People who call themselves "hunters"


Well-Known Member
I went to school for 2 years for animal science/pre-vet at NCSU. I dissected all sorts of animals... dogs, cats, horses, goats, pigs, cows, chickens, you name it. Now, herbivores have MULTI CHAMBERED stomachs because of the EXTENSIVE digestive processes that occur as a result of eating so much damn fiber. Forage (hay/grass) is REQUIRED for these animals to function. As mentioned, they also have eyes on the sides of their heads and have the ability to sleep standing as defense mechanisms.

I don't eat forage or graze, and I don't have more than one chamber in my stomach. I eat meat on the daily. If I were an herbivore, I would not crave protein the way I do and my digestive tract would function entirely different. I'm tired of hearing that humans are herbivores... it's so stupid.
Since when does craving something mean it's healthy or that you were meant to eat it?


Well-Known Member
Since when does craving something mean it's healthy or that you were meant to eat it?
When your mouth is dry, your body is telling you, you need water. When your stomach grumbles, it is telling you, you are hungry.


Well-Known Member
Bananas can be peeled but I'm guessing back then not everyone was smart enough. Even today some monkeys peel their bananas while some eat it whole.
Since when does craving something mean it's healthy or that you were meant to eat it?
This guy just doesn't get it. You completely ignore science and respond only to the personal point the respondent made in closing.

Okay, here's a a scientific fact for you. The reason we (the human species) craves sugar and fat and the reason they taste good to us is because back in the day they were sure fire caloric intakes. Our bodies developed in order to make these high calorie treats (meat and fruits) taste good to us so we would gorge on them when we came across them. Of course, back in the day, sugars and meats were infrequent in our diets so gorging to intake storable calories was a great idea. Today, they just make us fat.

Show me one herbivore with canine teeth. Just one. Show me one herbivore that has evolved canine teeth.

You should have made your argument based upon the ethics and sustainability of a vegetarian lifestyle. When you chose to argue science--when you don't know much about science--you landed yourself in a hilarious predicament.

And don't talk about primates as if you understood them. The ones who don't peel the banana do so because it's easier to break it in half and squeeze the banana into the mouth. Also, you're comparing a human primate tactic (peeling) with a non-human primate tactic. You do realize that our opposable thumbs are the reason we approach tasks differently, right?
Apples, fruits with thick skin that would require biting into w/ no tools like grapefruit, oranges, avocados, bananas.
Horses and other herbivores, like deer, eat apples just fine. You don't need canines to eat an apple. Go to the store. Bite one and chew it, and pay attention to which teeth you're using to render an apple.

The majority of our species did not evolve alongside grapefruit or oranges, and bananas only arrived in the western world in the 1950s when air freight allowed them to be shipped up from south and central america.

It's your front teeth that puncture the skin of a fruit. And we don't need to eat skinned fruits whole--in fact they can be quite toxic to our reproductive systems because the skin of bananas and other fruits contain self-defense mechanisms that are bad for humans (and other primates). We fucking peel them because we have evolved the thumbs necessary to do so.

Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about.


Ursus marijanus
1.) Ok? I already explained what it meant.
2.) Slavery, the holocaust, native americans being forced out of THEIR land, billions of animals being slaughtered each year, etc. Why did those events occur if not for one thinking they were more entitled or superior than others?
1) Is that what I asked? No. I asked you to defend the concept, not define it.
2) Nonhuman animals simply don't qualify for the tags of either slavery or holocaust. You are merely propagating (what I see as) the error of fthe faulty premise behind point 1. cn



Well-Known Member
Apples, fruits with thick skin that would require biting into w/ no tools like grapefruit, oranges, avocados, bananas.
Bananas can be peeled but I'm guessing back then not everyone was smart enough. Even today some monkeys peel their bananas while some eat it whole.

Everything gray is where none of those fruits grow, so why do the people that live there have K9's?
