Beware of cannazon


Active Member
Im a breeder and im just starting out and i was at cannazon for a cpl years. I sent in testers to mr c at cannazon upon his request only to be ripped off. I am not the only breeder he has done this to either. Im not saying this for politics or personal vendetta but to warn others for future reference. Ive posted at tsd my experience as well but to possibly save this from happening to anyone else ive decided to post this here too. I wont name other breeders who were also ripped off because they can come out and say for themselves. But be warned, mr c is a thief, and a lier. I may not be the nicest guy, or the have coolest temperment but im real. And those ppl are the lowest form of life. So be warned. Sorry for the negativity, but when it happens to you, its not very pleasant. I stuck a lot of time and money in effort into things, to be led on, lied to and then ripped off and banned. And if he wants to defend himself, or try to, im game to take him on right here, anytime.
Just to be clear it was Dankness who has and still does have your Banana fems, he approached me & P.Pablo for testing them lol. And he never delivered, MrC did not even deal with it and never had a deal with you or any seed, as he never took you serious. Your first outburst about how not winning the pic contest on CZ, was enough to put anybody off workin with you. "I didn't win it's a fix" was your argument. Now your saying you've been ripped off, BS as you haven't sent in anything to MrC. You sent it to Dankness!! And he's still fuckin playing you, wise up fella is all I have left to say.

You have been played and still are being played like a fiddle. By the guy still talkin shit in your ear, i.e. Dankness.

Also you haven't bought anything from the Seed store so how have they ripped you off exactly??
Man I buy shit at Cannazon all the time. Go find some of those breeders somewhere else....NOT......sorry about your troubles bro but I got no troubles with the ZON......other then trying to register for the forum.
I have made like 3 orders in the last 8 months recieved them all in 3 wks or less.
it is another seed bank that specializes with the smaller breeders with the rarer cuts or more exclusive lines etc.....I love this name a few check it out....

Really...Thats awesome places like that are around. I am a new grower but I would much prefer to grow some smaller breeders strains that are much rarer. Can you recommend a few small time breeders with some nice strains...
Are some of those breeders on here at RIU?
Like I said.....ZooLander..I am a big fan of Zoo's gear and will grab a pack anytime they hit the banks...MrFrost......just so many smaller breeders with more select cuts they are working with.....ya know some do not like to go with the small guy, but the small guy has to do a lot of work to stay where they are and work with what they have rather then pumping out strain after strain after strain which are just blah blah blah where I think working with the smaller breeder, they refine their genetics more and test their gear out before releasing them as they cannot take a small hit let alone a BIG hit on seed sales etc......yeah the guy who started this thread....well.....when you do not do business face to face and things are lost in translation and other factors are involved like you do not really know who or what you are dealing with....sounds shady etc....I do not know the story at all but I do know that he truly feels wronged and apparently something wrong did happen to him but the question is who did it to him and why.....we already know it was NOT Mr. C......well...sorry bro but there are inherent risks for everyone.
I know the story, skunkmunkie didn't get the s1s, but mr c did get the regs, and just smoked crack for 6 months and didn't respond or do anything with my stuff and kept it, lied to me, and wasted my time and money. I'm over it now, and am glad I didn't send in more stuff like he wanted. He also did this to seed no evil guys and kept their stuff and ignored them. Dankness is a seperate issue but I know the what went down with things and mr c knows I do, and his inner workings. But that's no reason to do what he did. And he has been doing this to other breeders as well. Cannobi he kept his money, maddfarmer he had issues with, if it wasnt for the few good peeps around there mr c woulda sunk his own ship. And slowly he is, he is ripz too, the guy who was on crack and heroin at the previous site that went under aka pot pimp. I find it troubling if he would do it to me, the people who potentially make him money, imagine what he would to you as well. And jb and the seed depot are my new home so I'm happy there. It's hard enough getting started in this biz to then have site owners scam u too. He just wanted more freebies to sell his other stuff from me. I get it, but don't lie to me and waste my time. It's funny to me now, cuz I'm doing well. And he will never be able to expand either, or show his face at a cup or event. And to take cannetics members gear and give it away without their knowledge is pretty slimy too, I know I'm not the only one who will punch his lights out if I see him ;)
dude.........this climb over the dead in wake in order to get your name out there is not normal

post journals and info on you and your strains........... not beef about tester beans aka not for sale beans , that you still after a year + are not releasing.......takes 2-8 months to test........
I can 100% guarantee that Ripz & MrC are 2 different people entirely lol. I met MrC in person and trust me when I say I can spot a crack head lol. And the guy I met with was no addict or anything, he couldn't keep up with my smoking. It seems to me some of you in the US are making up conspiracy theories here as MrC is cleaner than I am and I only toke the good ol' green.
I have lost good friends to heroin overdose and know many folks dealing & smokin go down hill to crack & even alcohol abuse. I know my shit. I also know a lot of other UK'ers who met ripz in person too and if you only knew lol these 2 names couldn't be more separate in real life.

What went down at PP, when Ripz left and did what was done. Was a forum community left hanging, MrC was Ripz's former admin help and friend left with his own losses from it all. And was left holding the blame too. He then set up Cannetics and invited over and made right with every single person Ripz screwed over. He didn't have to do that, and he did it off his own back. as he felt it was the right thing to do. The guy has had a lot of personal life troubles lately and close losses in his family though and that is why he has been so distant to get hold of.

I shouldn't really say any of this as it's his business, but I do count him amongst my friends, and I can't see this BS keep getting mentioned all the time. So there you have the truth about what you think you know... I have no reason to lie but I will stick up for what I believe is right!!
Me too, he lied to me and kept my shit, I won't even go into all the politics and beefs and other shit but if u say something, keep your word. That's the point, don't ignore ppl or hide your head in the sand for months at a time and not answer or pay ppl. I like you skunk monkey and I trust you when u say something, but mr c lied to me, and has been acting out of character and the signs all point towards drug addiction of cocaine. And how do I know? I see it everyday here. I have been an addict myself. And I don't hold that against a guy, but the things that went on there, and the lies and clicks, and politics are all a big shit sandwich. I'm done with my rant, in fact I thank them for the cheap lesson to not trust so much. But I just speak my mind and try and be upfront with things. All I ask is the same. The fear monger ing of we will kick u off, and power trips from ruffy and crew and all the other f'd up stuff wasnt worth it, and having no free speech on a place makes me wonder? Why? Why not be open about things? I saved his pms about kicking me off cannazon because I'm dankness friend, and mr c thought I was his spy dude? that was his reason for booting me? I got what was going down, he wanted me to shut my mouth about things that went on behind the scenes and conversations but after that I had enough and then when he just kept my shit and ignored me for 6 months and never sent out my testers I spoke my mind ;) I don't think it's too much or I'm seeking attention but rather warning others who may send in stuff or be told they will sell ur gear so make some and send it in and then keep it and make u jump through hoops all to only ban u for them not being upfront. Crackhead, ripz whatever, I just find it strange the same behaviors are repeating themselves. And urbangrowths and other high ups are all saying the same thing.
Nice first post.. I've dealt with the zon and tsd got what I ordered and some from both so both are good in my book. Monkey monk sorry to hear this shit still going on but I'm sure people know about this already no need to keep bringing it up just move past it since they were just testers right?
Hopefully things go better now for you.
Mr. C and Ripz are 2 different people!!! I was a mod at Potpimp and had plenty of PM conversations with both. Ripz PM's were full of "street talk" with a touch of slimy coolness. Mr. C's PM's were always well written and you could tell he had some education to him. I got banned by Ripz at the end of Potpimp and Mr.C made right by that with me by inviting me to Cannetics.

I am a mod over at cannazon/cannetics for years now and have seen the reported post about you monkey monk. Some of things you said on the forum would have gotten you thrown off of any Canna forum. But that is the past and i am sorry things didnt work out for you at Cannazon but trying to blame Mr C for your demise is false. A mod banned you not Mr C!

i have ordered multiple times from Cannazon without a problem! It is a great seedbank with alot of dank genetics! Remember you cant please everyone especially in the canna world.
Once again, I didn't break any rules, and you are way off. I understand u are out to protect that place, I get it, but mr c is trash dude, and he ripz my gear which now he is giving away w his compliments too btw ;) theft is theft, and a liar is a liar. He screwed me outa my stuff and I'm not the only one either. So when u get fucked than come back and tell me what's up ;) if you vend seeds than u better be paid upfront by this guy is my advise. If u buy seeds ur maybe safe. But to pull what he did to myself(I won't even mention the others) when your starting out he could have bankrupted me w his lies and theft and wasting my time. I got the boot for political reasons which u have no clue of cuz it didn't involve many others too btw ;) that's why when jayrock did the banning and tools keep tryin to spew what they have no clue about its funny. I knew too much of what goes on cuz of dankness and I was ousted for that. Not because I stuck up for Mr c top breeder jaws and jayrock felt slighted like u are led to believe. That's another reason why cannazon can suck my balls and i would never trust mr c after what I know anyways and he knew that too cuz I open posted that and then boom I'm banned. So draw conclusions now but I know for a fact bud. Anyways good luck, don't say I didn't tell u so when u get it ;) and to the d bag who thinks I need free advertising get a clue or stay the fuck out moron
dude.........this climb over the dead in wake in order to get your name out there is not normal

post journals and info on you and your strains........... not beef about tester beans aka not for sale beans , that you still after a year + are not releasing.......takes 2-8 months to test........

Lol ur a fuckin tool ;) get a clue bud