Unexpected sex... the best sex?

Why is much of this thread somber and negative vernacular? Sex is sex. I don't care who you do it with or what you want to call them, if it makes you happy, what me worry?


have you hit up mill avenue for any ASU chicks yet?
have you hit up mill avenue for any ASU chicks yet?

Not yet. I haven't gone north of the 202 yet. Besides, I don't have my cars out here with me, so I feel a little naked without them. I am using my buddy's ride, a 2005 Mitsubishi Galant with children's toys all over and chocolate milks stains on the seats. Not exactly a chick magnet ride. I feel so ashamed. lol.

But if you would care to join me and show me around, I would be happy to go chick hunting.
I'm married so if I get any sex it's a good day, if I get unexpected sex hell must be freezing over...
Your signature, avatar and the way you turn your phrase is provocative and angry. Genetically he will always be XY. So please stop calling a pre-op transgender a female. Everything else so what, love who you want and fuck who you want I don't give a shit. But I do dislike provocation and inaccuracy. All I can say is enjoy your life and stop spoiling for a fight LOL. Life is to short. So enjoy your life.

No I will not stop calling her a woman and the fact that you would say such a thing is quite rude and ignorant. Try reading up on genetics and then we will talk.

I had posted a response to this some days ago. in the process, I undercut Annie's argument most unfairly. It took me some days, but I recognize that I made it, and he, look bad in my oh-so-reasonable way. But what i actually did was criminally stupid and an act of deep disrespect to a friend. She did not deserve that from me.
A preop transgender is undeniably XY, and until then is a He. No question here from me.
I obfuscated that line.
I used my pseudogentle way of saying things to make Annie come off like some sort of bitch when in fact it was I being mealymouthed.
Please disregard my previous hamfisted post of apology. The real issue is just now becoming evident to me, and i am appalled at my behavior. To Annie and to all: this one is on me, and at last i see how. And my feet grow cold with the depth of my perfidy.
Annie was RIGHT, folks, and I handled it like a PRIZE ASS.

Nah no fight outta me. If CN endorses that opinion why would I argue? I'm not stupid, just ignorant and rude.

No. You are not ignorant. i was to even challenge you outside my field of knowledge and inside yours. That was fucked of me.
As for rude ... rather less rude than I was, and i was even trying for not-rude. I am the heel in this story. I have one hell of a lot to learn.
I was a hypocrite, and I spattered that onto a friend.

Dude, she's right. And, I'm not sure you wanna' be gettin' into genetic pissing contests with her. Technically, she is, and will remain, 100% correct, until gene therapy advances to a point where we can flip a y to an x. (or in the case of true transgender XXYs, drop either an X or Y.) Genetically yer woman's also yer man. Just that simple.

Gawd. I did that. Didn't I. cn
Not yet. I haven't gone north of the 202 yet. Besides, I don't have my cars out here with me, so I feel a little naked without them. I am using my buddy's ride, a 2005 Mitsubishi Galant with children's toys all over and chocolate milks stains on the seats. Not exactly a chick magnet ride. I feel so ashamed. lol.

But if you would care to join me and show me around, I would be happy to go chick hunting.

i'd be your wingman if i were still down there.

Your signature, avatar and the way you turn your phrase is provocative and angry. Genetically he will always be XY. So please stop calling a pre-op transgender a female. Everything else so what, love who you want and fuck who you want I don't give a shit. But I do dislike provocation and inaccuracy. All I can say is enjoy your life and stop spoiling for a fight LOL. Life is to short. So enjoy your life.

I emphatically agree annie.

No I will not stop calling her a woman and the fact that you would say such a thing is quite rude and ignorant. Try reading up on genetics and then we will talk.

This statement is laughable. Do you know who c2g is?

First of all I am not even hostile .

So calling someone rude and ignorant is your idea of polite conversation?? You don't like what she said that is fine. To call someone names like that is hostile. It doesn't matter how you try to justify it.

I'm not stupid, just ignorant and rude.
come on annie, we all know better. Your knowledge and comments are appreciated by many on this board.

The only person who would call you ignorant or rude are themselves just that.

Or as you stated, spoiling for a fight.
Most likely, all three.
Or as you stated, spoiling for a fight.
Most likely, all three.

Thanks Joe, actually it's been a long weekend. I am an autosomal recessive with a mutation on my melanocortin 1 receptor, but that's the least of my issues. I've spent my entire life fighting the recessive genetics I was dealt.

As for the genetics of transgender if anyone had seriously wanted me to clarify they could have asked. Just as I did of CN in post 109, shrug. What I did not say was that I'm aware of NR3C4 replication differences and the neuro studies. Further I'd bet the epi genome plays a much bigger role. But I was NEVER asked. Instead I was INSTRUCTED to go read about genetics. LOL!

But why ask for clarification if you are spoiling for a fight and using the under dog's leverage card to do it. Shrug... But what I stated is precisely where we are today. Unable to do shit other than make you somewhat resemble a female. You are never completely female and the follow up plastics can be brutal, but legally you become one post penectomy not prior. That was my only cavil.

CN all you had to do was clarify that you considered me rude, arrogant, bitch, or whatever and that yes I was correct about the macro genetics. I am disappointed in you. I never thought I'd see intellectual dishonesty from your end!

Anyway yeah I'm an arrogant, opinionated, angry bitch amongst many other perjoratives. I've simply come to accept that I'm more porcupine than cuddly bunny. But I will save your life even if I'm calling you a fucktard to your face while I do it LOL! Oh and I miss the OR. With the OP's attitude we would have all flipped him off as he went under for us to cut off the fiddly parts LOL! Yeah yeah I know it ain't his fiddly parts he wants chopped. But if he changes his mind I'll assist on that one for free!
i think this is the 1 time i disagree with curious
if she wants to be called a she, thats what she wants , because she feels and knows shes a she regardless of xy, or having a penis
i think this is the 1 time i disagree with curious
if she wants to be called a she, thats what she wants , because she feels and knows shes a she regardless of xy, or having a penis

No sunni that was NOT my point. I think he should call him anything he wants to his face. I'm just stating the legal and medical classification period. That's it. What he does in his personal interactions are not my concern.

You can't decide that a ford is a chevy because you want to be nice to the deluded person who thinks they have a chevy and instead have a ford. It's that kind of skew the facts to be nice I have a problem with. It's that entire PC bullshit. But I never said he should be mean or rude to his SO. I was simply laying down the facts of reality. Sorry if you don't believe em. It doesn't make what I said any less factual.
No sunni that was NOT my point. I think he should call him anything he wants to his face. I'm just stating the legal and medical classification period. That's it. What he does in his personal interactions are not my concern.

You can't decide that a ford is a chevy because you want to be nice to the deluded person who thinks they have a chevy and instead have a ford. It's that kind of skew the facts to be nice I have a problem with. It's that entire PC bullshit. But I never said he should be mean or rude to his SO. I was simply laying down the facts of reality. Sorry if you don't believe em. It doesn't make what I said any less factual.

I have a ford sticker on one of my wheels of my truck and its a GMC.. People get pissed its actually hilarious

i agree with sunni on the name thing, and also obviously with c2g as far as the medical and legal stand point... it seems we all agree now

back to the OP some times i get unexpected head in the strangest of places.. and sometimes i clean my balls that day...sometimes.
I have a ford sticker on one of my wheels of my truck and its a GMC.. People get pissed its actually hilarious

i agree with sunni on the name thing, and also obviously with c2g as far as the medical and legal stand point... it seems we all agree now

back to the OP some times i get unexpected head in the strangest of places.. and sometimes i clean my balls that day...sometimes.

ROFLMAO!! Well that was fascinating! (note to self if Inda comes visit take him straight to the shower!)

As for the Ford sticker like I said enjoy what you call your SO :) But you do know it's not a Ford right? LOL! I just care about the reality, not whatever loving nicknames you call your truck when you are all alone with her and getting your thang on!
hahah i know she is a gmc and she was names Elanor for a while just renamed her to Sinister she is a badddd bitch. I just threw the sticker on one night at a party off someones ford. i do own an F350 tho.
Expected sex is nice, you can do some jumping jacks, butterfly stretches and run a few laps around your house to get warmed up.