Should young black men and boys be afraid of white people?

The welfare state is the cause of inequality then?

the welfare state is the distraction he waves with one hand while trying to hide the real problem in his other hand behind his back.

just ignore it. it's a retarded argument that makes no sense.

the "welfare state" (LOL!) is extended to all races, he just wants us to believe that only blacks are dumb enough and lazy enough to get ensnared by its evil nature.

it's a racist argument on its face that ignores the roots of the issue entirely.

best not to listen to a word that asshats like him have to say. he is clearly plagiarizing or summarizing someone else's argument from some white supremacist source.

either that, or he is the originator of this very racist, idiotic, reality-ignoring theory.
what do you think segregated the blacks in america and kept them persecuted for centuries? was it white kindness that disallowed blacks from even voting for a century after they should have been able to?

I'll take the Democratic party for 200 Alex
the welfare state is the distraction he waves with one hand while trying to hide the real problem in his other hand behind his back.

just ignore it. it's a retarded argument that makes no sense.

the "welfare state" (LOL!) is extended to all races, he just wants us to believe that only blacks are dumb enough and lazy enough to get ensnared by its evil nature.

it's a racist argument on its face that ignores the roots of the issue entirely.

best not to listen to a word that asshats like him have to say. he is clearly plagiarizing or summarizing someone else's argument from some white supremacist source.

either that, or he is the originator of this very racist, idiotic, reality-ignoring theory.

It was a rhetorical question. I'm aware he is full of shit. I'm digging to the core of his cognitive dissonance, which is that he believes that his privilege is a result of nature.
Sadly it is the government that tells minorities that they are not good enough to compete on a level playing field and need affirmative action and dozens of other programs to allow them to compete fairly.

If you get told you are not good enough constantly you might believe it too...

eurasiareview is put out by the neoconservative jamestown foundation.

articles at a glance on their front page include "obama dog whistles over trayvon" and other articles sympathetic to major asshat adam kokesh and completely unsympathetic to the outcries about the zimmerman verdict.

transparent is as transparent does.
Sadly it is the government that tells minorities that they are not good enough to compete on a level playing field and need affirmative action and dozens of other programs to allow them to compete fairly.

If you get told you are not good enough constantly you might believe it too...

affirmative action is not telling someone that they are not good enough, it is the leveling of the playing field.

i believe the whole telling them they are "not good enough" is the hundreds of years of prior history that you are ignoring. why? because you're a dumbass, i would guess.
We now call ourselves Anarchists. We say we want the end of all chains and the extermination of all oppression. Yet, in the Anarchist "movement", black folk and other folks of color are still in the senzala. We are still having to disguise ourselves, call whitey "Massa" and chain ourselves to the wall. No, don't talk about racism unless it is in that very abstract sense of we-are-all-equal-let's-sing-kumbayas-and-pretend-the-color-of-our-skin-does-not-matter" racism. While there might be nobody yelling "die, nigger, die!", you can hear a very clear “shut the fuck up, nigger, just shut the fuck up".
—Pedro Riberio, Reflections on APOC and the fate of Black Anarchism
Black culture has always been oppositional and is all about finding ways to creatively resist oppression here, in the most racist country in the world [the United States]. So, when I speak of a Black anarchism, it is not so tied to the color of my skin but who I am as a person, as someone who can resist, who can see differently when I am stuck, and thus live differently.
—Ashanti Alston, "Black Anarchism", Anarchist Panther
Buck, you can take this as an assist if you ever need it. You do fine on your own, just thought of this whenever "it's the Jews" rears it's ugly head.
here we go with the most retarded argument imaginable.

and there it is.

ignore hundreds of years of history, ignore the ongoing imbalance in the "justice" system, it's all because we tried handing out food stamps to hungry children and families of any color, and yet it somehow only ensnared those darkies, eh?

did you read this retarded theory from an essayist for a regional magazine by the pen name of nietzschekeen or something?

there ya go. that's a very clever iteration of "anti racist is code for anti white", just as any stormfront peon loves to recite.

the "non problem of white racism"? are you fucking shitting me?

what do you think segregated the blacks in america and kept them persecuted for centuries? was it white kindness that disallowed blacks from even voting for a century after they should have been able to?

is it simply mere coincidence that blacks are more likely to be pulled over, searched, and arrested, and then more likely to face a tougher punishment for the same crime? or does that all fold neatly into you retarded theory of "the non problem of white racism"?

seriously, what white supremacist website are you summarizing and disguising this argument from?

Thomas Sowell, the noted UncleTom.

One particular aspect of the welfare state destroyed black families, IMO. There was a requirement that those on welfare could not have a man living in the house, might still have that rule, not sure. The effect of that rule was to destroy the nuclear family. No father in the house is a very bad thing. Before 1960 black families were the norm, now days about 70% of babies are born out of wedlock.
Thomas Sowell, the noted UncleTom.

One particular aspect of the welfare state destroyed black families, IMO. There was a requirement that those on welfare could not have a man living in the house, might still have that rule, not sure. The effect of that rule was to destroy the nuclear family. No father in the house is a very bad thing. Before 1960 black families were the norm, now days about 70% of babies are born out of wedlock.
So sad, but so true. Sorry, to say it is now happening to other races too.
Thomas Sowell, the noted UncleTom.

One particular aspect of the welfare state destroyed black families, IMO. There was a requirement that those on welfare could not have a man living in the house, might still have that rule, not sure. The effect of that rule was to destroy the nuclear family. No father in the house is a very bad thing. Before 1960 black families were the norm, now days about 70% of babies are born out of wedlock.


oh, you poor oppressed white man, there there.
Thomas Sowell, the noted UncleTom.

One particular aspect of the welfare state destroyed black families, IMO. There was a requirement that those on welfare could not have a man living in the house, might still have that rule, not sure. The effect of that rule was to destroy the nuclear family. No father in the house is a very bad thing. Before 1960 black families were the norm, now days about 70% of babies are born out of wedlock.

yet somehow the other races have escaped the trap of the "welfare state".

gee, could it be that you are neglecting to take into account hundreds of years of history in favor of your retarded and demonstrably false argument?