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Well-Known Member
Oh I can imagine,:shock:

I was just thinking about my friend Karen who gave birth leaving for the hospital after needing a pee and going into the toilet and shouting to the other half, "head is here!" He got in the national paper for that lol. giving birth to his son:)


Well-Known Member
we just got a big box in the post today from our insurance company, all the things you need for a home birth:shock: fuk that,.

Jig, good luck mate, to you and yours, I need to go to bed now (unlike you I can still wallow in the luxury of being able to go to bed). Can't wait to see your girl!

ik hou van jullie!

PEace, DST


Well-Known Member
Im sending a mental backrub right now. Hang in there buddy!
Wow that is a wild experience. Cant wait for both of you to fell the Hannah happyness! Best wishes !!!1
How am I gonna sleep now? :P:P


Well-Known Member
You can all sleep now. Hannah is here. Forecepts baby... just like mom and dad. And she's a stuborn little thing... just like mom and dad. She was born at 425 pm. Just about 5 mins late. She was blue and huge. She's getting checked out right now in the other room. Don't know weight or length. She's a girl and she has a full head of hair.

Seriously... the color she was when she came out... I honestly thought the kid was black. Was thinking wife had some splainin to do lolol.


Well-Known Member
Haha amazing bro! My dad said the same thing about my brother and his color lol I was going to guess a 420 baby! CHEERS!!!


Well-Known Member
They are always very freaked out, in all senses, when they first pop out.

They kept an eye on the little one all the way. I look forward to all the "firsts".

Dst... buddy... you got some stuff in store for you

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Congrats to you and your better half.


P.S. You joke reminded me of this:


Well-Known Member
Congrats buddy!!!! Woot!


I'm so happy for you guys. She was a 420ish baby :). Its gonna be crazy how much she changes the next few hours, and then the next few days and really starts to look like herself. Make sure you post some pics atleast on facebook!


Well-Known Member
Sleep will come at a premium, no doubt. My 9 yr old is more of pain with sleeping than my 6 yr old but we're still dealing with it all the same, lol


Well-Known Member
Gratz man, its not as hard as people make it seem from here on out :) My 4th kid is a holy fuckin terror but at the end of the day I still say "Ehhhh he aint that bad!" It is a little different for girls and fathers though, double standards galore! I'm desperate for my boys to have a relationship and I dont ever want my daughter to! The list goes on and on :) Have fun though man! See ya when I see ya!


Well-Known Member
Yessir. We got to visit her in the nicu. I got to hold her for the first time. I was so scared I would hurt her or something. She's so little... and she's a bigger baby... still camt believe how tiny her fingers are. A bit disappointed she looks basically completely like her mom. Guess there will never be a kid out there that looks like me. All good though. She still got my charm hahaha.

Oh... and my plants all might be dead by the time I make it home. :(