Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Jump to your thread. Been doing my best to leave Dank's alone for a little bit. the less random shit he has to read when he gets back the better........


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Thought I would jump on say hi & bye. That & catch everyone up 2 speed on the current. Isn't looking good with Mom. Cancer spread to the bones. Giving her 3 weeks. I'm holding ok, and the ONLY thing that is keeping me saine is "knowing I was there when she needed me the most!" Well, that & the chronic 2..

Had to come home, take a shower, water the girls, take a few pics, then headed back to the hsptl. However, they did move Mom to a private room, so she is no longer in Icu.

Truely thank each & everyone of you 4 checking up on me, and all your prayers 4 Mom & the family. Seriously means a lot!!


Enjoy those closeups.. haha.. :mrgreen: "Bud Porn"... ;)



Well-Known Member
Sorry guys. Wish I could stay and talk with everyone. But gotta run. I will "try" 2 get on tonight to get caught up alittle. Will see how everything goes. You all take care. Thanks again 4 all your thoughts and prayers. Yall's bud. Dank


Well-Known Member

  • HEY and BYE!!!!!!

    they look great babe!!! sure hope you get to sleep sometime soon
    but I know how it is brotha

    that's great they moved your mom man...​



Well-Known Member
I've said it before, y'all are to paranoid and dramatic some times. Dank is a busy man, running a ton of strains and big plants. I run a bunch a plants, but mine are all small. Dank moves full size plants all over his house everyday, I don't know how he has time to bother posting on here as much as he does especially since he uses his phone :facepalm: I hated when I was having to post from my phone.
I guess you missed it bro, but he is not here because he's at the hospital with his mom.


Well-Known Member
I PM'd Thundercat right after I saw that and let him know... As you can tell I've been doing my best to keep this thread clean for a little while. give dank a break...

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Its crazu joe, me and Dankster were just talkin about your juicy fruit the same night you popped in... crazy! He said he wanted to find you and then there ya were...;)
Ive always said timing was everything! I put them in water this morning around 630am mst. They're all sitting on the bottom less than 12hrs later. I believe some will be ready when I wake tomorrow.


Well-Known Member

Very healthy,whats the strain,just pm me cant find nothing in here,moves way Too fast.You take a bite out of tht leaf?
For ole Beechy
Thanks bro.. Yeah, that's the "The Purps". And the leaf that has that "bite" look to it, I do believe that's from where I had some tape on a cord I have taped out of the way, well that leaf endedp getting caught up in the tape and when I had spun her around to rotate it ended up pulling that 1.. :(


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you good sir.
And you 2 bro.. Damn glad 2 be back for a few! Just got home about an hour ago. Mom was in and out most of the day bc of all the pain meds they have her on now. I don't want her in pain, but on the other hand I would like to see her beautiful eyes, and hear her sweet voice 2.. know what I mean :??:
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