid is not as well correct? Can't this in the end clog my brake lines????

Burnedout1958- send me a PM with your reply. clogging this grow thread with my car info isn't exactly what DANK should be reading when he returns today.... He likes the chatting to read through when he is on..... but i'm sure this is overboard. lol

Dank- sorry for the clutter.... Also. down to only 1 SxI popped.....
kinda had an OOPS moment this morning with a seed casing and closed it when I ment to pull it apart.
SLICE! one taproot gone. hahahaha
one of the other 2 has a small tail today so I think I should end up with 2 or I may have to try to pop a few more,
(Running a little low on these now, got like 10 left, maybe 12).... lol I'll keep you informed.


Well-Known Member
My fault. lol Here's some pictures of my Solo cups to make up for it:
Partial LST:1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Man, you got a little of everything going in there.
Looks great!:clap:
Where you been bro :??: hadn't seen, nor talked 2 you in awhile. Is everything ok bro :??: are you mad at me over something :??: just wanted 2 make sure that everything is cool with us, and check up on you. Hope everything is cool your way bro.. well give me a hollar sometime.


Well-Known Member
Stew pm sent and apologies to Dank and rest ;) can't beleive I'm becoming a hijacker in my old age Damn we all go down hill
No worries. I always tell every person that visits my grow thread to post away! I like seeing others grows anyways. I mean just don't overtake the thread. Lol. But here and there (pics) I don't mind 1 bit buddy. ;)
Thanks 4 checking the ladies out. So what do you think :??:
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