Well-Known Member
Me too. It's called a dictionary, use it, sigh.
Me too. It's called a dictionary, use it, sigh.
The same power ppl own the companies putting flouride in their they were able to down the amnt in the water....theyre stil giving us an ample dose im sure
If in fact fluoride % was lowered you can bet it's a smoke screen
They no longer need to use vaccines as they have nano-particles which they mix into just about everything we buy that isn't organic
the "mainstream media" predicted the outcome of the election to perfection using math and science.
the same math and science usually provides routine destruction to most of the theories espoused by the conspiratorial types of the world.
if you guys kept on being right, there would be less negative connotation to your label. but instead you guys keep howling about the fake moon landing, and super secret nano thermite, and gay communist hitler fluoride babies.
if they were really trying to poison us with fluoride, wouldn't they have revised the number for drinking water up instead of down? that they revised the number downwards just recently due to more topical uses of fluoride is evidence that the communists are not trying to make our babies gay with fluoride.
Allow me.
MSG, mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, aborted fetal cells. Don't believe me?
Injecting yourself with ANY kind of aluminum, mercury, MSG, or formaldehyde is BAD.
You do realize formaldehyde is a naturally occurring chemical right? It is the simplest aldehyde, CH2O. There is more naturally occurring formaldehyde in an apple than there is in a vaccine. Also you have more naturally occurring formaldehyde in your body right now than there is in a vaccine. Next thing you know they will be shoving dihydrogen monoxide down our throats! it's scary because it's chemically sounding.
1.) I never said formaldehyde wasn't a naturally occurring chemical.
2.) Formaldehyde that naturally occurs is in benign amounts.
3.) Even the government admits its dangers -
Which is bullshit.
1. It doesn't matter whether it's from a natural source or not, CH2O is CH20.
2. Formaldehyde below certain thresholds are benign regardless of source
3. The government also encourages vaccination with vaccines that contain small quantities of formaldehyde.
And as I already said, the quantity of formaldehyde inside a vaccine is LESS than the amount you currently have in your body.
Yes it does. Why would a chemical that is in foods you eat (naturally occurring, like in apples and nearly everything else) and that your body produces naturally be unsafe to inject at levels below what you make yourself? CH2O is CH2O. It's not a combination of tons of different chemicals like marijuana, it's a single simple organic compound. A ridiculously common organic compound. So simple that it occurs in space. There is absolutely no danger at the levels inside vaccines. Anyone that says otherwise is ignorant or brainwashed.
Yea pretty much i dont think it would be right away tho we could always manually pollinate crops and wind would still help. BUT no bees is scary thoughtYep, without honey bees we're pretty much fucked. And they're dropping dead by the tens of millions all over the place.
Conspiracy theorists are purposely made out to look like crazy, uneducated, paranoid people by the mainstream media because it persuades people into believing that, which makes it easier for people to just write them off when someone speaks out against the wrongdoings of those in power. If you speak out against the government nowadays, you're deemed a terrorist. That's tyranny. The power is supposed to be in the hands of the people, but everyone has been brainwashed and scared into submission ever since 9/11. Now the government wants to know when you take a piss... "for your own protection". How many terrorists has the TSA stopped since 9/11? Oh yeah, none. Have you ever heard of Edward Snowden? Ever researched the Bilderberg group? These aren't conspiracies, they are facts that are deliberately being shunned by the media. Instead, they constantly talk about some black kid being shot rather than things that truly matter in this world.
Go do some simple research on fluoride, it's my not job to educate you on everything you're misinformed about. If you have any intuition or ability to think for yourself, start researching into this stuff with an open mind.
It explains right in your link what those items are used for. We literally had this exact same conversation back in march in the GMO thread. In fact here is a series of quotes from that thread:
I see you have not done anymore research outside of naturalnews, or are choosing to remain ignorant. I'm not sure why you keep repeatedly bringing up formaldehyde.
I only focussed on debunking this one specific point in the other thread, but a quick google search will provide you with plenty of real information that completely debunks nearly everything jtprin claims.
You're delusional if you think naturalnews is the only place where they show how detrimental vaccines are. Yeah, they say that it makes the vaccines work better without providing any type of evidence. Injecting neurotoxins into your bloodstream is NEVER healthy. Why do I keep bringing up formaldehyde? Cancer Effects: Known to be a Human Carcinogen
Besides, even if we assume that formaldehyde is completely safe in vaccines, how do you explain the MSG, mercury, and aluminum? All proven neurotoxins. Disregarding naturalnews solely because you have some type of issue with the website doesn't discredit the factual information posted there. They have links and sources to most of their claims, you just have to read. Unvaccinated children are also much healthier than vaccinated kids. I'd post the direct sources but PDF's freeze my computer.
Besides, even if we assume that formaldehyde is completely safe in vaccines, how do you explain the MSG, mercury, and aluminum? All proven neurotoxins. Disregarding naturalnews solely because you have some type of issue with the website doesn't discredit the factual information posted there. They have links and sources to most of their claims, you just have to read. Unvaccinated children are also much healthier than vaccinated kids. I'd post the direct sources but PDF's freeze my computer.
(NaturalNews) Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children.
The data was collected from parents with vaccine-free children via an internet questionnaire by and Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner.
....snip...... Instead, they constantly talk about some black kid being shot rather than things that truly matter in this world....snip......
The evidence is overwhelming in favor of vaccination. And you are immediately doing it again, making statements that it is NEVER healthy to inject a neurotoxin (by which you are referring to formaldehyde) followed by some fact sheets. I made a bunch of posts explaining why that is a fallacy, and I even quoted them all again in this thread. Did you even read them? How do you refute my statements? You are so god damn concerned with "facts" that you don't even stop to consider the context. The amount of formaldehyde in a vaccine is LESS than the amount that is naturally occurring in your body right now. It is also less than is naturally occurring in an apple. Not some GMO radioactive apple. A normal organic apple has more formaldehyde than a vaccine.
More deaths are attributed to water than to formaldehyde. Does it follow logically that it is NEVER ok to put water into your body? No it's utter nonsense and you can immediately see why it is.
So if the life of a black kid doesn't matter in your world could you share with me the categories that do? Just spit balling but how does this make you feel, "they constantly talk about MY KID being shot....."
Consciously changing one's referential frame often enables one to gain empathy for a group they do not identify with. I highly recommend it.
More deaths are attributed to water than to formaldehyde. Does it follow logically that it is NEVER ok to put water into your body?