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Man its great, I peeped your picture, and you totally looked soo happy with her.

No way they'll be dead, you'll have to run home for something...... between now and when you take the baby home its almost inevitable, and you can through some water on them and call it a day :).
Just seen the little Yin on Facebook, awwwwwwwwwww......super happy mate, just beaming for ya! And the Suns back out here too.

Peace, DST
You can all sleep now. Hannah is here. Forecepts baby... just like mom and dad. And she's a stuborn little thing... just like mom and dad. She was born at 425 pm. Just about 5 mins late. She was blue and huge. She's getting checked out right now in the other room. Don't know weight or length. She's a girl and she has a full head of hair.

Seriously... the color she was when she came out... I honestly thought the kid was black. Was thinking wife had some splainin to do lolol.
first post i've 'liked' well, properly liked, there was a first before this but i revoked it.

i'm so happy for you man, and mrs jig an lil jig or Hannah i should say. reading the last few pages was wild. i can't imagine what it was like for you guys.
Thanks don... and the rest of you lot. I finally got some time with her. Just spent a little over 2hours just me and her. Changed her first two diapers and got to feed her a bottle. She already has the breathing stuff off her face. And her sugar is looking good. I think we will get to bring her home with us anyways.
Just seen the little Yin on Facebook, awwwwwwwwwww......super happy mate, just beaming for ya! And the Suns back out here too.

Peace, DST

same here, she so beautiful and peaceful looking, and fluffy! Great job makin that baby jig! now 6 weeks and you can get started on the next.

My little hannah. She got the breather off. Got to hold her for a couple hours. Got 5 hours sleep and now just feel extremely exhausted instead of walking dead. Fell asleep standing up for the first time yesterday. I still honestly don't get that I'm a dad. And I'm gonna run home sometime today... water the gals... feed the cats. Get the house ready for baby. Woot!
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My little hannah. She got the breather off. Got to hold her for a couple hours. Got 5 hours sleep and now just feel extremely exhausted instead of walking dead. Fell asleep standing up for the first time yesterday. I still honestly don't get that I'm a dad. And I'm gonna run home sometime today... water the gals... feed the cats. Get the house ready for baby. Woot!

Awwww, feel like a little tear coming on. Jig's little girl:)

got to head out, I'll blame the watery eyes on the bike ride:) laters bru!
And now the attention has shifted... so dst. Is he here yet? :)

U know what's funny... haven't even really had the urge to cry since she's been born. As if I instantly grew a pair.
And now the attention has shifted... so dst. Is he here yet? :)

U know what's funny... haven't even really had the urge to cry since she's been born. As if I instantly grew a pair.
Yeah now you have to be the protector alpha type male in guard mode!
You can all sleep now. Hannah is here. Forecepts baby... just like mom and dad. And she's a stuborn little thing... just like mom and dad. She was born at 425 pm. Just about 5 mins late. She was blue and huge. She's getting checked out right now in the other room. Don't know weight or length. She's a girl and she has a full head of hair.

Seriously... the color she was when she came out... I honestly thought the kid was black. Was thinking wife had some splainin to do lolol.

Congratz man!!!!! Little Baby Jigfresh will grow big and strong! Ill send up an Arsenal Onesie for ya k:)
And now the attention has shifted... so dst. Is he here yet? :)

U know what's funny... haven't even really had the urge to cry since she's been born. As if I instantly grew a pair.
that straight cracked me up man, your gonna be like 'no boys til she's 30!' in no time
You'll have to buy a shotgun, operative or not.

Using it is not really part of the plan, but you can be seen
cleaning it on occasion. This is really helpful. :0)

Honestly, we had one child, my son, and so I can only joke
about that particular stress, but I know that it is there.

Too early to suggest thinking of when one was oneself a teenager?
(yeah...too soon by far ;0)

Jig, you are now part of the future. Cool, huh?


I think ill get some neck tats and a couple tears inked on my face. Get a ankle breacelet and say I am on parole for killing her first boyfriend. That wouldn't be too extreme or anything.

Hydra. Funny shit man. I think daughter would be disowned if she was either a san fran giants fan or an arsenal supporter. Lol. Glad to have you along for the ride. I'm stoked for the upcoming season and I'm sure you are too.

Gen... man I'm worried. Not sure hannahs fat little arms are gonna fit her going home outfit. I hope she does.

Nearly 420 here. How cool that for the rest of my life I can think of my daughter being born as it approaches 42. Oh yeah and hahahaha... doc made a 420 joke just before she was delivered. Too funny.
Just checking in. I'm home right now... came to water the plants and get a few items for the hospital stay. Only one plant is potentially dead. It might come back though. Watered them all and the rest were looking real good. The Psycho Killer is the best looking of the bunch these days. THe one might be dead is J1 x GDP (?)

:) :) :)

Really can't wait to get my little girl home. I still don't really feel like she's mine, because if she was mine.. she'd be right here. And she ain't, so I feel like I don't have a kid yet. Sounds a bit funny.
Hey buddy I knew you'd end up home :). I totally know the feeling your talking about. It kinda hit me about 2 hours after we got home like ...ok GAME ON! I spent the 2 days in and out of the hospital living on starbucks and fresh fruit(the only thing at the hospital that wasn't terrible). Thats a great picture of her man, she is a real beauty.

Glad most of the plants are good. Did you flip the light?