You know where corporate profits come from? Us. The idea of stripping corporations of their profits and redistributing them to people is ludicrous for exactly that reason: we're the ones who voluntarily handed our money to those corporations in the first place.
Apple took in $156 billion last year and made $41 billion in profit. You know who's to blame for that? How many of you are reading this message on an iPhone, an iPad, or a Macbook literally right this moment? That means you're to blame. Tim Cook's fat pay package? That's your cash. All the huge gains in Apple stock by hedge funds and money managers in the last 10 years? They're pocketing your money. Those hundreds of thousands of Chinese people slaving away in sweatshops all day for very little money? That's your fault! (I'm on a Macbook Pro Retina right now, so mine too.)
Repeat this with every company. AT&T made $7 billion last year because we wanted cell phones, data service, TV, and internet; Starbucks made $1.3 billion last year because we went there to buy coffee; Walmart made $17 billion last year because we shopped there. From here I'll make two simple points:
1) We caused and are causing the combination and centralization of business. People turned their backs on local businesses in favor of lower prices, dependable quality, and universal experience. Talk about what you want and what's ideal all you like, but in reality Americans are voting with their dollars: we built Walmart and destroyed local stores by shopping there. When you chose to go to Best Buy and to pay $100 less for your computer than the locally owned store charged, you sent your money to Best Buy's shareholders instead of leaving it in your community, in order to benefit yourself.
2) We can cause real and immediate change by altering our purchasing decisions. If everyone stops buying Apple products and shopping at Walmart, both companies will totally disappear--they'll have no profits. If you're serious about reducing wealth inequality and sharing what you've got, stop sending your money to the shareholders of huge corporations!