Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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What about small pox and polio?

Polio: http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polio1.html - It hides under different names that just so happen to have the exact same symptoms. Besides, polio still exists in other parts of the world, you know, places without clean drinking water, easy access to foods, poor hygiene/sanitation, poverty, poor living conditions, and so on. I want to make another point about the levels of formaldehyde.. even if they are low, kids are getting lots of vaccines. By age 2, children receive as many as 24 injections... many before they even have a developed immune system and are only a few months old. Again, sorry this is packed up, website has disabled the enter key again. Moving to smallpox... http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2...-still-alive-and-well-by-viera-scheibner-phd/ (all references on bottom).
OMFG! You know, if you are going to use terms like nano-particles, at least know what the fuck they are! Be honest, are you guys just trolls? You honestly cannot believe half the shit you are saying! I cannot allow for the fact that there are people in this day and age who are still so stupid and flat refuse to educate themselves! There was a mention earlier in this thread that conspiracy theorists are just people who have a different view than most and should not be persecuted as such. Well, you are right, they should not be demeaned or persecuted! But, if they are uneducated and refuse to see the truth even if it is shown to them time and time again, made very clear to them why they are wrong, then yes, they should be persecuted and demeaned to the fullest extent. Education is not hard and it is free, every single idea is available at any library for free! Another thing for all you people who refuse to see the truth, while you are worried about your stupid fucking theories, real atrocities are occurring everyday around the world and in this country! One more thing on all those people who can't seem to understand anything about GMO's, vaccinations, or even nano-particles, I will give you two little words that should help put aside a lot of your fears "PEER REVIEW" if there is no peer review by the scientific community and agreement on any given paper or theory, than you can 100% guarantee it is bullshit! Of course, knowing you guys, every scientist is a government agent working to keep you down and kill you as quickly as possible!
I have a theory.

Xbox one is going to use it's kinect to monitor peoples behavior. First to profit by selling that information to advertisors and then later by giving the information to the government.

I thought this the moment I saw the press release on Xbox Live. Then like a week later they admitted they would use the information to tailor advertisements to the user.

I am psychic.

Pc's, phones, tv's and gaming systems --> Most of which (new machines) have built in
cams and mics placed nicely in living rooms and bedrooms across the planet.

NSA & Co, collecting all of that data broadcast straight from your living room.

2 months ago I would have been branded a crazy theorist but here we are today
and we know we are being watched.

Conspiracies exist, to deny that is plain ignorance. To defame and label all theorists
as nut jobs is also ignorant. I find it funny that these so called intellects disregard a
theory because it is different than what the MSM & Gov wants them to believe. Their
aim is to discredit and distract.

Of course some theories are way off base, others may be wrong but littered with bits of truth.
Some just turn out to be true plain and simple.
Objective, critical and open minded.
I have a theory.

Xbox one is going to use it's kinect to monitor peoples behavior. First to profit by selling that information to advertisors and then later by giving the information to the government.

I thought this the moment I saw the press release on Xbox Live. Then like a week later they admitted they would use the information to tailor advertisements to the user.

I am psychic.
no theyve never monitored human behavior before now...its a brand new Idea....haha
Incorrect. No argumentum ad hominem is present. It's all over the planet. What part of a severe, feared disease has been eradicated fails to register? Yes. Goalposts were over there, amigo. cn

is that little boy tryin to fuck that dog?......omg.....perfect example of hell of earth
Polio: http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polio1.html - It hides under different names that just so happen to have the exact same symptoms. Besides, polio still exists in other parts of the world, you know, places without clean drinking water, easy access to foods, poor hygiene/sanitation, poverty, poor living conditions, and so on. I want to make another point about the levels of formaldehyde.. even if they are low, kids are getting lots of vaccines. By age 2, children receive as many as 24 injections... many before they even have a developed immune system and are only a few months old. Again, sorry this is packed up, website has disabled the enter key again. Moving to smallpox... http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2...-still-alive-and-well-by-viera-scheibner-phd/ (all references on bottom).

whale.to is a laughable source. Not credible. If I were you I would never reference it again unless you like feeling embarrassed, and you should be. I can't find a single credible source on that entire page. It is mostly links to other whale.to articles which also have no references. It's a big circle jerk of non-sense information and references.

I have already showed you how much formaldehyde is contained in an injection, and how much is naturally occurring in your blood stream. I don't understand why you feel the need to continue to beat a dead horse. It's not dangerous, your formaldehyde levels will still be within normal concentrations after getting a vaccine, and it doesn't build up. It's a normal chemical your own body makes.

The second link doesn't work either. I don't know anyone with small pox though so I am going to assume it is rubbish like everything else you post.
whale.to is a laughable source. Not credible. If I were you I would never reference it again unless you like feeling embarrassed, and you should be. I can't find a single credible source on that entire page. It is mostly links to other whale.to articles which also have no references. It's a big circle jerk of non-sense information and references.

I have already showed you how much formaldehyde is contained in an injection, and how much is naturally occurring in your blood stream. I don't understand why you feel the need to continue to beat a dead horse. It's not dangerous, your formaldehyde levels will still be within normal concentrations after getting a vaccine, and it doesn't build up. It's a normal chemical your own body makes.

The second link doesn't work either. I don't know anyone with small pox though so I am going to assume it is rubbish like everything else you post.

You're response is so weak. You've got those blinders strapped on your head, very close-minded and ignorant. Stop smoking so much weed if you're so lazy and delusional to the point where you form your opinion by looking at the name of the website even though they have direct references. Again, children get up to 24 injections by the time they are two months old. Not only does that cause a build up of neurotoxins from the vaccines but this is before they've even fully developed immune systems. You're wasting my time if all you can do is retort to childish insults and refusing to look at evidence based off of a website name. Keep those blinders on tight and go get yourself jabbed then. LMAO.... what a hypocrite as well. Before you said I can't make the conclusion that flu shots don't work because I've never had one and haven't gotten the flu (which was an inaccurate assertion to begin with)... and then use that very same logic by saying "I don't know anyone with smallpox so I am going to assume it is rubbish". You don't know anyone with smallpox because you live in a first-world country where living conditions are far superior to other parts of the world. That's another problem with most Americans (if you are), they think America is so fucking great and the "land of opportunity" (hilarious) and fail to acknowledge that there are other places on Earth other than this country. They also talk about how America is the best when they haven't even left the country, just retarded. America is so 'great' yet everyone is unemployed, on food stamps, and jacked up on antidepressants.
You're response is so weak. You've got those blinders strapped on your head, very close-minded and ignorant. Stop smoking so much weed if you're so lazy and delusional to the point where you form your opinion by looking at the name of the website even though they have direct references. Again, children get up to 24 injections by the time they are two months old. Not only does that cause a build up of neurotoxins from the vaccines but this is before they've even fully developed immune systems. You're wasting my time if all you can do is retort to childish insults and refusing to look at evidence based off of a website name. Keep those blinders on tight and go get yourself jabbed then. LMAO.... what a hypocrite as well. Before you said I can't make the conclusion that flu shots don't work because I've never had one and haven't gotten the flu (which was an inaccurate assertion to begin with)... and then use that very same logic by saying "I don't know anyone with smallpox so I am going to assume it is rubbish". You don't know anyone with smallpox because you live in a first-world country where living conditions are far superior to other parts of the world. That's another problem with most Americans (if you are), they think America is so fucking great and the "land of opportunity" (hilarious) and fail to acknowledge that there are other places on Earth other than this country. They also talk about how America is the best when they haven't even left the country, just retarded. America is so 'great' yet everyone is unemployed, on food stamps, and jacked up on antidepressants.

What sources? Please go your link and provide me with the original sources so I interpret the data for myself. You try to pull this shit on legitimate articles I post with hundreds of sources, so please hold yourself to the same standards you expect of others.

Then go find them and link them. Give me direct sources proving that ...

Who fucking cares if they get 24 injections? The "toxins" don't build up to dangerous levels. You haven't shown a single piece of evidence to prove they do, meanwhile numerous sources have been posted that show the levels are significantly less that the concentrations required to cause damage. You don't have a basic understanding of chemistry OR biology.

Refusing to accept evidence from a website that has been discredited should not be frowned upon. This is the problem you have, you will accept anything that agrees with the ideas you have without applying any type of fact checking or critical thinking. You might as well be citing www.bibleisfact.com

What I mean by I don't know anyone with small pox is that I not only don't personally know anyone with small pox, I am not aware of anyone in the world that has it. And I checked. I couldn't find a single case. In fact EVERYTHING I found on the subject confirmed what I have known for a long time - small pox was eradicated.


Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in the U.S. occurred in 1949. By 1972, routine smallpox vaccinations for children in the U.S. were no longer needed. In 1980, smallpox was said to be wiped out worldwide, and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since.


Smallpox outbreaks have occurred from time to time for thousands of years, but the disease is now eradicated after a successful worldwide vaccination program. The last case of smallpox in the United States was in 1949. The last naturally occurring case in the world was in Somalia in 1977. After the disease was eliminated from the world, routine vaccination against smallpox among the general public was stopped because it was no longer necessary for prevention.

We were so successful that there hasn't been a case of smallpox in my lifetime. If you dispute this please provide sources.
What sources? Please go your link and provide me with the original sources so I interpret the data for myself. You try to pull this shit on legitimate articles I post with hundreds of sources, so please hold yourself to the same standards you expect of others.

Who fucking cares if they get 24 injections? The "toxins" don't build up to dangerous levels. You haven't shown a single piece of evidence to prove they do, meanwhile numerous sources have been posted that show the levels are significantly less that the concentrations required to cause damage. You don't have a basic understanding of chemistry OR biology.

Refusing to accept evidence from a website that has been discredited should not be frowned upon. This is the problem you have, you will accept anything that agrees with the ideas you have without applying any type of fact checking or critical thinking. You might as well be citing www.bibleisfact.com

What I mean by I don't know anyone with small pox is that I not only don't personally know anyone with small pox, I am not aware of anyone in the world that has it. And I checked. I couldn't find a single case. In fact EVERYTHING I found on the subject confirmed what I have known for a long time - small pox was eradicated.



We were so successful that there hasn't been a case of smallpox in my lifetime. If you dispute this please provide sources.

http://www.whale.to/vaccines/polio.html - Scroll down to the bottom of the page, ALL of them are listed in plain view. Who cares if they get 24 injections before they have a developed immune system? Are you that stupid? You STILL have not answered how mercury, aluminum, and MSG are healthy to inject into your body. And yes, all of those get lodged into different areas of the body over time. Why do you think people get colonics and/or have body detoxification? To get heavy metals and other toxins out of their system. Mercury and aluminum are heavy metals. I already provided sources regarding smallpox. It's not my fault you neglect to view the evidence based off the website name. Even if some bible thumping website had factual information, you cant deny it simply because of the name of the website, that's just pure ignorance. These diseases have not disappeared, they are just touted under different names. In fact, much of the time vaccines make the disease even worse.
http://www.whale.to/vaccines/polio.html - Scroll down to the bottom of the page, ALL of them are listed in plain view.

I did. 47 sources, and I can not check a single one. 42 books, 8 articles, and 2 videos. How do I independently check and verify any of these? There is no link to anything. The ones that do have links all link to whale.to, and all the contents of those pages also link to whale.to. It's a huge circle jerk and I cannot get a single piece of independent information from another domain.
I did. 47 sources, and I can not check a single one. 42 books, 8 articles, and 2 videos. How do I independently check and verify any of these? There is no link to anything. The ones that do have links all link to whale.to, and all the contents of those pages also link to whale.to. It's a huge circle jerk and I cannot get a single piece of independent information from another domain.

You can google the names of the books, articles, or videos you'd like to learn more about.
Not my job asshole. If I wanted to do research I would do research. And when I do I find overwhelming evidence in support of vaccination.

You have fallen hook line and sinker for a massive conspiracy theory. You live in a fantasy world and are beyond all hope. I can't believe the amount of time I have spent talking to a brick wall.

I know your mind won't change, ever, but I hope that some lurkers have at least learned something from this thread. I'm done.

Your laziness does nothing to dispute the facts, sorry. I'm not your fucking professor or parent, I can't force you to truly pursue knowledge. Just because you refuse to dig deep and do REAL research does not mean the evidence doesn't exist. Anymore cop outs? By the way, why is it good for me to inject myself with mercury, aluminum, and MSG? Are you going to dodge that question for the 50th time?
Your laziness does nothing to dispute the facts, sorry. I'm not your fucking professor or parent, I can't force you to truly pursue knowledge. Just because you refuse to dig deep and do REAL research does not mean the evidence doesn't exist. Anymore cop outs? By the way, why is it good for me to inject myself with mercury, aluminum, and MSG? Are you going to dodge that question for the 50th time?

I agree, that aluminum would be put to better use making a hat.


Look, I just have two questions to ask...

1.) How do you explain: http://vactruth.com/2012/04/25/change-names-of-diseases/
2.) How is it good to inject yourself with mercury, aluminum, and MSG?

The second article you posted has links to blogs and a bunch of random websites that don't even have the page related to what's in the article, it's just the name of the website. And I'll check the other one out right after I post this.
"Currently there are no pediatric vaccines on the routine schedule that are manufactured with thimerosal as a preservative. Indeed, this has actually been true for some years now."

"For example, vaccines may contain preservatives that prevent bacterial or fungal contamination (eg, thimerosal);" FROM source [2] on his own article.

Besides, none of this considers the fact that newborn babies do not have fully developed immune systems and injecting them with even minor amounts of neurotoxins causes harm. Also, the long-term effects have NEVER been studied. So just because someone doesn't experience symptoms or issues immediately after they get jabbed, that doesn't mean its not going to harm them.
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