Note to self thread

Note to potpimp: Try to get the maximum lines of our Signatures increased...... Pull out some of that MOD guru!! :) ;)
I tried that Baka,was only 2' off the ground outside and was doing great,till we had over 30plus days of over 100f in a DAMN row.
I was watering everyday,Got old real fast carrying 5g of H2o over 100ft,and just said to hell with this!!

I wanna try it again,but not where it get the afternoon sun,like the first, want that morning sun for about 6-8hrs.
I let the weeds just grow up, and it was very hard to see em.I used a metal screen like a scrog.
that sucks man! I had some good grows go bad this year too. Maybe mother nature will chill for a while, ya think?
NOTE TO SELF-Fan leaves dont make good clones!LOL,Yes I did it in 1999.
ok, Rosey knows she's late to the game so...Damnit Beech, that was a fuckin good one! LOL

Note to self: Don't offer your help if you don't have help yourself. Or somethin like that...LOL
*rosey's stoned*
Vbulletin is sort of old software and from what I can tell it's pretty limited. I'm not sure what they can do.
Is this the same software that RIU started on?

Maybe us mere members who live on RIU half the time should be getting a single months paid subscription to help get updated! :) HAHAHA
Because $60 a year is slightly pricey.........
yes, mr moderator sir...when I tried to pay for monthly subscription, the payment method was not available. I'm not sure why?
Oh no. I'm gonna stop talking because now i'm being called someone else!!!! lol... No i am not... and Bak will probably be here soon enough calling me BMEAT or BREAL. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA I'm just a single name for ya buddy STEW

I will assume this guy probably either complains about the price of paid subscriptions or he makes his words bigger and bolder :)