Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
I gots more pics too. :) We are home again for the night. spent a lot of the day with her, well mom did. I was busy doing I'm not really sure what. But I made myself useful.

Will hopefully get some time tomorrow to upload pics and respond to some of you guys.

She is coming home Wednesday!!!! I can't wait... and at the same time am really appreciating a quiet room for the last time in a long time. :)


Well-Known Member
Its crazy you cant wait to leave and when they go to kick you out, you're like but but, I wanna stay just another day! Its scary they just toss you a kid and say have a good day and raise her well!


Well-Known Member
There is another superhero pic. I also snapped a couple of the badass LED she's under.

Will get the camera out and do some damage. :)

Don't know if I said, baby is coming home on Wednesday. And yeah chaka it is crazy. It's like I would give anything to get released... and seriously when the nurse came in and told us we were being discharched it was like SHIT... what do we do now. Can we just make some shit up and stay another night or two. It's nice to be home, but miss the staff waiting on me.

Pics upcoming.


Well-Known Member
Still got the bat baby glasses under the cap.


We're growing babies. The doctor told us "We're the Horticulturalists of medicine... all we do is grow babies"

Baby looking cute and me feeding her. :)


Well-Known Member
She's beautiful, Jig. Glad you guys have been able to get a little rest, too. That is something very few new dads are afforded... moms too, lol.

That LED looks like it is a good veg spectrum from the looks of it. I'd say they made the right choice with that, lol. Grow baby grow :lol: . . .

Back to my duties... just thought I'd take a peek.



Well-Known Member
I switched the lights back to 16 hours light per Dst's advice. I've decided to really go out of my way to take advice. I know we've been through this before and I have been making progress, but yesterday I realized just how much I still pay no attention to the advice you guys give me (cof, you in particular). I always have a feeling like, "Yeah, but.... " Something about this process has led me to understand there truly is no substitute for experience. And there is no contradicting that folks older than I have more experience in life. It's just math. And me really getting that we get wiser as we grow older, has led me to see that taking advice from folks, especially those more experienced than me is a way to make life easier and more enjoyable.

So there you go. I appreciate the fact that you all still offer me advice and still hang around. :)

One more day of Hospital time... tomorrow will be getting the house ready for the yin, and wednesday will be getting her at the hospital. Woot!

EDIT: Just remembered, only part of my dream I remember last night was me cruising around with Genuity. We were in the US, but the wheel was on the wrong side of the car. I was in the left seat, but G was driving. We seemed to be in Los Angeles. Don't remember what we talked about.


Well-Known Member
I reckon cruising around with Genuity would be pimpin:)

And just LMFAO at your first paragraph, hehehehehhohohohoho.

Was just thinking, going to be a blast driving home with your Ickle Yin in the car, my god you are going to be like the most careful driver the world has ever seen. My best friend growing up, his Dad was a real straight laced dude, Head of Radiology at one of the main hospitals in our area (mum was head of the other radiology department at the other main ozzy!) My mate would always be ribbing him real bad, huffing and hawing in the back about how slow he drived, it was a real bone of contention, and my mate was not shy about giving it loudy to his old man. I use to think, fuk me I would actually smak the spoiled little cunt in the face if it was my son shouting at me like that). His Dad was so chilled though but had another side, he escaped the regime in Iraq and moved to the US where he was a Brain surgeon, then was in Ireland when the troubles where heavy, then finally in quiet Scotland just after my mate was born. Few years later I had learned to drive and was tearing it along this back road when who did I see in front but my mates, Dad also tearing it along. He then got past the car in front of him and seeing there was still a small gap I slipped through as well, then it was really on. We pelted it along that road together, I was actually buzzing kind of racing with my mates oldman....he commented in the future to me that he "would consider buying a Renault 5 based on the drive along to ......" lol, like he was assessing the ability of the car, too funny. Anyway, I digress:) Looking forward to hearing about the "first night" at home.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful little girl Jig! Let me know when you will be accepting visitors so I can run up to your place and see her in person. I'll actually be up there very near you this weekend and am driving up Friday morning.

There's a good chance I can free myself up for a few days next week too if you think you'll be up for working on your project. I'd be happy to finish the electrical and sheet the place for you.


Well-Known Member
Hey D. I was speaking of the driving bit just as you were posting. Last moments of driving like a madman. I will be the one making others ask, why is this guy going so damn slow. Me and the wife actually had our first impasse around baby. Grandma is coming to visit on Thursday, the day after we get her back home. She is staying right next to where we have a pediatrician appt. She is going to borrow our other car for the 3 weeks she is here. So me and wife thought, lets just drive two cars to the appt, drop the one off with her and be done with that chore. So I'm thinking, I'll drive the nice car with baby in it... and wife will follow in the old car. She thought the exact same thing... that SHE will drive the new car with baby... We kinda laughed. Then stopped and were both like "But I'm serious" haha. We talked it out and figured I'd drive her. Not sure exactly how that occurred, but I'll take it.

Less than 36 hours before we get her. Before I get her. Its getting pretty intense on the emotional front. Before yesterday I had been strong. Just doing what needed to be done, being real happy about my baby... but it is as if I don't actually have a baby yet. I feel like there was the pregnancy where baby was close to me in my wifes tummy, but still all hers. Then there is this stage where she is the hospitals... also some my wifes. They are so bonded from being connected for so long. Baby knows who I am, but we've only held eachother a few hours now... not 9 months. So it's like I am finally getting a baby of my own after 34 and something years... and I'm getting her tomorrow. And that is overwhelming. I just get so happy inside knowing my dream is coming true. And she's cute. :)

I'm sure we could arrange a little time for you to swing by dez. We will be hanging at home with babe and grandma in law (or whatever she is now). Hit me up. And about the building, I'm actually staying home today and not seeing my girl for the first time since shes been born. Was hoping to toss up the insulation and drywall for the inside. Not sure if that's possible for one person to do, but we are about to find out. I'd really love some help with the finishing of the drywall as I'm not that good at the tape and texturing. I'm sure you remember our conversation and seeing my work around the shower. Anyways, I'm going to get to it. Woot... I got a little girl to work for.

Spent last night till about 3am getting the house in shape for her to come home. The crib is up (co sleeper actually) got the diaper drawer all set up with the supplies. Baby blankets washed and ready. It's on! Just to warn you, I feel a flood of pictures may be taken once she's not in the hospital. I hope I don't annoy you. :)

EDIT: Ahhhhhh, it felt good to type all that. I like 'talking' to you guys. Makes me feel at home again.