Grey Stone Chapel, by Glen Sherley (inmate) song by Johnny Cash.............................................................................................................Inside the walls of prison my body may beLove me some Johnny Cash. That man was amazing, rest his soul.
Would you support testing officers for Axis II Personality disorders, and immediately barring from employment any found with severe spectrum cases?
Also, why don't police, who claim to be all about law and order, and protecting the good people of the world, why don't they get behind measures to enforce maximum penalties, automatically, if a police is found to be committing a crime? (And, by committing a crime, I mean police brutality, and shooting suspects when options exist, as well as extortion, bribery, etc.)
I can tell you that working inside a prison is not for the faint-of-heart, if you didn't have issues when you started, you're sure to have some before you retire......Would an Axis 2 disorder be the same as what I like to call "control issues"?.
These are the ones who experienced bullying etc as children, then take up people orientated careers as a means of therapy.
Would an Axis 2 disorder be the same as what I like to call "control issues"?.
These are the ones who experienced bullying etc as children, then take up people orientated careers as a means of therapy.
Would you support testing officers for Axis II Personality disorders, and immediately barring from employment any found with severe spectrum cases?
Also, why don't police, who claim to be all about law and order, and protecting the good people of the world, why don't they get behind measures to enforce maximum penalties, automatically, if a police is found to be committing a crime? (And, by committing a crime, I mean police brutality, and shooting suspects when options exist, as well as extortion, bribery, etc.)
You're not crazy for believing that the same thing that happened to your friend could happen to you. It sounds like you made him real nervous and I can KINDA understand it based on asking to get out of the vehicle. He had red flags going off in his head because NOBODY asks to get out of the vehicle unless they are hiding something in the vehicle or are planning to fight or flee. As a pulled over driver, the LAST thing you want to hear is "Sir, please step out of the vehicle". In the end, cops aren't always "regular" people. Training kicks in and they don't respond like you or I would. His giving you a lecture was LIKELY due to the fact that he realized how close he came to a "bad shooting" imo. :/
Knuckles?........I've seen a lot worse that on my knuckles
They are personality disorders, and include sociopath/psychopath (ASPD) borderline personality disorders, histrionics, and narcissists, to name done of the worst...
While I do Deedee a psychopath's place in the E.R./O.R., I don't think it'd appropriate to have them in positioned of authority, where empathy is (or should be) a primary driving emotion...
wait until 'privatization' grows more popular, they have their own screening process (not open to public review)...........think Blackwater.......There are many individuals working for many government agencies in the U.S. who would probably not even pass your screening process.
And those individuals are a detriment to those employed around them.
wait until 'privatization' grows more popular, they have their own screening process (not open to public review)...........think Blackwater.......