Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS


Well-Known Member
looking good bro!!!!!! I love checking your journal! Our buds are both looking so nice!! What are you doing for co2?


Well-Known Member
Hey mared I only asking cause I trust your opinion but i put my cracked seedlings in rockwool yesterday friday at 6 now sat 3.30 and none out of the 8 have pop out of the rockwool. is this normal? also should i make sure the rockwool is wet and keep the light on? I used distilled water to wet them the first time how long does it usally take for them to pop out


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey mared I only asking cause I trust your opinion but i put my cracked seedlings in rockwool yesterday friday at 6 now sat 3.30 and none out of the 8 have pop out of the rockwool. is this normal? also should i make sure the rockwool is wet and keep the light on? I used distilled water to wet them the first time how long does it usally take for them to pop out

Rule #1: Never freak out. It doesn't help ever. I have never used rockwool, so my advice would not be the best for how wet to keep it. I would assume you should not keep it dripping wet because the seed will rot but do not let it dry out completely either. I think my seeds took about 48 hours to poke through so definately do not worry yet. I would keep the lights on all the time for the first few days, then switch to 18/6, 20/4, whatever you prefer. And you should mix in some tap water with that distilled water. The seeds need the trace minerals.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh snap, I got those clones to root. I'm hoping Tetra or someone could answer a couple questions for me. The root mass of the clones is actually spread throughout the peat starter plugs which are 1" dia. and 1.5" depth. Can I start giving nutes or is it too soon yet? I'm new to the cloning deal still and hate to see them yellowing. And for the bigger plants when should I start with the Overdrive? It is pictured below along with some more bud shots.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, feed them. I use 1/4 to 1/2 strength in the cloner right from the start, Look at the SG journal I just made a bunch of cuttings yesterday.

All nutes have some sort of P-K booster(P-K 13-14,top booster,bud blaster,big bud,overdrive,Ionic boost,the list goes on, to use in mid-late flower, Is there a feeding schedule for the monkey juice?
It drives up the P-K ratio to N,they don't need much N anymore, N is what keeps the weed from burning if there is too much left in your final product.
Have you ever had some bud that won't burn past the black stage??

I"ll check-out the monkey juice.


Well-Known Member
Make it something like .8 to 1.0 ec.

They're just like seedlings now, you've been though the feeding schedule, you know better than I about the specifics.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I wish I could give you reps everyday of the week, Tetra. That's some seriously helpful shit you posted. I started flower 5/20 so I guess I have 10 more days until the Overdrive. I'm super syked about these clones, the flowering plants are turning out so nicely. I'll give them some nutes ASAP. I'm going to start at 300-400 ppm. These plants proved they can take some serious overnuting in the early part of the grow (seems so long ago now). Thanks again. You're the best. :joint::joint::joint:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
looking good bro!!!!!! I love checking your journal! Our buds are both looking so nice!! What are you doing for co2?

Have you been using co2? I haven't done anything for it. I do leave the doors wide open a majority of the time when the lights are on so there is plenty of fresh air exchange. Also when me and my buddies have been drinking a little we tend to smoke a bunch of cigarettes in the living room. All that smoky air gets pumped into the grow room because the intake for the AC is right there next to the couch. We used to smoke cigs outside but got noise complaints and I'm not trying to draw any attention to my place. I would try to move these get-togethers somewhere else but they're usually centered around sporting events and I'm the only one with a decent tv set. And I know someone's going to say go to the bar but we like to smoke more than cigarettes, you know:mrgreen:. I am happy to say that no one has noticed my CFL closet. It's right there in the main hallway, those morons. I used duct tape to block the light from coming through the cracks and lean a box or two against the door when someone comes over. Can't keep the door closed for too long though because of the temps and it would still be noticeable to someone not ripped out of their mind. I might get one of those grow tents to put in the bedroom and move the CFL veg op in there. It would have to be 100% light proof, though.


Well-Known Member
Yea I i just started last week spraying with seltzer water with the air off.. Its not the best but its suposed to work I got it from this fourm GROWFAQ I have a tank and plan on getting it filled for my next grow along with getting a regulator and all that mess. but for now I just use the seltzer water. My buds are getting crazy big to!! Ill be posting some porn in my journal when Im done here..
I also suffer from my house being the place for all sports shit... but I got lucky, my dog bit a friend of mine and Ive used that as a excuse for people not coming over anymore.. I leave a door open to my grow room also, the light coming out of that bitch is bright to! so I don't want anyone over anymore short of a couple of my friends that are kinda helping in the grow...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. I transplanted 4 of the clones with the longest roots. Two of them curled up pretty bad which is why the lights are so far off. I have doubts about the survival of any of them. If I now have to wait for them to reveg to start growing again, they wont survive long enough to grow new leaves. I set up a temporary light system using a lamp I had in addition to the y-splitters I added to two of the domes. More lights will be needed eventually but I want to keep the yellowing to a minimum. The two top trays have holes on one end and hang over the lower tray which in turn hangs over the edge of the boxes. Runoff drains from the top trays to the bottom tray and into the tub which I can slide underneath the overhanging bottom tray. I'll need a fan before I can move the lights any closer.



Well-Known Member
hey mared how long do you wait when you go from 24/0 to 18/6 when they are seedlings
Just got my journal up you are more then welcome to check it out not much yet but hopefully it will improve
404 Error


Well-Known Member
Once they put down roots they will bounce back fast, I think they're going to make it.
Some of my clones look pretty hurtin before they go in the coco, then they get happy.


Well-Known Member
User, great to have you here. I can't upload pics right now because the Sprint network is down but I have a question. As you know, I was killing my babies with 5 mL/L (~18 mL/gal) doses of the A & B. The ones that burned the worst I've been giving straight water. The ones that weren't too bad have been getting just a taste (4 A & B eyedrops per liter). It seems like the ones that have been getting straight water continue to burn though. I guess my question is how long will the residual effects of the burn continue and do you think I should continue with plain water or give light doses? Thanks.

when did you start giving seedlings nutes ? sorry to bump thread but do you or anyone else for that matter know when to start feeding nutes and if you should ever go full strength hesi coco nutes thanx in advance

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Great to have you along B. THC R+D. And cocoxxx, I wouldn't do as I did because my first couple weeks were a little rocky. I started with nutes when I had three nodes which I suppose is the correct timing but I had way too high of a dose.

Unfortunately, I must now digress from my plants because a tragedy has occurred in my life. My car was stolen. My nice car.. the fast one... with $8,000 worth of upgrades including a $600 alarm system. I'm still in shock and can't believe I will never see her again. Goddamn, for anybody into cars this fucker was loaded. HKS turbo kit, 3 inch exhaust, 362 wheel horsepower, top of the line suspension, 18 inch wheels, carbon fiber everything, I could go on and on. Now all I have left is these crappy cell phone pics. This is the worst day of my life where somebody didn't die. I actually feel like crying. I need a beer.



Well-Known Member
I don't know what to say, maybe the cops will find it, easy to spot.

Sorry, that really SUCKS.

Nice ride, love the HP.