Did God create HIV to punish gay people?


Well-Known Member
I am an atheist. However, I was talking to a born-again Christian the other day and I asked him, "Do you think that God created HIV to punish gay people?"

I fully expected this gentleman to tell me that that was an absurd thing to ask, but he told me that God did create HIV as a plague for male gays and druggies. What really killed me was that this guy was so nice, yet he had this antiquated and mean idea that God creates plagues like HIV to punish the (in his eyes) wicked. Please tell me that this is not a normal belief for religious people to have.
Like all religious beliefs; it depends on the congregation. Your friends is an idiot due to the fact that women and other people who don't do drugs also get it though.
Also it doesn't even make sense. You are going to spend like 70 years maximum being gay? Probably not sexually active the whole time either. And your punishment is spending an eternity being tortured in hell. Why would god need to add additional punishment on earth if you are already going to be receiving infinite punishment? How sick and sadistic is god that an infinite punishment is not enough?
if gods real i doubt hes standing over eath watching peoples mistakes, like he would watch teens to make sure they dont have premarital sex, and when the boy sticks it in her ass instead of taking her virginity, god looks the other way saying you got me there.

and the anti homophobic section in Corinthians is in the first testament, Christians think thats out dated because it says rapes ok in sertant circumstances. but if u want to cherry pick the parts of the bible you like go ahead youll just die anyway.
i have to ask why would something with so much intelligence create homosexuals in the first place , if it didn't like them ? and then go on to come up with some horrendus disease instead of just killing them off in some other easier way lol
im pretty sure being gay for 99%of men isnt a wrong choice or bad idea they have , they have the 'uncontrollable' attraction to the same sex , the exact same way a hetrosexual male has for a woman , imagine being punished for that , it would be so unfair anhd unjust , its like being punished for being hungry or thirsty , its not something we control .
no , the american government did to control ethnic minorities

I believe that.

I believe it was some eugenics scientist that wanted to come up with a new virus that would kill people.

Notice how AIDS was never an issue until what? The 70's or 80's?

I believe it was an eugenics scientist that wanted a way to kill off certain people.

I could be wrong, but I heard it somewhere and it makes sense to Me that smart people can create viruses. There was no such thing as AIDS back in the 1950's or before that.

I believe that.

I believe it was some eugenics scientist that wanted to come up with a new virus that would kill people.

Notice how AIDs was never an issue until what? The 70's or 80's?

I believe it was an eugenics scientist that wanted a way to kill off certain people.

I could be wrong, but I heard it somewhere and it makes sense to Me that smart people can create viruses. There was no such thing as AIDs back in the 1950's or before that.


Yeah, that's a distinct possibility...
That's right, its just conjecture.

But whats your theory for how AIDs came about in recent history? Do you think someone had sex with a monkey and than AIDS occurred?


For us dummies, a great way to start investigating facts is through using your favorite search engine combined with Wikipedia, or Wiki for short. I use Google, so in this case I typed "How did AIDS originate + wiki", and here is the result - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_HIV/AIDS

Wiki is great because it will usually give you the most recent facts and findings, complete with links to the sources. It's a great shortcut to knowledge, I highly recommend this method to you to begin your journey into the world of facts...
For us dummies, a great way to start investigating facts is through using your favorite search engine combined with Wikipedia, or Wiki for short. I use Google, so in this case I typed "How did AIDS originate + wiki", and here is the result - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_HIV/AIDS

Wiki is great because it will usually give you the most recent facts and findings, complete with links to the sources. It's a great shortcut to knowledge, I highly recommend this method to you to begin your journey into the world of facts...

So I assume you believe Wikipedia and you believe the following quote "AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which originated in non-human primates in Sub-Saharan Africa and was transferred to humans during the late 19th or early 20th century."

So I assume you believe that humans had sex with primates and now we thusly have AIDS.

I choose to be a dissident and I believe that a eugenics scientist created the AIDS virus.

You might be politically correct but I might be literally correct!

EDIT- Whether you are right or I am right it doesn't matter much because AIDS is killing a bunch of people each year.

So I assume you believe Wikipedia and you believe the following quote "AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which originated in non-human primates in Sub-Saharan Africa and was transferred to humans during the late 19th or early 20th century."

So I assume you believe that humans had sex with primates and now we thusly have AIDS.

So close! You almost learned something, if you just read a little further -

Bushmeat practice

According to the natural transfer theory (also called 'Hunter Theory' or 'Bushmeat Theory'), the "simplest and most plausible explanation for the cross-species transmission"[SUP][7][/SUP] of SIV or HIV (post mutation), the virus was transmitted from an ape or monkey to a human when a hunter or bushmeat vendor/handler was bitten or cut while hunting or butchering the animal. The resulting exposure to blood or other bodily fluids of the animal can result in SIV infection.[SUP][21][/SUP] A recent serological survey showed that human infections by SIV are not rare in Central Africa: the percentage of people showing seroreactivity to antigens — evidence of current or past SIV infection — was 2.3% among the general population of Cameroon, 7.8% in villages where bushmeat is hunted or used, and 17.1% in the most exposed people of these villages.[SUP][22][/SUP] How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate, although natural selection would favor any viruses capable of adjusting so that they could infect and reproduce in the T cells of a human host.

I choose to be a dissident and I believe that a eugenics scientist created the AIDS virus.

Yes, but efficient thinkers believe because of evidence, not on a whim. This is a large reason your mind does not work well...
You might be politically correct but I might be literally correct!

Yes, but you would be right by accident. Guessing on a whim is an ineffective way of acquiring knowledge...
EDIT- Whether you are right or I am right it doesn't matter much because AIDS is killing a bunch of people each year.

A deadly disease has caused great harm to humanity, and it doesn't matter to you whether this was done by accident or intentionally? Wow...

P.S. I was attempting to teach you how to better look for facts regarding objective reality to perhaps improve your thinking process. I hope you change your methodology...
So close! You almost learned something, if you just read a little further -

Bushmeat practice

According to the natural transfer theory (also called 'Hunter Theory' or 'Bushmeat Theory'), the "simplest and most plausible explanation for the cross-species transmission"[SUP][7][/SUP] of SIV or HIV (post mutation), the virus was transmitted from an ape or monkey to a human when a hunter or bushmeat vendor/handler was bitten or cut while hunting or butchering the animal. The resulting exposure to blood or other bodily fluids of the animal can result in SIV infection.[SUP][21][/SUP] A recent serological survey showed that human infections by SIV are not rare in Central Africa: the percentage of people showing seroreactivity to antigens — evidence of current or past SIV infection — was 2.3% among the general population of Cameroon, 7.8% in villages where bushmeat is hunted or used, and 17.1% in the most exposed people of these villages.[SUP][22][/SUP] How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate, although natural selection would favor any viruses capable of adjusting so that they could infect and reproduce in the T cells of a human host.

Yes, but efficient thinkers believe because of evidence, not on a whim. This is a large reason your mind does not work well...

Yes, but you would be right by accident. Guessing on a whim is an ineffective way of acquiring knowledge...

A deadly disease has caused great harm to humanity, and it doesn't matter to you whether this was done by accident or intentionally? Wow...

P.S. I was attempting to teach you how to better look for facts regarding objective reality to perhaps improve your thinking process. I hope you change your methodology...

You could be right. The "facts" on Wiki indicate that you are right.

I just have a different belief because I saw a... maybe it was a conspiracy theory video that I saw that was trying to prove that it was a eugenicist scientist that created the virus. I saw that video years ago and I wouldn't know how to find it now.

You could be right, but I know how devious those eugenicist scientists are.

So we can conclude that according to Wiki, you are correct and I was just stating hearsay conjecture.

EDIT- But as you can see, I'm not the only one that believes the "government" created the AIDS virus. A few other posters have concurred with My belief!

My question is this- Why did AIDS come out just recently, in the 70's or 80's?

If the Africans were butchering primates from way back when, why did AIDS only come out "recently"?

I'm still going to believe that AIDS was virus that was created by eugenics scientists rather than came from monkeys unless someone can answer this question!
