Bonzai- I imagine you sitting there and all of a sudden this giant wave of inspiration hits and you fly forward with this huge flow of consciousness while your keyboard smolders...
fuk rrog--
you can 'see'

me thru the screen...?? lol
--its all the old skool genetics i burn
....thats what good old skool will do-
like hazes-
make you solve the worlds problems....not give you a headache-like polyhybrids
you are more awake and concious than i interweb friend
but GEEZ stow....look

how many 'hits' this freakin thread has had in about a week-
how long can you beat a dead horse when its dead?
my purpose is just raising the vibe one long rambling post at a time....rrog
--if that makes folks want to spread better genetics around or wake up and actually 'think' then mission accomplished!!
yeah i would like to see it go up a couple notches around here....and slowly it is-
i mean if 'i' have to buy shit
....i would hope it gets like shit in the dispensaries in stinky stinky and sparkling-
....where when you look at the stuff you 'want' to throw some dough away try it-
not bleached out 'crosses' that i see so much around here...w no smells or flavinoids or turpenes kicking
close this dead fkr allready and start a new one with some real genes floating around-
what 'new' shit is making folks salivate....besides "apricot" cush....?
im gettin ready to bust out cherry pez....their soaking now-(pakiX)
some malawi and africans could be next....followed by some nice old skool hi-waii
got some og raskal and cali connect gear and some other interesting shit 'on deck'
hash plant haze and mayb some lambsbread crosses
or some spectacular Og crosses in the wings-
-fire alien
-bannanaXtescante(paki cush)
and then some real funky shit like somestinky stink 'pure kush'
-or a nice old old skool purple kush...original
or some grapey smelling and tasting 'royals' comin out-
mayb some romxbluebery x-
and if i or any friends can get some of these 40yr old vietnamese seeds to crack then.....dalat!
--and i dont even have a grow spot right now!!
i just wish it was 'legal' to share.... lol
gotta spread the love...not sell it for 10$ @ seed-
what the fuk.....this is subs eulogy here in the mitten-
[keyboard on ipad smoking
