Tangie = Jilly Bean Select Pheno


Active Member
Adam Dunn (THSeeds) admitted on John Doe Radio (Colorado) that Tangie is infact a select phenotype of JillyBean.

Now that DNA reversed the said Jillybean, made a bunch of S1 that sell for $100+ for 6 Fems and renamed it Tangie....

How fucking weak is that shit?
I have a long train so we are used to things like this.
We have lots of Original Jillybean created by MzJill and it's our number 1 strain.

Pretty sad when breeders steal others work and pass it along as their own.
Not surprised that TH would do it, but I taught DNA was better then that.
Just sad, come up with your own shit people.
It's always good to clear the air. DNA pompously touts those concentrate cups and is making a lot of money off of mzjills work.

Hopefully DNA does the right thing and mails tga the cups
seems legit. he talks about "tange" in the breathe right before it. comparing cookies to it. he breaks down tange and tangie too.


start listening about an hour. maybe 58 min for all the "Tange" info they get into the tangie stuff. nothing too bullet proof tho.

Its all kinda hearsay. talking about "if its public knowledge" he never really vouches it but he's pretty convinced its legit.
mushmouth's Jillybean and nugbucket's "golden slipper" pheno are almost identical in smell and flavor to the tangie. I think it is just similar mothers, but yea... that jillybean phenotype has been popular for years.
I think maybe DNA needs to do a little edit to their strain info, give a little credit where credit is due.

Oops I dropped my clone tray and lost all the tags, guess they are now my own strains to rename and sell....lol
Dna-Genetics Amsterdam Lol!!! Haters gonna hate!! All we have to say is consider the source!!
LMFAO!!! At least someone had something to ask Adam too bad it was about TANGIE!!
What happened to his seed co...?
O and thanks for caring Mr. Shit Stirrer

about an hour ago via mobile · Like
I think its funny how people get all worked up about rumors.
DNA and TGA have always been good friends and we respect both Don and Arron.
If they wanted to use our genetics they would ask, Oh wait they have :)

I believe someone could have easily mistaken Sub's Jilly Bean orange skunk pheno as the genetic source, but word on the street is Tangie is a reworked CaliO from Aerick77 back in the day.
I believe someone could have easily mistaken Sub's Jilly Bean orange skunk pheno as the genetic source, but word on the street is Tangie is a reworked CaliO from Aerick77 back in the day.

that's my understanding too, similar moms... so some similar phenotypes are bound to happen along the way.