Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Look, I just have two questions to ask...

1.) How do you explain: http://vactruth.com/2012/04/25/change-names-of-diseases/
2.) How is it good to inject yourself with mercury, aluminum, and MSG?

The second article you posted has links to blogs and a bunch of random websites that don't even have the page related to what's in the article, it's just the name of the website. And I'll check the other one out right after I post this.

I'm not answering anymore questions. Almost everything you post turns out to be bullshit. I would be willing to place money that the author of that article is an anti-vax nut just like you. I am also willing to bet she has several articles loaded with bullshit, probably one about vaccines causing autism. I have already checked into this source along with everything else you rely on. It's utter horse shit. Every source you rely on turns out to be an discredited hack.

Yes they are links to blogs of people with common sense and critical thinking skills. If you read it they will explain why your fears are completely unfounded, just like I knew before. They explain it more eloquently than I can, especially in a rush on a forum.

If you dispute anything they say, I don't give two shits. Go get a vaccine, or don't, I don't care. I just hope the rest of community isn't as retarded as you.
"Currently there are no pediatric vaccines on the routine schedule that are manufactured with thimerosal as a preservative. Indeed, this has actually been true for some years now."

"For example, vaccines may contain preservatives that prevent bacterial or fungal contamination (eg, thimerosal);" FROM source [2] on his own article.

Besides, none of this considers the fact that newborn babies do not have fully developed immune systems and injecting them with even minor amounts of neurotoxins causes harm. Also, the long-term effects have NEVER been studied. So just because someone doesn't experience symptoms or issues immediately after they get jabbed, that doesn't mean its not going to harm them.

They have non pediatric vaccines too. I did most of the homework for you, all you have to do is actually read it. They explain it.

The fact that you aren't dead from smallpox should be a pretty convincing argument of their efficacy.
um... yes. I will take both of them and also give me the little pouch I see dangling out of your shirt pocket as well.
neo likes to party
I'm not answering anymore questions. Almost everything you post turns out to be bullshit. I would be willing to place money that the author of that article is an anti-vax nut just like you. I am also willing to bet she has several articles loaded with bullshit, probably one about vaccines causing autism. I have already checked into this source along with everything else you rely on. It's utter horse shit. Every source you rely on turns out to be an discredited hack.

Yes they are links to blogs of people with common sense and critical thinking skills. If you read it they will explain why your fears are completely unfounded, just like I knew before. They explain it more eloquently than I can, especially in a rush on a forum.

If you dispute anything they say, I don't give two shits. Go get a vaccine, or don't, I don't care. I just hope the rest of community isn't as retarded as you.

Dude takes information from blog websites seriously and then discredits scientific evidence and studies by doctors w/ PhD's.. pure comedy. Yeah, you wont answer anymore questions because you can't, you have no answer. By the way, you just admitted that you are completely close-minded by saying you wouldn't care if I disputed them anyways. I'll rely on exercise, nature, organic whole foods, superfoods to stay healthy and you can go inject yourself w/ poison thinking it's building your immunity.
They have non pediatric vaccines too. I did most of the homework for you, all you have to do is actually read it. They explain it.

The fact that you aren't dead from smallpox should be a pretty convincing argument of their efficacy.

Smallpox doesn't cease to exist because it's coined under different medical terms.
Dude takes information from blog websites seriously and then discredits scientific evidence and studies by doctors w/ PhD's.. pure comedy. Yeah, you wont answer anymore questions because you can't, you have no answer.

You mean like source #1 of your http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polio1.html ?


Viera Scheibner (born Viera Scheibnerová in 1935) is a retired micropaleontologist. From 1958 until 1968 she was assistant professor in the department of geology at Comenius University, Bratislava. Scheibner has been active in the anti-vaccination field researching, writing and giving lectures on the subject matter of vaccines and vaccinations since her retirement from the Department of Mineral Resources, New South Wales, Australia in 1987.
A great number of doctors, scientists, legal professionals and other critics have questioned her qualifications, research abilities, and honesty.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP]

emphasis mine.

I know I said I was done, but I decided to attempt to locate the books that were linked to. I haven't found one yet that isn't hosted on whale.to, but I did find a whole lot of information about the authors. Viera is a dishonest fraud and should not be cited as evidence for anything.
We didn't start out dumb, it is the cumulative effect from smacking our foreheads each time you ignore our warnings/insights
You mean like source #1 of your http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polio1.html ?


emphasis mine.

I know I said I was done, but I decided to attempt to locate the books that were linked to. I haven't found one yet that isn't hosted on whale.to, but I did find a whole lot of information about the authors. Viera is a dishonest fraud and should not be cited as evidence for anything.

Lol.... where do you think doctors get their information from in medical school? Big pharma. It's not that they are dishonest people who are trying to kill children, they are just taught the by people who profit off vaccines that they are healthy/saved the world. But many doctors after being in the field for a long time start to realize how dangerous and ineffective much of big pharma's 'products' are. Many doctors wont even vaccinate their own children, which speaks volumes. By the way, it's not like the website is straight up her own personal opinions, it's backed up by evidence and information provided by OTHER doctors as well.
while i maintain that the jury is still out on GMOs, i share your belief that conspiracy theories about them, or conspiracy theorism in general, is the sign of a weak mind.


The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy. - H.L. Mencken

Conspiracy theories are popular because no matter what they posit, they are all actually comforting, because they all are models of radical simplicity. - William Gibson

For some individuals, an obsessive compulsion to believe, prove or re-tell a conspiracy theory may indicate one or more of several well-understood psychological conditions, and other hypothetical ones: paranoia, denial, schizophrenia, mean world syndrome.

Psychologists believe that the*search for meaning*is common in conspiracism and the development of conspiracy theories, and may be powerful enough alone to lead to the first formulating of the idea. Once cognized,*confirmation bias*and avoidance ofcognitive dissonance*may reinforce the belief.

Conspiratorial accounts can be emotionally satisfying when they place events in a readily-understandable, moral context. The subscriber to the theory is able to assign moral responsibility for an emotionally troubling event or situation to a clearly-conceived group of individuals. Crucially, that group*does not include*the believer. The believer may then feel excused of any moral or political responsibility for remedying whatever institutional or societal flaw might be the actual source of the dissonance.

Humanistic psychologists argue that even if the cabal behind the conspiracy is almost always perceived as hostile there is, often, still an element of reassurance in it, for conspiracy theorists, in part because it is more consoling to think that complications and upheavals in human affairs, at least, are created by human beings rather than factors beyond human control. Belief in such a cabal is a device for reassuring oneself that certain occurrences are not random, but ordered by a human intelligence. This renders such occurrences comprehensible and potentially controllable. If a cabal can be implicated in a sequence of events, there is always the hope, however tenuous, of being able to break the cabal's power - or joining it and exercising some of that power oneself. Finally, belief in the power of such a cabal is an implicit assertion of human dignity - an often unconscious but necessary affirmation that man is not totally helpless, but is responsible, at least in some measure, for his own destiny.

According to one study humans apply a 'rule of thumb' by which we expect a significant event to have a significant cause. The study offered subjects four versions of events, in which a foreign president was (a) successfully assassinated, (b) wounded but survived, (c) survived with wounds but died of a heart attack at a later date, and (d) was unharmed. Subjects were significantly more likely to suspect conspiracy in the case of the 'major events' — in which the president died — than in the other cases, despite all other evidence available to them being equal. Connected with pareidolia, the genetic tendency of human beings to find patterns in coincidence, this allows the "discovery" of conspiracy in any significant event.

The*furtive fallacy*is an informal fallacy of emphasis. Historian David Hackett Fischer identified it as the belief that significant facts of history are necessarily sinister, and that "history itself is a story of causes mostly insidious and results mostly invidious." It is more than a conspiracy theory in that it does not merely consider the possibility of hidden motives and deeds, but insists on them. In its extreme form, the fallacy represents general paranoia.

Michael Kelly, a*Washington Post*journalist and critic of anti-war movements on both the left and right, coined the term "fusion paranoia" to refer to a political convergence of left-wing and right-wing activists around anti-war issues and civil liberties, which he claimed were motivated by a shared belief in conspiracism or anti-government views.

Social critics have adopted this term to refer to how the synthesis of paranoid conspiracy theories, which were once limited to American fringe audiences, has given them mass appeal and enabled them to become commonplace in mass media, thereby inaugurating an unrivaled period of people actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios in the United States of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. They warn that this development may not only fuel lone wolf terrorism but have devastating effects on American political life, such as the rise of a revolutionary right-wing populist movement capable of subverting the established political powers.

Wow thats alot of paragraphs....... to drive home your point !
You convinced me.
jtprin, my hat goes off to you. you may in fact be one of the best trolls on RIU. not only are you annoying and deliberate, but you are dedicated to your verbal diarrhea. and i know you are not this fucking stupid, so I have to assume you are doing this for shits and giggles. and for that, my hat goes off to you.

and i have to assume when finspaggy fucked you in the ass, some of his annoying man fluids became part of you, and thusly are carrying the torch.. ie. finspaggy lives on through you.

I just wanted to emphasis this point. Bad troll is bad.

Thanks for your time.
i told you guys this is what he is about. this is his second acct. here and he used to troll the cbs sports forums too. I will say he has gotten better at it.
The true conspiracists are those who have methodically conspired ti take over our government and country. Fact: the united states is a501 c3 sub s corporation, and we (all of we) are its' slaves.

They gave the media the moniker in an effort to make the uninformed believe that we're crazy- move along nothing to see here- bunch of nuts. Do you honestly think we (meaning them) are capable of the things they (meaning conspiracy theorists) suggest?

They also have done a great job keeping the majority so busy trying to make ends meet that there is little time to investigate what they tell us. Mostly we want to veg out in front of the boob toob, where they employ subliminal MK Ultra mind control techniques to further the programming. But still, people are waking up, and they are scared, so they are taking away more of our rights in a feeble attempt to protect themselves! Bush senior said in a documented interview regarding Gulf War 1, to the effect If the American people ever realize what we have done to them... don't take my word for it, look it up. While you're at it, his speech on Youtube where he first introduces us to the New World Order. These 2 things will take any skeptic less than 10 minutes to validate. If only they were the only things

Although the world will not end tomorrow, I can honestly say it is no where near the world it was before JFK was assassinated. Do you honestly think a lone gunman could pull that off? Follow the money. JFK was in the process of eliminating the Feds Fiat money, as was Lincoln- same outcome. MEANING the battle for monetary control goes back at least as far as Lincoln. Banksters 2 presidents 0

Anyone who becomes president must pass their approval before being elected. So far, it's been banksters in a blowout. The question is can we wake up enough people to win with a walk off? Time is running out on us

Fast forward to 2008ish economy crash. Government bails out banksters and wall street on our backs. Millions of homes and businesses foreclosed: Banksters 3, US taxpayer 0. Was that a conspiracy too?
i told you guys this is what he is about. this is his second acct. here and he used to troll the cbs sports forums too. I will say he has gotten better at it.

Kinda sad when this is all you can come up with... and please tell me what my other account is if I have two on here. Please.
Kinda sad when this is all you can come up with... and please tell me what my other account is if I have two on here. Please.

So not only are you stupid, but you are very dumb as well. Ok, thanks, just wanted to clear that up.

Bad troll is bad.
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