Should young black men and boys be afraid of white people?

desert dude

Well-Known Member

"When Holder delivered his 2009 "nation-of-cowards" speech blaming racism for racial separation, Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald suggested that our attorney general study his crime statistics.

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly confirms Mac Donald's facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit 96 percent of all crimes in the city, he says, but only 85 percent of the stop-and-frisks are of blacks and Hispanics."
Those stats are racist!!

Seriously though, you could make an argument that minorities are convicted at a higher rate than whites for the same crimes so that would skew the numbers a bit. Not enough to even them out, but I figured I'd get that out of the way before the white guilt crowd showed up.

"When Holder delivered his 2009 "nation-of-cowards" speech blaming racism for racial separation, Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald suggested that our attorney general study his crime statistics.

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly confirms Mac Donald's facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit 96 percent of all crimes in the city, he says, but only 85 percent of the stop-and-frisks are of blacks and Hispanics."

you do know that a statistic is just that a piece of data, shown with in a system or range of other values

it is no easy indication of anything other than the unbiased stat itself

and i would argue that the LE and judicial system and its effects on said citizens of united states breeds a self perpetuating system of abuse and neglect . . . . .

but cusality does not seem important here, just easy button finger pointing, which is weak suace

the stats are a indication of a bigger problem . . not anything to do with melanin ratios in skin or ancestry

"When Holder delivered his 2009 "nation-of-cowards" speech blaming racism for racial separation, Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald suggested that our attorney general study his crime statistics.

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly confirms Mac Donald's facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit 96 percent of all crimes in the city, he says, but only 85 percent of the stop-and-frisks are of blacks and Hispanics."

hey desert dud, what do you think it is about that melanin that makes the negro act all crazy and violent? do you suppose it has anything to do with the devil's reefer and their jazz music? shouldi make sure our white women walk on the opposite side of the road as darkie?

thanks in advance!
Let me know when you figure out what makes genetically identical human beings act differently without of course attributing it to socio-economic factors Desert Douche. Wouldn't want to get in the way of your white privilege!
Let me know when you figure out what makes genetically identical human beings act differently without of course attributing it to socio-economic factors Desert Douche. Wouldn't want to get in the way of your white privilege!

it may take DD a min to google socio-economic factors . . . .

but well said . you would think people would be able to step back and objectivity and logically look at a hypothesis . . .but nope

ive got a tan i wonder if im a threat to some people since i have darker skin now . .. . .
If 98% of the time lions kill people and 98% of the time bulls do not I am going to be cautious of the lions.

We profile to survive.

To ask people to do differently is insane.
If 98% of the time lions kill people and 98% of the time bulls do not I am going to be cautious of the lions.

We profile to survive.

To ask people to do differently is insane.
Seems legit... But every programmed voice in my brain says "RACIST!"

Damn politically correct world...
If 98% of the time lions kill people and 98% of the time bulls do not I am going to be cautious of the lions.

We profile to survive.

To ask people to do differently is insane.

wow, the utter failure in this statement is comical , great logic dude

with this mindset we would have had our firearms taken away and cars and anything alcohol, or mcdonalds . . . . .might as well never speed or drive or grow old or fuck even be born 100% of everyone dies so whats the point in creating babies either , they just gonna die

war should never happen , people die

everyone should stop doing anything cause their is statistic to make it seem dangerous

for fucks sake

as ,long as im on a roll(rick roll) might as well never biuld biuldings out of steel

welding is a dangerious job, no machine shops either , or anything else dangerous, imma slap the first person that i see smoking a cig cause cigs cause cancer
hey desert dud, what do you think it is about that melanin that makes the negro act all crazy and violent? do you suppose it has anything to do with the devil's reefer and their jazz music? shouldi make sure our white women walk on the opposite side of the road as darkie?

thanks in advance!

What causes the preponderance of crime in the Af-Am community? You could postulate lots of reasonable explanations. My favorite is the war on poverty, which created the welfare state that destroyed the nuclear family in the Af-Am community. That led to multiple generations of Af-Am families with no father present. Let's be honest here though, Buck, you don't give a shit about any of this beyond "blame whitey", it's the progressive's game. I predict it will end badly.

Why do you think the race hustlers are trembling with outrage about the non-problem of white racism while ignoring the real problem? This is your opportunity to lecture us about how racist we crackers are.
What causes the preponderance of crime in the Af-Am community? You could postulate lots of reasonable explanations. My favorite is the war on poverty, which created the welfare state that destroyed the nuclear family in the Af-Am community. That led to multiple generations of Af-Am families with no father present. Let's be honest here though, Buck, you don't give a shit about any of this beyond "blame whitey", it's the progressive's game. I predict it will end badly.

Why do you think the race hustlers are trembling with outrage about the non-problem of white racism while ignoring the real problem? This is your opportunity to lecture us about how racist we crackers are.

Welfare state? What planet are you posting from?
God, I recommend you take the time to find and watch the 1960 presidential debate. You can absolutely pinpoint the time it was created and thought process behind the welfare state.
wow, the utter failure in this statement is comical , great logic dude

with this mindset we would have had our firearms taken away and cars and anything alcohol, or mcdonalds . . . . .might as well never speed or drive or grow old or fuck even be born 100% of everyone dies so whats the point in creating babies either , they just gonna die

war should never happen , people die

everyone should stop doing anything cause their is statistic to make it seem dangerous

for fucks sake

as ,long as im on a roll(rick roll) might as well never biuld biuldings out of steel

welding is a dangerious job, no machine shops either , or anything else dangerous, imma slap the first person that i see smoking a cig cause cigs cause cancer

I have checked about 3 times and still cant see the word *forever* in my statement.
God, I recommend you take the time to find and watch the 1960 presidential debate. You can absolutely pinpoint the time it was created and thought process behind the welfare state.

This country has never had a welfare state. If you think we have, than you need to turn off the propaganda channel and get an education (if you can afford it). A Welfare state is a country with a social democratic model, or a mixed economy like Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark.