Did God create HIV to punish gay people?

You could be right. The "facts" on Wiki indicate that you are right.

I just have a different belief because I saw a... maybe it was a conspiracy theory video that I saw that was trying to prove that it was a eugenicist scientist that created the virus. I saw that video years ago and I wouldn't know how to find it now.

So you choose to believe an obscure conspiracy video that you cannot even remember over dozens and dozens of the latest studies and research that Wiki links to. You choose to believe what sounds cool to you in the face of facts and evidence. This type of thinking is why you are lost and not taken seriously.

You could be right, but I know how devious those eugenicist scientists are.

How do you know this, what is your experience with them? The idea of the engineering of HIV incorporates many more assumptions than does the explanation of zoonosis, so chances are that's not correct...
So we can conclude that according to Wiki, you are correct and I was just stating hearsay conjecture.

EDIT- But as you can see, I'm not the only one that believes the "government" created the AIDS virus. A few other posters have concurred with My belief!

Many people do as you do, they choose to believe what sounds good to them even if it flies in the face of facts and evidence. I wouldn't be too proud to lump yourself in with that demographic...
DrDrew says AIDS was first called GRIDS (gay-related-intestinal-disease). It can't be because of sinful sex since orgies have been happening for thousands of years (hindu's, pre-islam arabia, greek and roman dionysus parties) and STD's didn't seem to have existed then.

I should look up the history of STD's...
I am an atheist. However, I was talking to a born-again Christian the other day and I asked him, "Do you think that God created HIV to punish gay people?"

I fully expected this gentleman to tell me that that was an absurd thing to ask, but he told me that God did create HIV as a plague for male gays and druggies. What really killed me was that this guy was so nice, yet he had this antiquated and mean idea that God creates plagues like HIV to punish the (in his eyes) wicked. Please tell me that this is not a normal belief for religious people to have.
Not my God. But have you read the Holy Bible? Cause that seems to be God's MO( method of operation) isn't it? Shit.. then we have Hell to look forward too. Lol.
DrDrew says AIDS was first called GRIDS (gay-related-intestinal-disease). It can't be because of sinful sex since orgies have been happening for thousands of years (hindu's, pre-islam arabia, greek and roman dionysus parties) and STD's didn't seem to have existed then.

I should look up the history of STD's...

Here's an interesting Theory!

There is no doubt that AIDS erupted in the U.S. shortly after government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments (1978-1981) using gay men as guinea pigs. The epidemic was caused by the "introduction" of a new retrovirus (the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV for short); and the introduction of a new herpes-8 virus, the virus that causes Kaposi's sarcoma, widely known as the "gay cancer" of AIDS. The taboo theory that AIDS is a man-made disease is largely based on research showing an intimate connection between government vaccine experiments and the outbreak of "the gay plague"
It's just HIV, he'll I'd rather have it than Syphalis (fuck I can't spell it close enough for spellcheck) People don't really die off from it anymore. For you conspiracy folks, lets say that man did create HIV, would it be conceivable that that same man would wait, hmmm 20 or so years before "discovering" an antidote? Just some sick fuck thats sat back for 20 years watching people die waiting for his moment than voila I've got some breakthroughs. $$$$$$$ would be the motivator of course, but to that idea seems more money would have been made in 1988 than 2008.
Here's an interesting Theory!

There is no doubt that AIDS erupted in the U.S. shortly after government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments (1978-1981) using gay men as guinea pigs. The epidemic was caused by the "introduction" of a new retrovirus (the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV for short); and the introduction of a new herpes-8 virus, the virus that causes Kaposi's sarcoma, widely known as the "gay cancer" of AIDS. The taboo theory that AIDS is a man-made disease is largely based on research showing an intimate connection between government vaccine experiments and the outbreak of "the gay plague"

That Mathew Modine movie from the 90's tells the story very well of how aids spread so quickly through the bath houses and other gay fuck spots.
Syphilis is a curable bacterial infection. Why the hell would you rather have HIV over Syphilis?
Why not, it's a new trend, everyones getting it!!

So you choose to believe an obscure conspiracy video that you cannot even remember over dozens and dozens of the latest studies and research that Wiki links to. You choose to believe what sounds cool to you in the face of facts and evidence. This type of thinking is why you are lost and not taken seriously.

How do you know this, what is your experience with them? The idea of the engineering of HIV incorporates many more assumptions than does the explanation of zoonosis, so chances are that's not correct...

Many people do as you do, they choose to believe what sounds good to them even if it flies in the face of facts and evidence. I wouldn't be too proud to lump yourself in with that demographic...

Ok, you're right and I'm wrong. I don't care!

if gods real i doubt hes standing over eath watching peoples mistakes, like he would watch teens to make sure they dont have premarital sex, and when the boy sticks it in her ass instead of taking her virginity, god looks the other way saying you got me there..

...fck, I laughed at that :)
Jesus drove a Honda but didn’t talk about it, “For I did not speak of my own accord” -John 12:49

By the way, go fuck yourself Westboro.
It's the fact that you don't care that makes you an imbecile.

You just spew bullshit 24/7/365 and don't give the slightest shit if it's even remotely accurate.

You sir, are a twat.

Can we not Beef? Pun intended!

Jesus drove a Honda but didn’t talk about it, “For I did not speak of my own accord” -John 12:49

By the way, go fuck yourself Westboro.

I never owned an accord, but the coolest machine that I ever owned was a 1998 YZF600 motorcycle.

Here's the closest picture I found that looked like My bike!


Jesus drove a Honda but didn’t talk about it, “For I did not speak of my own accord” -John 12:49

By the way, go fuck yourself Westboro.

i actualy have more respect for the west booro loony tribe , than nearlly 99% of all religious people ive ever met , at least they actualy care what it really says in their holy book , they dont fuck around picking out bits that are 'socially accepted ' today , they tell it like the bible teaches , and thats why everyone hates them so much.
as an athiest the total insanity that they spew , just helps to cement in my mind what total nonsense the christian religion is ( all religion ) and i love the way they unintentionally show religion up for what it is ...........ancient barbaric nonsense .
Of course god created aids to punish gay people. It only took it about 250,00 years to come up with the plan. But first he had to create Hitler to punish the Jews.
i actualy have more respect for the west booro loony tribe , than nearlly 99% of all religious people ive ever met , at least they actualy care what it really says in their holy book , they dont fuck around picking out bits that are 'socially accepted ' today , they tell it like the bible teaches , and thats why everyone hates them so much.
as an athiest the total insanity that they spew , just helps to cement in my mind what total nonsense the christian religion is ( all religion ) and i love the way they unintentionally show religion up for what it is ...........ancient barbaric nonsense .

westboro is just as selective at picking out bits of the bible to use, except they are guided by hate when choosing what to pick out, and for that they are far worse and deserve less respect than more peaceful religious people.
westboro is just as selective at picking out bits of the bible to use, except they are guided by hate when choosing what to pick out, and for that they are far worse and deserve less respect than more peaceful religious people.
well we see from it ,different points of view but what we agree on is , people pick bits from the bible ( or any holy book ) to suit there own agenda .
anyone in the world could go through the bible or any other religious book and pick bits out that suit them .
"God" didn't create aids the government did as a form of population control,and yes it's obsered,but true. I don't believe in god as man wrote I believe in him as a human called yeshua who was vibrating on the 4th and possibly 5th dimension living amongst people vibrating on this the 3rd dimension. He does not destroy and punish he only loves and loves us,it is man who put that into text as a fear as a form of control because if you spread fear people conform to it out of fear of not knowing if its true or not and its just rolled on since then and morfisized into the bible you see now... All we need is love