Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm not one of those conspiracy people but I get a feeling there has to be more behind it. Anyone with common sense knows that taxpayers waste $billions paying for police to hunt down and lock up pot smokers. There must be some other reason it hasn't yet been legalized. Lobbyists from alcohol and pharmaceutical manufacturers paying politicians millions to keep the competition illegal. That's what I think.


Well-Known Member
Special Interest Groups, yes I could see that... But you know what I don't get... most people in this country smoke and would like to see it legalized so why don't they all get together and do something about it... What Mexico did was brilliant and it makes us look so stupid.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Okay, so the damaged plant looks exactly the same as yesterday. I'm happy. I half expected to walk in the closet and see all the leaves hanging straight down or it lying on the floor. Not only that, but it seems to have grown taller and the bud sites are definitely more frosty. It didn't skip a beat. These plants are amazing. I am confident the plant as a whole will survive but some branches were severely bent and are just leaning against the shelf to prevent them from completely bending towards the ground. The leaves on these branches still look good but it's early yet. I think my quick repair of the main stalk is what saved it. I not only wrapped it real good in tape but also rubbed rooting gel on the outside of the split to seal in moisture. I will be replacing the tape with string in a few days. And I won't be tying around the base of the stem but instead around two of the secondary stalks where the highest part of the tape is in my pic so they will be held together but will still be allowed to widen their stems. That's all for now. I hope Tetra or User can stop by soon to give me the verdict on those clones I took. Peace.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Look at this bag seed plant(outdoor), broken, bent, growing tip looks good though.

Hard to keep a good plant down.
Yeah, I think it will be okay. What do you think about the clones? If the ones from a vegging plant took ten days, what am I looking at with these? Then again, you've probably never cloned a flowering plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey mared Just took a look at your grow so far and appears to me that it has been expertly executed. Great grow man and keep up the good work. I was talking to the owner of my local hydro store 2day and he was talking about a product called reverse by Dutch Master. The way he explained it to me is that it Keeps the hermies away and the girls stay girls. Thought you might to take a look at it.

Keep up the good job bro

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey mared Just took a look at your grow so far and appears to me that it has been expertly executed. Great grow man and keep up the good work. I was talking to the owner of my local hydro store 2day and he was talking about a product called reverse by Dutch Master. The way he explained it to me is that it Keeps the hermies away and the girls stay girls. Thought you might to take a look at it.

Keep up the good job bro
Thanks! and I'll definitely check in to that DM reverse.


Well-Known Member
How do you like soil man? I am going to start my first grow when I go back to school in a week for summer term. I am going to go hydro though. I also got the 400 HTG light you have but I picked it up on ebay new for $50 with an extra bulb. I sniped that bitch =) question is with that ballast can I get a normal MH bulb or do I need the conversion bulb

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
How do you like soil man? I am going to start my first grow when I go back to school in a week for summer term. I am going to go hydro though. I also got the 400 HTG light you have but I picked it up on ebay new for $50 with an extra bulb. I sniped that bitch =) question is with that ballast can I get a normal MH bulb or do I need the conversion bulb
You'll need the conversion bulb. And what I'm growing in isn't really considered soil. It's coco, which is a soilless or hydro medium. It's awesome. You should try it.


Well-Known Member
I picked hydro because of I heard it was the fastest and seemed like it would be the most interesting. What is the growth rate of growing in coco like that. Is it as fast as hydro or faster than traditional soil?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yeah everyone who grows in coco does so because you can get the growth rate of hydro. But with hydro you lose some of the flavor in the smoke compared to soil. Coco lets you keep the flavor. Plus, growing pure hydro is pretty difficult for first timers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah now you got me wishing I would have gone your route. I think its a little late though because I already got my drip system and ebb and flow table.
not sure if you have ever heard but it was a very good deal I think. I know that hydro isnt the best way to start but hey with the smart people on this web sight backing me up shouldnt be hard to get some nug? What was goal im going to set mine at 1 oz Going to start with 12 plants to

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yeah now you got me wishing I would have gone your route. I think its a little late though because I already got my drip system and ebb and flow table.
not sure if you have ever heard but it was a very good deal I think. I know that hydro isnt the best way to start but hey with the smart people on this web sight backing me up shouldnt be hard to get some nug? What was goal im going to set mine at 1 oz Going to start with 12 plants to
I'm not saying it's impossible, just harder. It would be easy to use that table with coco. Most coco growers use drip systems. Just replace the hydroton or rockwool with coco.


Well-Known Member
I Was going to use rock wool cubes so when it is time to flower I can just move them to the ebb and flow table. If i used coco how would I move them from a drip to the ebb and flow?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You would have to use net pots. Just use thicker coco and make sure the net pots have small holes so the coco doesn't leak out.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
snapped some bud pics just after lights out with the camera flash. Both plants still look great! 1st three pics are the untopped and uninjured plant, last two are Topper - growing even faster than the other despite being split in two the other day. I'm enjoying the show.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
looking beautiful my friend. all the good karma for all the good help you have givin me,lol. keep it up man.