Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

It's when it sinks in that your daughter will see you as "what a man should be" that your connection will really set in, because when you think about it that is some heavy shit. ;)
You're a nurturer by nature so I suspect it won't be long till your hopelessly devoted and inexorably connected to sweet Hannah? Hehe The Missus picked a good one, you my friend are going to be a great father!
It goes really fast, love every tired minute of it! Before you know it they are moving on in their own lives, that's when it's hard to figure not having them around.
Hey bru, good luck tomorrow (not sure if you got my text msg(s), lol. Like Colo said, you are gonna wax this! Peace, DST.
Congrats Jig! I am gonna have one myself very soon. :-) I have a step daughter I adore who is 10 and I have been her Dad for over 6 years of that. It is crazy though to be turning 39 and go through this process for the first time. I just came back to this area this last year... Grew up out here.

I am just down the hill from you in Yucaipa.

Bad ass vertical flooded tube man. :) But the new baby outshines it by far. :)
Im 41 and broke ATM, theres never a good time financially to have kids. Maybe 1% of the population can actually plan it and pull it off!
Hey everyone. Thanks for stopping in. Tonight we sleep for a little bit. Tomorrow morning we get her. Between 10-11 am by all accounts. I'm excited and exhausted. Me and my buddy got the insulation in, I set up the drywall to protect the studs and moved a bunch of furniture. Then moved litter boxes then cats. Most of them are taking well to it, but one freaked the fuck out, so he is still inside and we think we'll leave him here. Not really sure.

I'm super super excited. Will keep you guys posted.
I can only imagine the delta time between going and coming home. Will probably take 35 mins there, and 1:35 home. I may call for a police escort lol.

So so thrilled.

Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone for the love and support. You have all made this experience truly special. It's so great to share it with you all and hear your reactions. Makes me feel very very loved. Get's me all teared up thinking how much you all care for me and my family. It means a lot. And know that there is a lot of love from the Jig family back to yours.

:) :) :)

Next post hopefully home with baby.

Oh, and my plants are looking good. Watered a couple this morn. Also, cats are happy up in the new house. One was a little shit, so he is a lone cat now in the human house. Lucky fuck. Anyhow, he's skitish so I think baby will keep him under the guest room bed for a long time.
ahhhh c'mon you're making us feel special!

BTW keep cats away from baby Hanna, cats suck the soul out of children in there sleep, plus they jump at everything. I think i heard on here once "never get undressed or be naked in front of kitty" or something of the sort.
Haha suck their sould wile thyre asleep. That's a new one to me. We are hanging at the hospital for the last tim ein a while. Little baby is so cute in her little cap. So surreal that we get to do whatever we want with her soon. Oh and something im going to adress at some point is the whole milk? Breats feeding thing. Wild man.... just wild.