subcool LOL!

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His genetics are better than just decent. If you watch his show or any of his "minions" than you know the proof is there. Trichome production, yield and bag appeal. Most of the posts on here sound like haters anyway hanging on the 2 % of the peoples nuts whoe might have some ground to stand on.

This post was brought to you by a Subcool fanboy™
I was trying to buy bulk from whatever breeders I could. Not just TGA. Scott started getting goofy on whether I could carry TGA and other breeders also. I was a big TGA fan too, and I
thought TGA blew every other breeder away out there. I was in constant communication w/sub up to the questioning of me handling other gear as well as TGA. Then all the sudden he was
a busy guy and would need to get back with me. Then the deal with TheMan13 went down. Before this, I wasn't running all the Rare Dankness, Bodhi, Cali Connection, Sin City, Karma, Cabin Fever,
.... Now I have. TGA compared to those is average. That isn't saying his genetics are garbage, I say HE is garbage, his lies are garbage. His genetics are average. When I factor that all up, I come
to the conclusion of - fuck TGA:finger:. The thing that bothered me as a newb, was I thought Subcool was the rock star of mj. Problem was, every grower I met that's been around the industry for awhile
all hated subcool. A few comments were, you'll see. I did.
In comparison, there is (IMHO) a startlingly sharp group of MI breeders and cultivar collectors. I'm not up on plant breeding (since I'm a mammal... j/k) but I know enough to ID real skills when I see them. You all know who you are.
Bonzai- I imagine you sitting there and all of a sudden this giant wave of inspiration hits and you fly forward with this huge flow of consciousness while your keyboard smolders...
its hard to disagree with you and i wont. i wouldnt have fucked with him after saying i could only sell his seeds but not this other breeders seeds, directly making me cut my own throat! i see sub bowing out of breeding pretty soon, seeing as he is putting other breeders out with his name on em(homegrown wonders and the other ones). but it seems people are more mad that he wont deal with them instead of bad genetics. kind of like that dude at the bar trying to pick up the hotchick, she says no and he calls he a whore. lol
One thing I learned real quick. Everyone has their own version of why they dislike subcool. lmao.
Each -hater's gonna hate - thread, there are many new stories that surface.
Bonzai- I imagine you sitting there and all of a sudden this giant wave of inspiration hits and you fly forward with this huge flow of consciousness while your keyboard smolders...

fuk rrog--

you can 'see':shock:me thru the screen...?? lol

--its all the old skool genetics i burn:joint:

....thats what good old skool will do-
like hazes-

make you solve the worlds problems....not give you a headache-like polyhybrids

you are more awake and concious than i interweb friend

but GEEZ stow....look:shock:how many 'hits' this freakin thread has had in about a week-

how long can you beat a dead horse when its dead?

my purpose is just raising the vibe one long rambling post at a time....rrog

--if that makes folks want to spread better genetics around or wake up and actually 'think' then mission accomplished!!

yeah i would like to see it go up a couple notches around here....and slowly it is-

i mean if 'i' have to buy shit
....i would hope it gets like shit in the dispensaries in stinky stinky and sparkling-

....where when you look at the stuff you 'want' to throw some dough away try it-

not bleached out 'crosses' that i see so much around here...w no smells or flavinoids or turpenes kicking

close this dead fkr allready and start a new one with some real genes floating around-

what 'new' shit is making folks salivate....besides "apricot" cush....?

im gettin ready to bust out cherry pez....their soaking now-(pakiX)

some malawi and africans could be next....followed by some nice old skool hi-waii

got some og raskal and cali connect gear and some other interesting shit 'on deck'

hash plant haze and mayb some lambsbread crosses

or some spectacular Og crosses in the wings-
-fire alien

-bannanaXtescante(paki cush)

and then some real funky shit like somestinky stink 'pure kush'

-or a nice old old skool purple kush...original

or some grapey smelling and tasting 'royals' comin out-

mayb some romxbluebery x-

and if i or any friends can get some of these 40yr old vietnamese seeds to crack then.....dalat!
--and i dont even have a grow spot right now!!

i just wish it was 'legal' to share.... lol
gotta spread the love...not sell it for 10$ @ seed-

what the fuk.....this is subs eulogy here in the mitten-

[keyboard on ipad smoking:blsmoke:]
:neutral:Yeah buck, this horse has been beaten.

For the record, I just thought his comments (excuses) about not coming to MI and passing the buck on the seed debacle was chuckle-worthy. I know better than to bring up sub in a thread again. :neutral:
heh, really it was entertaining in an odd way. Tga always diggs a lil free marketing, no matter what it is. customer service lessons all over the place tho. / didn't like the personal shit about subby's wife!!! another crack from mr sensitive. Aye... that was totally unnecessary NOT not true btw. guess anythings free game if I'm in the mood too, ha. no probs w miss jill whomever she may be. I'd run sum of them beans: still wouldn't give away my dairy queens! far as this thread... can somebody shut er down hey - JK
TGA D$iry Queen/yep, didn't take cuttings and the first one germed was great, imagine that /but what do i now... high hopes for the uK Cheese (thanx to klubb)) ann arbor is so awesome) slo veggin' her her ina tent...cheeese.. Yes, I'd pop a few more DQ's in a second, maybe any cheese crosses. lol > devil's harvest 'kutchi', that's cheese sumthin.. like their pkging, don't know if their seeds are worth damn. why w?nt this riu let me *edit&, site restr.... it's this meteor shower business.. outside lookin up
Pollution? I saw him at the California Cup and I'm here to tell you the air pollution out there in Rochester is even worse than it is in Detroit.....
i got 2 daisy jones from the devils harvest i just threw in bud abe.

I only tried to germ 10 but i had some germ issues. only ended up with 4 plants and 2 males. still got one suspect. only 1 female for sure... i didn't rough up the shells at all and they were some pretty big lookin seeds.

Im gonna order a few more packs from the devils crew I've watched a few interviews and the dudes always seems so very very stoned and happy lol. makes me want their smoke! :bigjoint:

maybe want i take an extra cutting for abe from my HGK?
i just trimmed one and i cant think straight. my keyboard is gonna smell so good for months. makes me wanna shelf all my seeds and get busy with my cloner. seed lottery is way to fun tho :weed:

I'm working with a few shoreline. High hopes for those, of course.
I'm working with a few shoreline. High hopes for those, of course.

Hate to break it to you man, the devils harvest shoreline is a cut that not only turned out to be fake, but was also stolen from Karma genetics. I hope you get something good from it regardless.

Oh it's hazy allright. Seriously I like it a lot

heres some history to read folks--

I'm working with a few shoreline. High hopes for those, of course.
Hate to break it to you man, the devils harvest shoreline is a cut that not only turned out to be fake, but was also stolen from Karma genetics. I hope you get something good from it regardless.
Damn, another bummer in the garden. lol

more history--

sensi seeds one of the 'first' seed banks.....

southern humboldt seed collective if your traveling west....notice their 'high CBD' strains and their work with 'project CBD'...good links in here...look around-

all genetics can be traced 'backward' to a point--

do your studying-:eyesmoke:

EDIT: heres your 'land:leaf:race' list--

online encyclopedia-
You are something else my brother. You are one of those guys I was talking about. Makes me proud of Michigan.
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