Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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yeah lets pump everybody full of shitty drugs w horrible side atfects....yeah here have my son n daughter..oh they need shots for school sure if u say so..go ahead pump em full of whatever u want even tho I have no idea what ur really giving them or why....the government has worked so well for us I have no idea why we would ever question them on anything....have u ppl seen the condition of our society lately?....

See, you have proven my point on ignorance! If you do not know what they are giving them, that is your fucking fault and no one else's.
Damn conspiracy theorists making people think and sh!t.

'Conspiracy theorist' doesn't even mean anything negative. The reason people associate conspiracies with fraudulence is because of the propaganda and bullshit portrayed by the mainstream media.
Yep, without honey bees we're pretty much fucked. And they're dropping dead by the tens of millions all over the place.

Oh cmon man we have worse probs than fricken bees....why are the leaders or our coutry performing satanic rituals of sacrifice in front if a 40foot statue of an owl while theyre dressed in robes w hoods??...I mean wtf would u be cool w ur neighbor if he was doin some shit like that?...speaking of nature tho the fricking Fibonacci sequence and how it correlates in nature and even in our own bodies now why the fuck werent they teachin us that shit in school instead if the meaningless stupid shit they were beating in our heads?...those same men performing those ceremonies control our education system so that could explain a lot.
Oh cmon man we have worse probs than fricken bees....why are the leaders or our coutry performing satanic rituals of sacrifice in front if a 40foot statue of an owl while theyre dressed in robes w hoods??...I mean wtf would u be cool w ur neighbor if he was doin some shit like that?...speaking of nature tho the fricking Fibonacci sequence and how it correlates in nature and even in our own bodies now why the fuck werent they teachin us that shit in school instead if the meaningless stupid shit they were beating in our heads?...those same men performing those ceremonies control our education system so that could explain a lot.

You have a link to this?
See, you have proven my point on ignorance! If you do not know what they are giving them, that is your fucking fault and no one else's.
haha...and how do u know what theyre giving them?....cause they told u so....ok man....if ur that blind u dont deserve to see.
Its all mind control and dumbing down tactics...militaries and governments have been doin this since the beginning of time...this is nothing new.....its basic population control which is a concern if u govern a country...they only teach u what they want u to know n show u what they want u to see...etc....its very basic and common sense
I could care less if they were having a circle jerk around the owl.
Without bees the only owl left will be theirs in due time.
Its all mind control and dumbing down tactics...militaries and governments have been doin this since the beginning of time...this is nothing new.....its basic population control which is a concern if u govern a country...they only teach u what they want u to know n show u what they want u to see...etc....its very basic and common sense

Yes, but they're so many stupid people that need to be controlled.
They can't run a household much less a community, city or state.

If you want to change this, run for a political office and start changing the world.
What is the significance of the Fibonacci number? I realize that it's found in variety of different natural things, but what does it all mean or what do most people think it means?

I know, my point was just one issue trumps the other.

On the point of the circle jerking owl aficionado's, these are the very same
people that make the decisions we are discussing here.

But careful, bringing the owl into this equation, it may get you labeled because
after all there are conspiracy theories to go with it.

[Dont mind my sarcasm Mr.Vega it's not intended for you]
I blasted a swarm of abt 500, 000 bees off a bull dozer at work the other day w a fire hose...my daughter got stung in the foot last week....we still have bees..and they are reproducing quite well...my uncle has 4hives
Yes, but they're so many stupid people that need to be controlled.
They can't run a household much less a community, city or state.

If you want to change this, run for a political office and start changing the world.
ill be the first in line w an assult rifle in my hand to stand up against our government. ..id never be a part of it....and no human has the right to control another...or to judge
I blasted a swarm of abt 500, 000 bees off a bull dozer at work the other day w a fire hose...my daughter got stung in the foot last week....we still have bees..and they are reproducing quite well...my uncle has 4hives

lol, Bee numbers are in a major decline.
One of my good friends is a bee farmer, my brother is a grain farmer.

I spend allot of time with both of them and I listen when they talk to me
from their experience.

Of course living in a heavily concentrated farming community they are not the only
farmers I know or have close relationships with.

This thread is rather humorous.
They wanna tax the money I make then tax it again when I spend it...tax me on the shit I own...fuck that shit I dont like gettin robbed hustled n played like a fool...it is the greatest hustle man has ever concieved tho ill give em that...its gangster as fuck actually
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