Well-Known Member
The only reason I don't kill people if they irritate me enough is because someone else will kill me, or throw me in jail.
That's what his step dad was thinking

The only reason I don't kill people if they irritate me enough is because someone else will kill me, or throw me in jail.
Well I still view it all the same. The only reason I don't kill people if they irritate me enough is because someone else will kill me, or throw me in jail. If I kill a mosquito then a swarm of mosquitoes doesn't come for revenge. People can carry diseases that kill us too
If the only reason you're not killing people is due to the fear of retribution... um... you should look into some books on psychopathology. Fear of someone enacting revenge is about the worst motivator for ethical behavior that I've ever heard of, Skuxx. But, well, at least there are laws in place that keep you from killing humans. Strange that they don't stop most other people from murder, but if it keeps you in check, then the world is a better place.
Yes, people do carry diseases that kill us too. But they don't randomly run up and bite us. If they did--in this zombie scenario--we'd be killing them too and doing so ethically. It's the "quarantine clause" that no one likes to talk about.
The thing that can be hard to understand for many (we humans have a weakness toward the Lamarckian error) is that mutations precipitate change, but the change does not steer the mutations. (There is no Practice Effect.) The mutations and combinations are selected in a manner that is contemptuous of the fortunes of the individual. cn
So they evolved to have a physiology that cannot handle meat properly?
Look what I found! LoL, nicely put, Sunni!your fighting a loosing battle jtprin and youre making the rest of us vegans and vegetarians look bad just fucking stop
This guy just doesn't get it. You completely ignore science and respond only to the personal point the respondent made in closing.
Okay, here's a a scientific fact for you. The reason we (the human species) craves sugar and fat and the reason they taste good to us is because back in the day they were sure fire caloric intakes. Our bodies developed in order to make these high calorie treats (meat and fruits) taste good to us so we would gorge on them when we came across them. Of course, back in the day, sugars and meats were infrequent in our diets so gorging to intake storable calories was a great idea. Today, they just make us fat.
Show me one herbivore with canine teeth. Just one. Show me one herbivore that has evolved canine teeth.
You should have made your argument based upon the ethics and sustainability of a vegetarian lifestyle. When you chose to argue science--when you don't know much about science--you landed yourself in a hilarious predicament.
And don't talk about primates as if you understood them. The ones who don't peel the banana do so because it's easier to break it in half and squeeze the banana into the mouth. Also, you're comparing a human primate tactic (peeling) with a non-human primate tactic. You do realize that our opposable thumbs are the reason we approach tasks differently, right?
be sure to think that way next time you reach into your refrigerator and grab your NOM-NOMSQuite frankly I just laugh when people think of themselves as "hunters" and think they're talented. Sitting in a tree for five hours with a loaded gun is not hunting and it's pure comedy that some people think it is. Or when people go to an enclosed area and hunt, there can't be anything more pathetic than that. REAL hunting would require you to physically run down and catch whatever it is you want to eat and then tear them open with your bare hands to get the 'parts' you want to eat. Besides, what makes your life more valuable than an animals (speciesism)? This concept right here is the basis of all forms of discrimination or hatred. Hatred is learned and so is speciesism, which is the belief that humans are superior to other forms of life (not at all). What makes racism so bad but speciesism perfectly fine?
Humans are not natural carnivores nor are they omnivores and meat eating is one of the biggest contributors to rapidly increasing disease, even grass-fed w/ no antibiotics or hormones. We don't have sharp fangs or claws to rip into flesh, and physiologically, the human body is 100% herbivorous. We have carbohydrate digestive enzymes in our saliva, only found in herbivores. Our intestines are within the same range as all other herbivores. Our lower jaw goes side to side to in a grinding motion, carnivores jaws go up and down. They also eat the animals raw, on the spot, something humans would get extremely sick from. TRUE carnivores never get clogged arteries. Guess what's one of the biggest killers in America? Arthrosclerosis, or clogged arteries... I wonder why.
Everything gray is where none of those fruits grow, so why do the people that live there have K9's?
You keep chanting this arrant lie as if it were fact. cn
Okay. This thread is obviously reached the end of sanity. You have a non-scientist proclaiming that we are physiologically herbivores, which is utterly a lie and spits in the face of all historical data and also our evolutionary history and the facts represented by the expressions of our predatory genes (our canines and the positioning of our eyeballs in the front of our skulls).
Look, I know the OP read some vegan manifesto that argues that we are herbivores, but I can tell you with complete faith in science and graduate studies in evolutionary biology that we are not herbivores. All scientific data and all of history supports this fact. The human species is omnivorous, and has been for hundreds of thousands of years. Even leading proponents of vegetarianism admit that we're omnivores. Ever hear of a book called "The Omnivores Dilemma"?
Here's what NPR has to say on the subject. It's short. You should read it.
How is it not? Explain how we are physiologically carnivorous.
Well at least we found a new fin till he comes back in little pieces from Mexico.
jtprin you seem smart enough to venture off into the woods and be eaten by a plant.
Ironic how jprin's antagonistic high horse riding self rightousness caused people from here to consume meat in the last 24 hours to spite him because of this thread. So now jprin you by proxy have the blood of innocent animals on your hand. I shall make some bacon tonight in your honor, which I didn't plan on doing but your thread has inspired me to go out and pick some bacon up.
You said BACON!!!! Now I'm hungry.Ironic how jprin's antagonistic high horse riding self rightousness caused people from here to consume meat in the last 24 hours to spite him because of this thread. So now jprin you by proxy have the blood of innocent animals on your hand. I shall make some bacon tonight in your honor, which I didn't plan on doing but your thread has inspired me to go out and pick some bacon up.
Has the point passed you by that the onus of supporting your claim falls on you? I challenged your claim, and your attitude is "Prove me wrong"? You just forfeited whatever pass you had left to any claims of "debate". cn