yo NM most of it. i just reread that whole article again and its very sneakily worded. all the pics they got are from the boston watertown raids. it seems they did come suit and tie and identified themselves as "part of the joint terrorism task force" which is FBI, homeland and others working together.
it may be better that they came in suit and tie but read these quotes.
"Or maybe it was something else. On Wednesday,
The Guardian reported on XKeyscore, a program
eerily similar to Facebook search that could clearly allow an analyst to run a search that picked out people who'd done searches for those items from the same location. How those searches got into the government's database is a question worth asking; how the information got back out seems apparent."
"They mentioned that they do this about 100 times a week. And that 99 of those visits turn out to be nothing. I don’t know what happens on the other 1% of visits and I’m not sure I want to know what my neighbors are up to."
"One hundred times a week, groups of six armed men drive to houses in three black SUVs, conducting consented-if-casual searches of the property perhaps in part because of things people looked up online."