Any criticism by UB is welcome. Is it fair to poor people, well, not perfectly, but neither is our current system. The legislation thus far that has been brought to the house or senate has had a sunset provision whereby if the amendment that is necessary for the taxation of income is not repealed than the fair tax is taken down. I really feel that the poor could benefit the most from this. Lets face it, the very rich in this country don't pay a lot of income tax. There are multiple reasons for this, but mainly it is because their income is often capital gains, which is taxed at a much lower percent than regular earned income. The poor and middle class very often have a much higher actual tax rate than the wealthy. The medicare and social security taxes are flat, and I think around 7% of ones income, up to around $110,000 per year. No one pays any of those FICA taxes after the first 110k. So a person making $120k and a person making $120 mill annually pay the exact same in FICA taxes, not just rates, but actual dollars. Also, for business owners, a lot of the costs of employment, which go far beyond what they actually pay their employees is removed by the FT. This could easily mean more and better paying jobs because the cost of having an employee would decrease. For instance, the FICA taxes are actually 14%, this cost is split between employee and employer, so not only is the employee not taxed, the employer is not taxed. This is where a lot of knee jerk opposition comes to the FT. Because it removes the social security and medicare taxes a lot of people think it alters those programs. It does not, it simply eliminates the specific taxes for these programs, but the programs would continue to be funded as if nothing had changed.