Harvest Time: A Tutorial

The very bizarre feeling that after spending six hours reading this entire thread you have traveled through time. Interesting. It's like a novel, only the hero (plant) always dies in the end. Holy cow. What just happened to my brain? Interesting experience. Great thread, funny too.
Has anyone here ever used the Boveda 62% 2-way humidifiers for curing and storage? I was skeptical at first, but read good reviews on Amazon. $12 for 12 - 8 gram packs. I might give them a try.



Hey bro, i am using em in my cure right now. Still need to burp over the first few days of cure, with 2 bovida 8 gram packs in a mason jar with about 12.5 grams. Was seeing 68% on one jar and 65 on another. Seems to be settling in to 62 now. Ill let you know. in a few weeks ;)

Nice man I do It the same way the only thing I have to add is If your hairs On your buds are white wait for some or all to turn red if they are orange the wait for them to turn brown.... If you like a head buzz better than a body buzz... you would want to harvest them just after about half of the hairs have changed color... but if you want more of a body high wait for all the hairs on entire plant/ buds to change color.... your curing is spot on though.
Nice man I do It the same way the only thing I have to add is If your hairs On your buds are white wait for some or all to turn red if they are orange the wait for them to turn brown.... .

Ummm, have you read any of this thread at all? You are giving very poor & inaccurate information :( Harvest according to the state of the trichomes. It's all covered, with photos, at the beginning of this thread.
Trichomes should be 10% amber, 85% milky, 5% clear.
Such a help to me.. the pics at the start between ready and not ready. I have a plant that is 6-7 weeks of flower and when I looked at the Trich's there were amber in there... however, I could see the plant did not look DONE! This helped me 10 fold on the realization I have 2-3 more weeks.
Of course common sense must prevail,. As Beefbisquit likes to say - long white pistils means wait - trichomes 'die' & new ones replace them as the buds mature. Iow you have to look at the plant rather than focus on one thing, if it doesn't look ready then it most likely isn't :). No point in looking at the trichomes if there's still long white pistils.

I like to know that I have weeks to go after a close inspection when my girls are close to harvest. Some strains really bulk up in the last weeks as well as increased crystals :)
6 weeks .JPG7weeks.JPG
Well, that's it... even tho I am seeing Amber Trich's there is no way this plant is ready... kind of like a veg garden... tomatos will ripen at different times.. The entire plant doesn't ripen in one day....

There is NO way this plant is done! The buds have fattened up even since these photos, but it's way too green...
Agree, greylord. I'm finiahing up my first plants here soon, I thought my Bubba kush was done weeks ago but now I see what a difference those last few weeks make. What a great thread, he basically detailed all of the left out info that a lot of the other tutorials leave out, like cutting any leaf with a stem all the way to the stalk. I was wondering about those little sticks myself... And the pictures of the amber trichs (at a distance) really helped too. I've been studying up on harvesting lately and felt like something was still missing until I read this thread.

And grasscropper, I'm not sure if I see any ambers in there. Maybe an orange hue in the picture from something, but definitely not ready; the calyxes don't even look swollen yet, that plant has weeks, maybe a month from the looks of it. I am a total noob, but that's what mine looked like at about 4-5 weeks
I must have missed that bit about the 'little sticks' ThorG? Or was I ripped when I read it & forgot? Early onset Alzheimers ? [well lucky for me pot is good for that :)] Who knows?
Would you mind repeating the lesson on why to nip fan leaf stems off at/near the stem to which it's attached?
Or page number would be good.
i will be making hash so i do not want ANY fan leaves. only resin covered leaves are saved. so next i go thru the whole pile and trim all the fan leaves. any leaf that has a stem is remove. i cut the leaf stem back all the way down to the stalk. i don't like little pokers sticking out.....
View attachment 29334

My test nug Had the little pokers, I was wondering about those
The very bizarre feeling that after spending six hours reading this entire thread you have traveled through time. Interesting. It's like a novel, only the hero (plant) always dies in the end. Holy cow. What just happened to my brain? Interesting experience. Great thread, funny too.

The hero gives his life, so that others may live. :)

I've found that I can't distinguish clear trichomes from cloudy; maybe it's my middle age failing eyesight. But I CAN see the amber ones, so I've been using that; around 10% (to 15-20 for me) to gauge ready-ness.

My main 6 plants were all Purple Maroc, and AFAICT, the breeder description was right for me. Mid September I got the first 3 and now at end September I've started on the last 3.

And... since this is also a curing thread, let me just say I love "water curing". I know most people much prefer the tastes and smells of air-cured, so it's not for everybody.

But it's very easy to do, at least somewhat hard to screw up, it doesn't make the house or shed/garage smell of weed and freak out the wife (and self).

And it's easier to smoke in public, or in the house due to lack of smell. I can enjoy the tastes and smells with friends from time to time, but as a "chronic medicine", and that is mostly vaped, I can't say anything bad about it except that some people will never understand why you would "ruin" the weed by dumping it in water.

No, it doesn't get moldy underwater, as long as the water is changed once or twice a day, and you ensure the buds are underwater and not floating on the water-air interface.