Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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I gotta go lay down for a while man...drinkin all night and smokin too...no sleep...stress...equals one tired Peach;)
I'm sure I will wake up eventually when no one is here again LOL
That isn't true you little shit! ;) I looked in sometime this morning.. haha..
And also Rosey's 2. I don't even know if she is on right now.
Don't know where Bak is. Its like where passing each other. When I'm on, he is off, or getting ready to sign off. Lol. Its all good though.

Just don't want anyone to think I am avoiding them, or not answering there questions or anything. Cause I promise its not like that. ;) just been down, and worried. Trying to stay "hopefull" and positive about everything that's going on. Its hard at times. Especially when I've been having to beat off the death bed vultures!
See, my definition of "Vulture" came in handy unfortunately, but just about every family has at least one.
dank sorry about whats going on with you and your family, you got my number, call if you need someone to talk to. peace bro.
Ok guys.. time to talk serious. Today I found out a few things. Found out what type of cancer Mom has. Its name is "medistatic small cell lung cancer". As you may or may not know it had spread from her lung to her "glands" then went all over & now is in her bones.

The Dr had said the "only" place she doesn't have it is in her neck. I still have hope! I do know 4 a fact that God can heal anything! He is the MAN that raised the dead! That is what I'm talking about! ;)

I'm surely not giving up on her! Although there is "other" family meembers that is already talking about "who gets what"! I had to put a STOP to all that today! Also, they moved Mom today to the nursing home. They had told us that the transporter was on his way to get her. Ok, I sit there with her for 3 HOURS after being told that! The nurse had went ahead & took out her Iv a few minutes after we where told they where coming to transport her. Well, I had to just sit there & watch her cry in pain for over 3 hours! I know I went out to the nures station and told them more times then I can remember she needed something for pain!! All they said was it was out of there hands where they had took her "Iv" out! They wouldn't even give her a tablet, or shot!! So, we got to the nursing home and the "same thing" started! They told me that they would have to get all her info & we would have to fill out a dnr and answer a 200 questionare b4 they could give her anything! That's when I just had to BLOW up on them, and DEMAND that they give her something!!! I told them if that was "there" Mother laying in there crying, things wouldn't be that way! That's all it took and the nurse was right in there giving her something 4 hours later! I know that they are busy, and have "other patients". But in my eyes, that was uncalled 4!!
i know it's not much brotha, but I'm prayin for you and your family..
Remember, after the rain, there's always a sunny day ahead..
Something is very wrong..has anyone heard from Dank? we were PMing last night and he disappeared. Hoping it wasn't because of his mom...

More prayers for Dank and his family ya'll....lots more....
is everything ok?????? he was telling me about the paperwork and then poof...gone

Dank, if you see this, please holler at me man...worried about you...
i know it's not much brotha, but I'm prayin for you and your family..
Remember, after the rain, there's always a sunny day ahead..

Thanks brotha man. If anytime that I have ever needed "Black Jesus" in my life, now is the time!!

Wanted to "thank all you guys for your warm wishes, and prayers for Mother. It really does mean a lot to me, and the fam. I'm not just saying that, it really does guys!
Hey guys!! Its Dank here again.. :mrgreen: I am going to keep posting till I get some feedback on my grows!! Lol.. na, I'm just messing with ya!! ;)

I just wanted to do a quick update & post up a few pictures of my babies! I was hoping to get atleast a few of my new found friends that was interested & would atleast subbed up to my grow journals.. hell I have 18 strains going at one time, well wait! 20, cause I just added 2 new ones guys! I added "Purple Voodoo" & also "Skunk #1" to the mix. I received from a new friend, not mentioning any names, but I just wanted 2 say Thank You bro.. I hope you enjoy the "Space bomb" beans I hooked ya up with + the others.. ;)

Anyways, I will also be posting this update in my grow journal, and I hope you enjoy my grows this one & all the others coming up!! Like said, if you haven't seen any of my grows/grow journals, then your in 4 a treat here soon!! I will be making video's of moving my babies from the old ladies "bathroom" to a new outdoor building I am getting put in here in the next week, or so! I will be decking it out for the grows, I will be doing my soil grows out there, along with my DWC "hydro" system that I have yet got to use,lol!! Just lack of room is the only reason for that! But its coming!! :mrgreen: and I would really like to have you sub up to my grows, and would really value your input!! I don't claim to know it all about growing, because I am still learning & will till the day I die! I have been growing now well over 11+ years, & find myself learning new techniques all the time! ;) anyways, I am going to stop running my mouth & get down to the grow...

In the pictures your about to see there is, Sleestack x Skunk, Toppi Canna -Orange, my 100% pure Sativa "Hubba Bubba Bomb", Peyote Purple, Royal Queen Critical,Chemmy Jones,Brains Choice, & I am I know leaving out some! Amd the others are sleeping right now! I will post the pics of those this eve..

I am going to gived more details about the grow in my grow journal, its in my signature..
Thanks 4 looking, & again, I would really enjoy your comments, & input! So please stop in and take a gander at the girls, & let me know what ya think???

Thanks fella's!! Dank.

those look really full very healthy, what do you use? what do you grow it in? did you go straight to dirt ? are you feeding them just water or ?

newbie minds want to know
is everything ok?????? he was telling me about the paperwork and then poof...gone

Dank, if you see this, please holler at me man...worried about you...

Yeah, sorry. At the time I had started, was able to talk with anyone it was SO late, and I was SO tired it wasn't even funny. I was talking to you, then I remember looking at the clock and it was like 2 hr's till I had to get up and go sign those damn papers, I must had passed out. Again, sorry bout that.
Yeah, sorry. At the time I had started, was able to talk with anyone it was SO late, and I was SO tired it wasn't even funny. I was talking to you, then I remember looking at the clock and it was like 2 hr's till I had to get up and go sign those damn papers, I must had passed out. Again, sorry bout that.
check your PMs yet?
those look really full very healthy, what do you use? what do you grow it in? did you go straight to dirt ? are you feeding them just water or ?

newbie minds want to know

;) Thanks buddy. Well, long story short, those from that post is longgg gone/harvested.
I'm running over 35 strains now or more. I use different techniques with each run, really don't lemit myself to just 1 way of grow style really. However I do mix and use my own organic soil. I have been using 4 kinds of nutrients on a certain group of them, then other nutes with somemore. I have recently been using General Organics on some, and General Hydroponics on another set. That grow from that post I was using Foxfarms, which I am getting ready to start back with on this new grow. The Dank & Stew grow". I am using a 800 watt LED system, also a 600 watt HPS system and also 5 300 watt CFL'S along the ground for the bottom halfs of the plants.
Trying my best bro. That's really all I can do I guess. Have had a busting headache ever since me & those nurses got into it over making Mom wait for "4 hours" just to give her the pain meds! I had to tell them make that the last time I have to sit & watch her cry! So when she had got to the nursing home they tried it again, and I had to go ahead and set there asses straight to!! So then after all that they gave her something and she went off to sleep about 40 minutes after that.
She is turning food away now, not eating much at all if anything. I've been trying over & over to get her to take just 1 bite of anything! Even asked her if she wanted me to get her a ice cream from Dairy Queen.. ;) she wouldn't let me get it. I think I'm going to get her a piece of there ice cream cake from there around lunch, she should love that! I sure hope. she LOVES her chocolate!! As do I.. ;) Thanks 4 asking bro.. And glad to hear your doing good..

Dankster I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, my wife and I went through this in the 1990's , you need to be strong, I want to ask and say some things to you even though I have NOT read this whole thread , just saw a caption and had to backtrack to this post.

my question is have you tried feeding her some Cannabis to help with her appetite ? seeing your title i can only assume that you have .

my wife went thru hell with this, her mom had breast cancer, had it removed, had a hysterectomy and then it just metastasized all over the body ending in bone cancer, the doctor was scared of malpractice and would NOT give her morphine, even though she was in screaming pain, so much for that hepocritical oath bullshit they recite .

the nurse was instructed to show my wife how to inject her mom and made to sign a bunch of releases, so for 2 years I stayed home with my four kids while my wife and one hired nurse took turn taking care of her, but the wife was the only one injecting her and keeping the pain at bay. her mom actually got more relief from Advil / Ibuprofen for her pains than Morphine. we had viles full of the stuff after her death, ended up draining them all in the back yard and disposing of the bottles.

this is why I'm in this scene now, trying to keep my wife from having a relapse of her cancer, (2 so far )and buying her lots of ALTA's "healing" tincture with 80% CBD and 20% THC , just mentioning it, not plugging it!! and learning from this web site to grow, and waiting for SOHUM seeds to come out with the next batch of Harle-TSU strain

HAd we known then what we know now, we would have been feeding her large quantities of CBD/THC tinctures to keep the killer at bay.

I wish you all our love and prayers and hope you do not find any disrespect in what I say to you. it's not my intention

all our best brother
Ok. Got the meds straight with Mom. Bout time! Had to sign the DNR papers at 6:45 this morning. Hospice told me that the hospital didn't even let them know that they had let Mom go from there!! And that's why they wasn't there when she had arrived at the home. Took almost 3 days for the hospital to contact hospice! And the reason they where letting Mom lay in pain is because the home said they didn't have the type of pain meds the hospital had her on, and that's why hospice had to come in!! So now all that's set up.. thank GOD!!
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