Right or wrong, why I think Treyvon was shot

he said he didn't quite get a couple ounces, red. lrn2wordz.
You're a liar.
damn my first plant was on the smaller side couple ounces but I got high as fuck clean and a very good taste for bag seed (thanks in part to some of the members here giving me advice and info) also had zero spider mites... Buck claims to be a high class grower yet when he posts up a picture I don't see anything special.
You're a liar.

"my first plant was on the smaller side couple ounces"

lol, pick your battles a little more wisely red. he clearly did not say "on the larger side of a couple ounces", he said smaller side.

at least we all agree that a "couple" refers to two and not three.
statistics show no such thing.
edit: the second chart looks exactly the sae as the first, but it shows poverty by race instead of crime by race. who would have thought? :dunce:
Gee, your chart proves you wrong. Who would have thought?
Gee, your chart proves you wrong. Who would have thought?

how so, red?

does it not show a very clear correlation between poverty and crime? are you fucking blind? stupid? cranky? would it have been your anniversary today? are they all out of baby coffins?
can't even provide an explanation for his own assertion. just asserts a baseless, racist falsehood and then runs away like the little cowardly shit he is.
Fortunately, I have you to conveniently post a chart showing blacks committing crime at about four times the rate of whites, your "baseless, racist falsehood". Why should I have to provide an explanation for a fact? Do you expect me to provide an explanation as to why the sun rises?
where was martin staying that week? where was he resting his head the previous night, where would he have rested his head that night, or the next night? martin was staying there, he had every right to be there despite your racist beliefs. not even gonna humor the next part where you just make stuff up, jackass.
Still not a resident, still didn't live there, so you're still lying. Can't refute it I see.
"what is your apartment number" "it's a home, it's 1950...oh crap, i don't want to give it all out. i don't know where this kid is" http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/326700-full-transcript-zimmerman.html you are such a fucking dumbass. yes, know his place. you complain the black kid should have gone home, you never mention that zimmy the adult should have gone back to his truck. you think martin should have showed the creepy stranger where he lived, you never mention that zimmy the adult didn't want the fleeing child to know where he lived. and you think martin is osmehow magically inclined to criminality simply because he is black. you are a dumb racist asshole.
Your explanation for your racist slur is inadequate, at best. I said a fearful person, once clear of danger, doesn't return and attack the person he was supposedly afraid of. You keep trying to pretend that Martin didn't attack Zimmerman first. You keep trying to pretend that Martin did nothing wrong. I never said blacks are inclined to criminality because they're black. I said blacks are more inclined. I never gave a reason.
i also posted a chart that shows poverty among blacks occurring at about four times the rate of poverty among whites, with crime rates for all groups dropping when poverty rates for those groups drop. the "baseless, racist falsehood" is when you assert that this criminality is due to being a black male, not the more obvious explanation. you couldn't be more of a racist idiot if you tried. maybe you can take some pointers from shotgun420.
Yet your chart still shows higher crime rates. Being poor doesn't excuse crime. "you assert that this criminality is due to being a black male" Care to show us where I said this? Liar.
Your explanation for your racist slur is inadequate, at best. I said a fearful person, once clear of danger, doesn't return and attack the person he was supposedly afraid of.

you're right.

so why did zimm, after saying he was in fear of martin, then say he "went back towards him" rather than go back to his car? why did he tell serino he went down the T to look for martin at that point?

but according to you, since he's not a black male, he's not more inclined to criminality.

You keep trying to pretend that Martin didn't attack Zimmerman first.

you keep trying to pretend he did, even though there is no evidence for it (besides martin being a black male and thus inclined to criminality).

You keep trying to pretend that Martin did nothing wrong.

he didn't.

he talked on his phone as he walked home. he ran away from a creepy stranger. he may have tried to defend himself from someone he was in fear for his life from.

nothing wrong with any of that.

I never said blacks are inclined to criminality because they're black. I said blacks are more inclined. I never gave a reason.

you didn't give a reason because you're a vagina and didn't want to more openly identify yourself as the racist you are.
the answer you're looking for is that he was living there at the time, and had every right to be where he was.
Not living there, visiting. But he still had no right to attack Zimmerman. You want to deflect everything from the simple truth. Martin attacked Zimmerman, and started the violence that resulted in his own death.
the chart shows crime rates on par with poverty rates, dropping when poverty rates drop, and rising where poverty rates rise. should be pretty clear to anyone not harboring a racist grudge against blacks like you do. being poor doesn't excuse crime, it just correlates damn near perfectly to crime. see my sig, dipshit.
What you keep claiming I said is clearly not there. So...........You're a liar.
Not living there, visiting. But he still had no right to attack Zimmerman. You want to deflect everything from the simple truth. Martin attacked Zimmerman, and started the violence that resulted in his own death.

there is no evidence at all that martin attacked zimmerman. zero. there is no evidence that zimm attacked martin, either. zero.

what don't you get about this?

martin was being followed in the dark, in his own neighborhood where he was staying, while he was doing nothing wrong, by a creepy stranger who didn't identify himself.

any person who wants to stay alive is gonna be in fear for their lives if a creepy stranger follows them in similar circumstances.

that gives martin every right to defend himself. zimm should count himself lucky that martin didn;t have a gun, he could have shot to kill in legitimate self defense since he feared for his life.
you're right. so why did zimm, after saying he was in fear of martin, then say he "went back towards him" rather than go back to his car? why did he tell serino he went down the T to look for martin at that point? but according to you, since he's not a black male, he's not more inclined to criminality. you keep trying to pretend he did, even though there is no evidence for it (besides martin being a black male and thus inclined to criminality). he didn't. he talked on his phone as he walked home. he ran away from a creepy stranger. he may have tried to defend himself from someone he was in fear for his life from. nothing wrong with any of that. you didn't give a reason because you're a vagina and didn't want to more openly identify yourself as the racist you are.
Odd how you just keep glossing over the eyewitness testimony and physical evidence and pretending that Martin never first attacked Zimmerman. Not odd, but very telling, how you have no argument but "You're a vagina/racist"
Odd how you just keep glossing over the eyewitness testimony and physical evidence and pretending that Martin never first attacked Zimmerman. Not odd, but very telling, how you have no argument but "You're a vagina/racist"

which eyewitness says martin first attacked zimmerman?

physical evidence can't prove who attacked who first, so you can go ahead and flush that one down the "red's bad ideas" shitcan.

so tell me which eyewitness saw the fight start, red.

this should prove to be very interesting.