Tangie..... here we go again.... i hope not tho

damn, still no feedback on potency? this is one i will definitely have to sit out on, because taste and smell doesn't carry any weight around these parts.
Fuck Barneys Fem Farm for what its worth .. Its been said by more than one person that they do not use homogenous stock with there now fem only lineup .. I had a pack of the tangerine scream and what a fucking nightmare it was , I wound up with equatorial sativa that outgrew my damn house while revealing some lanky swag lol .. Not even sure if they packaged the real ones all the time as these too would not grow initially and needed extra curing time to sprout . This was well noted and documented on the web all over the world :(

Having grown several times personal cuts of Kak1963's Kak-O and Tangerine Sensation I was offended by Barneys for what its worth .. Both of these were made in part with honor paid and due too Ae77's Legendary Cali-0 and he himself . The Kak-o takes the Orange to the core and is an Afghani dom beast that will stone you in the morning with your cereal while tasting like a glass of OJ .. The Tangerine is Kak-O crossed with old school bubble gum and it was very narcotic and it holds it weight for being a little smaller than the Kak-O but its taste and potency make up for that ..

As well Kak took the Kak-O and crossed it with DNA Landrace Afi and this one I just ran for a few rounds of CBD delight .. I ll post a shot for those interested in seeing a little orange grove ..



Tangerine Sensation
.. snip.. that outgrew my house,....
omfg, lmao, i think i just spit cherrio's all over my new laptop, thanks potsnob.... :D:D:D:D
^ lol stoner award of the month. cheerios at 11 pm!

pps those kaks look beautiful as always. any clone banks holding a cut of that?
^ lol stoner award of the month. cheerios at 11 pm!

pps those kaks look beautiful as always. any clone banks holding a cut of that?

Thanks HGK , the KO3 CBD cut is out there being shared with the sick in michigan and is being passed around for free . Kak keeps a close hand on the mothers but they are out there amongst friends .. But he sure does give away alot of seeds too ;)

Edit : Cheerios do sound good right now !
Had a buddy of mine who got me Tangerine Dream from Amsterdam...it was astonishingly good. Heard nothing but negatives about the Barney's Farm seeds, turns out awful apparently.
I love tangerine dream.. im not even a sativa guy
On the next Episode of Weed Nerd Sub said that there is no connection to Jilly Bean. I got mine from single seed center they may still be in stock.
Latest post from the tude.

"For those asking about DNA Genetics Tangie seeds, we have yet to receive any stock, as soon as its in we will let you know. #TANGIE"

any one even smoked some tangie?

i say here we go again cause i am having visions of the great tangerine dream run. every grower i know ran at least a few tangerine dream beans. not one of us got anything worthy of getting the goats high.

Anyone had good tangerine dream?

I have more faith in DNA than Barneys farm. Dna has always done me right. so I'm hoping maybe they make it up to the world in the tangerine department.

Your guys thoughts?

What part of the country you in? I just got a wiff of Tangie out of the bottle this afternoon. it was a delicious tangerine / pine ! and I went home with one clone . they also had a tangie dream ? they smelled very similar to me. I had no idea it had a trophy ? it was one of 2 clones left at the collective.