People V. Carruthers -CoA Rules Marijuana Extracts Illegal


Active Member
In the King case, there were many that bitched about the unfairness of the ruling on the dog pen. The more thoughtful members of the community realized that we could use the ruling to our advantage. Since they didn't like the dog pen not staked to the ground and covered, by extension, taking a dog pen, staking it to the ground, and covering it was 'legal' and they had a COA ruling that said so. So that is what they did and were safe.

What does this ruling contain that lets us turn it to our advantage?

One thing I see is that they can't use the 'concentration' of marijuana, as they can't accurately measure it. They want to see clear evidence of 'usable marijuana- flowers and/or leaves' in the mixture. I would think that if you made cannabutter, had identifiable flowers and/or leaves in it, and kept the total weight legal, you might be in pretty good shape if it came to a court case. At the very least you have a better section 8 story, and may luck out and get a section 4 dismissal.

Anyone else have any other ideas?

Dr. Bob
a patient could be over with one brownie. not gonna work.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
a patient could be over with one brownie. not gonna work.
Yes, but again think it through. Brownies are made of heavy cake and light, fluffy frosting. Put the cannabis in the frosting and KEEP IT SEPARATE until you eat it, then spread it on like butter. That way, the weight of the cake will not come in to play.

These are convoluted rules, but there are ways to work with them to keep patients safe.

Just a matter of spending some time to think about it. I drive 50+ hours each month, and these are the things I think about on those drives.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
There's no way a person can take 1 gram, put it into a one ounce brownie, and be charged with an ounce of pot! This is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
what I don't understand is how we're allowed to keep a plant count, set limits of "usable product", and a court is going to tell us what we can and cannot do to prepare the plant we took from bean/clone to harvest?

I'm pretty sure you could grow radishes and make organic anal beads with them, and the government wouldn't care one bit, as long as they get their tax $.

I didn't hear about the Tues deal until today(Tues), or I would be in Lansing. The more the law gets involved, the less I want anything to do with it.

Prohibition just makes criminals.
With a little luck there will be more meetings. I appreciate your sentiment.


Well-Known Member
There's no way a person can take 1 gram, put it into a one ounce brownie, and be charged with an ounce of pot! This is ridiculous.
Welcome to the criminal justice system my friend! Always happy to have new company join the party :)

Prosecuting Attorney's can do whatever the fuck they want by prosecuting whomever they so choose if they simply claim their OWN INTERPRETATION of the LAW, and how you violated their interpretation of said law.

This is where a tight set of lips and a competent Defense Attorney come into play...but if you don't have $5k to put down on a RETAINER for that Attorney, you're fucked. This here ladies and gentlemen is the true wild wild west of medical marijuana.
So after you cut a plant its illegal untill is dry. You might be able to count it as a plant. ( if the cops are nice)
Wow thats fucked up.


Well-Known Member
So after you cut a plant its illegal untill is dry. You might be able to count it as a plant. ( if the cops are nice)
Wow thats fucked up.

Yep that is one of the things this ruling amounts too............ Super stupid..........

Does anyone here personally know the defendant in this case?


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if extracts are illegal because it's not plant matter, what about Marinol?

That's an extract, and doesn't contain green material. Ban Marinol, smoke trees.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if extracts are illegal because it's not plant matter, what about Marinol?

That's an extract, and doesn't contain green material. Ban Marinol, smoke trees.
You're wrong, its not an extract, its synthetic.


Well-Known Member
Well folks, when all else fails your welcome to join me off grid in the wild. Its quite cannabis friendly!
