THC stimulates brain cell growthWell, I know happiness runs in a circular motion. Perhaps you meant your brain cells...I kidding...Just KIDDING!
and this means what exactly, that your cognitive skills are better suited for a grammar and English teacher then someone in a debate or that you think the quality of my English and grammar dictate my intelligenceYou are running wild with incoherent misrepresentations, typo city, misspelled drivel
but yes you are the winner of the special Olympics or something
congratulations, i think
sheep don't feel controlled either i guessBut, how do the few control so many....???/ BINGO
if i dont get caught i can steal all the freedom you have, does that mean im freeer(def cant spell and fuck google) then you cause im not allowed to do itSam, all I'm pointing out is cops are the only one allowed to steal your freedom. You have a persecution complex. No fallacy.
the controllers dont feel controlled either, but as i do wha ti want they are forced to respond . .. who is more free, those responding to an action or those taking actionsheep don't feel controlled either i guess
if only you could ask them lol
this was not an argument, but you tried to create one, my assumption is that you are bitter about past eventsand this means what exactly, that your cognitive skills are better suited for a grammar and English teacher then someone in a debate or that you think the quality of my English and grammar dictate my intelligence
for someone who spits fallacy's every subject matter to prove a point...... i do hope your response is just as entertaining
you are an imbecileno your assertion and persuasive argument was that our freedom is questionable because of some fallacy you created about right to bare arms and not killing anyone who would be willing or legally allowed to take our posesions or trample your civil rights
you argument is and was absurd and hold no water
but go on congrajulate yourself for agreeing with me . . ..
really that sounds brilliant , has anyone been successful doing that ?oh in what world are friends impressed by internet arguments/discussions . . . . .. .now your just being delusional
if a cop took my pot away, as a medical pateint adn designate3d provider ,i ahv ea right to pettiton for my meds back
and in my state they get em back or value per gram at 5k a pound
wow 5k a pound per gram by weight, its a ratioso cops take away your pot, they then buy it back for 5k per pound , is that a good rate ?