Should young black men and boys be afraid of white people?

What about the africans who sold off their own people for guns and various other items? Or how about the jews who owned the ships and brought the slaves across the Atlantic to the US. Are they not to blame aswell? Or is it just Whitey? or to be PC The White population born 200 years later. Did africans ever apologize to Europeans for taking their people as slaves?
So, the problem you will always run into is when you find out that history is dark, your ancestors included. There is no point in blaming long dead participants in these atrocities and linking them to a larger culture of today. The fact is humans have no choice but to live with a shameful legacy. This blaming is desperate.....just remember, judgement and entitlement are individual, anyone has potential good and bad. What is your ancestry??
haha, says who, you? your post might have had validity to it if that's all i posted ( i see you neglected to leave out the rest of that post, lame), but being that you neglected to quote the rest of that specific post or any in regards to yours, you failed. i think you need to go back and look at what you posted and the response to it, just to make sure you can keep up Fresh Jr. the fact of the matter is, you asked what contributions has/have blacks contribute/contributed other 200 yrs of slavery (to be correct, more like 400-500 yrs. that we didn't ask for), and when provided with an answer, you come with this racial pride shit (the typical passive aggressive shit that goes on here). isn't what this thread is about (should young black man be afraid of white people) or are you on the wrong thread and don't realize it? also racial pride and racial superiority is two different things, so don't know where you were going with that one. oh i get it, is it that you didn't think that others wouldn't know the difference between the two. or is it that you're trying to make it an issue, because you didn't/couldn't distinguish the two? learn how to follow the context of a conversation/debate before you decide to make any contributions to such discussions.
The difference is immeasurrable between the two in the way the public will respond. Both seem in that grey-area, and that is the problems. What if races are superior? What if blacks are the best athletes? what if whites are better at this? What if there are reasons to celebrate heritage? I don't really understand national pride at all, racial pride is just a term. If you walk around exhibiting that everywhere misunderstandings are gonna happen a lot. What I do is take all the steroetypes that are true about my ethnicity and blow them out of proportion. Leave nothing for the race vultures behind. I want to address evolution, the force that brought the races to life. When this was in full swing it was about creating a superior human. A force that superiority built into the human genome for better survival. Simply because we are no longer conventionally evolving, race can offer the next major contribution. Our genes will cross and sooner or later genetic variation will manifest a more equipped human. Facts are that "all humans are equal" is a falsehood. Humans are naturally better at individual tasks as races are evolved to handle other tasks. All I am getting at is, we are still evolving and what we hold proud is what we are superior at as a human. Am I allowed to be done with race and move my outrage? God help a species that evolves to cooperate.
The thing about stereotyping and racial profiling has little to do with racism and much to do with how the human mind works. The human mind classifies EVERYTHING whether you realize it or not. Stereotyping is a human survival instinct of the subconscious.
The thing about stereotyping and racial profiling has little to do with racism and much to do with how the human mind works. The human mind classifies EVERYTHING whether you realize it or not. Stereotyping is a human survival instinct of the subconscious.
That is right, pretending one is immune to that instinct is phony. Racism might include itself as a bi-product of this conciousness. The interesting part is awareness and reinventing our programming.
That got me thinking. I'm German and Norwegian.

After centuries of my German Viking ancestors raiding my Norwegian ancestors...I don't know wether I should feel bad or expect sympathy.

I'm so confused.

You can do both, and get a subsidy from the government to boot. All you gotta do is ask.
honestly, i don't think so. i have come in contact with plenty of good white people, but that doesn't mean i speak for the rest or all black people. just because i don't think so doesn't mean that white people in other states are as color blind as the ones in my area or are not actively forcing confrontation just to kill a black man. as for Al and the rest, i don't think it will ever stop. you must remember in the constitution, us Blacks are only considered 3/5 of a person and to top it off, we have yet to get that 40 acres and a mule that was/is owed to us til this day. shit the Jews reaped rewards from their holocaust, what's the hold up on ours? trust me, i am like those that don't get into the racial politics, but i also don't ignore the facts either. as of now, i think we're behind in times, because as of lately, it's been (for sometime) more of a social issue more so than just a race issue. the nwo is predicated on the have and the have nots, not the blacks vs spanish vs jew vs white. shit the way i see it, i believe in the very near future, if you're not very rich, color of skin will be the last thing anyone beneath being very rich will have to worry about. just to be clear, no matter how i may have come off in my posts, i truly respect everyone that participated (whether you are a racist or not) in this thread. i truly believe debates such as this, when facts are provided, people can come together as one and accept one another once we weed through the facts and false info out there about any race or creed. debates such as this can serve as or better help as an understand as to why we as people do the things we do or feel the way we feel towards ourselves and others that are not from same ethnic background. i believe i have said enough and enjoyed kicking it with all of you. much respect to you all, sincerely, Fresh.
Get this straight we are all one race......consumers. We are not entitled to anything because of our ethnicity, if we get something it is a bonus. The humanity that is a prerequisite for race we should be more concerned by. Racism is essential and I applaud the people who speak about it. I am sick of my taboos being defined for me, I am tired of the complaints, I don't care about ancestry, and most of all phonies with contrived outrage. We are all equally mediocre, the playing field isn't, you are not special and nor am I. If race is our issue, than embolden it's slurs, mock each other, embrace variance, and use humor to do this. This is too much, humanity is sufferring....we all have our pain and we deal with it. Dialogue!!!
Welfare is destructive to all families, regardless of race.
Welfare is destructive until YOU need it. The distinction most take for granted is that it is only used by minorities...that is not the case. Food, diapers, bills are needs welfare helps people meet. You would be surprised that divorces and medical bills force people into welfare more than anything else.
Welfare is destructive until YOU need it. The distinction most take for granted is that it is only used by minorities...that is not the case. Food, diapers, bills are needs welfare helps people meet. You would be surprised that divorces and medical bills force people into welfare more than anything else.

lol, as if red is interested in anything other than demonizing minorities. see my sig.
That got me thinking. I'm German and Norwegian.

After centuries of my German Viking ancestors raiding my Norwegian ancestors...I don't know wether I should feel bad or expect sympathy.

I'm so confused.

Either way you are in good Hanse. cn
lol, as if red is interested in anything other than demonizing minorities. see my sig.
Well then he is not alone, I forget where I am here sometimes. That peace, love, hippy tie to herb is no longer. So in these threads I have heard a lot about blacks, jews, mexicans, and whites and what they are inherently better at and also worse because of. My question is honest......are all people actually equal? Is equality a good thing for humanity? In an effort to deflate the racial bubble I dont look at it like most do, I dont care for affirmative Action, I support its intentions however it is largely flawed. I am less sensitive as time goes forward as race is inclusive to the indifferent. I am a part of a minority as well as am disabled and am on the conservative shit list but I am tired of all of it. Life is not fair, humans are not identical, nobody is innocent, am I a racist????
Well then he is not alone, I forget where I am here sometimes. That peace, love, hippy tie to herb is no longer. So in these threads I have heard a lot about blacks, jews, mexicans, and whites and what they are inherently better at and also worse because of. My question is honest......are all people actually equal? Is equality a good thing for humanity? In an effort to deflate the racial bubble I dont look at it like most do, I dont care for affirmative Action, I support its intentions however it is largely flawed. I am less sensitive as time goes forward as race is inclusive to the indifferent. I am a part of a minority as well as am disabled and am on the conservative shit list but I am tired of all of it. Life is not fair, humans are not identical, nobody is innocent, am I a racist????
If you stopped trying to group people, you'd probably realise that bar minor cultural differences we're all EXACTLY alike.
You would be surprised that divorces and medical bills force people into welfare more than anything else.
Neither of which help you qualify for welfare. If you make $50,000 a year, but have $100 billion in medical bills, you don't qualify for any program. You make too much, so unless divorce causes people to get paid less and medical bills reduce your paycheck, you aren't going to get any welfare. Heck you won't even qualify for a foodstamp.

Divorces and medical bills probably are the root of more Bankruptcies than other things, but I really don't think its a cause of going on welfare.
If you stopped trying to group people, you'd probably realise that bar minor cultural differences we're all EXACTLY alike.
No, we can have differences and do. They are not only cultural and you oversimplify by suggesting otherwise. I am sorry, the differences are the good stuff and if I am alone in seeing them that I am content to celebrate them by myself. We evolved to be exactly the same? We are groups, so what? You might be a perfect example of a point I made before about having a truthful dialogue about race.....the heightened oversensitivity casts reality as racist and glib, political, simple conclusions are popular. Whatever you believe, I believe your intent is good and I will be misunderstood but don't you get intellectually tired of all the righteousness only you are capable of. The questions were rhetorical.....thank you.
No, we can have differences and do. They are not only cultural and you oversimplify by suggesting otherwise. I am sorry, the differences are the good stuff and if I am alone in seeing them that I am content to celebrate them by myself. We evolved to be exactly the same? We are groups, so what? You might be a perfect example of a point I made before about having a truthful dialogue about race.....the heightened oversensitivity casts reality as racist and glib, political, simple conclusions are popular. Whatever you believe, I believe your intent is good and I will be misunderstood but don't you get intellectually tired of all the righteousness only you are capable of. The questions were rhetorical.....thank you.
Nope, you're incorrect.

We're all pink and gooey on the inside, stop trying to group people by skin colour/geographic origin, it's counter-productive to a successful society.

As I said, there will be cultural differences, but humans are all basically just different coloured models of the same car.