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Thanks for sharing, but if others want to share/debate/cross-reference anecdotal info concerning this practice-- they should be allowed to, even if some members deem the subject "not advanced"~

Like I said, if you want to say your .2s, your more than welcome, but if your just sticking around just to push YOUR beliefs/ideas because you don't agree with the subject at hand, then its unfair for the rest of the (pro) defol members that came to this thread :)


Can you say "beating a dead horse?"

I knew you could. ;)

You know folks are too lazy to do a search, or they just want attention.

Anyone that thinks buds need direct light does NOT understand how this plant works or any other. Try telling that to a room full of professional fruit, berry, grape growers. You'll get laughed right out of the room.

We've had this (lame) discussion a thousand times, but I guess times are slow at RIU. It's another stupid forum gimmick without any science behind it, and you know it canna.

could you please explain staggered harvesting? I'm super curious
she is still looking good. I'll post more pics after another day or two to show progress.
Harvesting just the upper portion of the plant leaving some of the lower to continue too ripen. This allows the lower buds some extra hormones(auxins)and extra time to bulk up.
I want to know why not just put light down there and keep all of its production potential. Wby is that such an ignored concept? It works splendidly
Well I guess that's the difference then, what you consider "splendidly" I consider below average. Cmon man! you flogged that pic enough, steal a better pic next time, your gonna need it for our little challenge. Is that pic the best you got? This guy comes on here looking for solid advice and all you do is push bull crap. Its because of people like you that a simple PRODUCTIVE technique like this is so mis-understood and abused. Defoilation has nothing to do with light penetration or bigger buds lower down. The removal of any material in an indoor enviorment is for circulation purposes and to push the growth upwards into the light zone. That's it! Nothing magical about it. One bud in the zone or six...its a no brainer if you actually know what and how.
Well I guess that's the difference then, what you consider "splendidly" I consider below average. Cmon man! you flogged that pic enough, steal a better pic next time, your gonna need it for our little challenge. Is that pic the best you got? This guy comes on here looking for solid advice and all you do is push bull crap. Its because of people like you that a simple PRODUCTIVE technique like this is so mis-understood and abused. Defoilation has nothing to do with light penetration or bigger buds lower down. The removal of any material in an indoor enviorment is for circulation purposes and to push the growth upwards into the light zone. That's it! Nothing magical about it. One bud in the zone or six...its a no brainer if you actually know what and how.

Uh, for circulation I just use a couple fans. my leafs dance around, green and happy all day. Circulating and photosynthesiszing -not a word- A Defoliated leaf is not a leaf at all..

and cutting a leaf doesn't promote growth toward the light...they do that anyways
I want to know why not just put light down there and keep all of its production potential. Wby is that such an ignored concept? It works splendidly

i agree if you can get light to the middle of plants there should be no reason to remove any foliage unless it is weak to begin with

some indica plants grow in a terrible shape and need some help, i would bend out the branches to allow light to get to the leaves inside the structure
many skunk and sativa type plants like your c99 grow in a much more helpful shape light can spread allover the plants without too much intervention
Well I guess that's the difference then, what you consider "splendidly" I consider below average. Cmon man! you flogged that pic enough, steal a better pic next time, your gonna need it for our little challenge. Is that pic the best you got? This guy comes on here looking for solid advice and all you do is push bull crap. Its because of people like you that a simple PRODUCTIVE technique like this is so mis-understood and abused. Defoilation has nothing to do with light penetration or bigger buds lower down. The removal of any material in an indoor enviorment is for circulation purposes and to push the growth upwards into the light zone. That's it! Nothing magical about it. One bud in the zone or six...its a no brainer if you actually know what and how.
Your technique is bullshit with nothing to back it up. Show your pics or shut your pie hole. And you ignoramus, where you do get the I only grow one cola plants? those are 4 plants with more than 16 colas
Want more pic here you go






Just a portion of the main colas harvested...the bottom 2 1/3 - 3 foot of plants are being trimmed currently ...two weeks and change after the tops were chopped



Your technique is bullshit with nothing to back it up. Show your pics or shut your pie hole. And you ignoramus, where you do get the I only grow one cola plants? those are 4 plants with more than 16 colas
Want more pic here you go






Just a portion of the main colas harvested...the bottom 2 1/3 - 3 foot of plants are being trimmed currently ...two weeks and change after the tops were chopped



Kite do yourself a favor and put Sir Trolls A Lot on ignore.
He would have to first actually grow a plant Kite!


Look at the plant back right that was raped for comparisons sake. Looks pretty woeful compared to those left to grow naturally. Can anyone say 3 foot cola with an ensemble of very nice secondary colas?
He would have to first actually grow a plant Kite!

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Look at the plant back right that was raped for comparisons sake. Looks pretty woeful compared to those left to grow naturally. Can anyone say 3 foot cola with an ensemble of very nice secondary colas?
Nice bro

Well lets just look at Sir Goofus's stick trophy that he is so proud of that my lower secondary buds are bigger than

Now I understand why he has so few pics
Those are all beautiful guys.. kite you started a new trend here. There will be checkmates all over riu now.

I'm updating my thread later. With plants that have leaves too. Even some yellers. I let the leaves fall off on there own.
A few weeks later...amazing what a few extra fans can do under a 400.

Long Dong still filling in nicely.
Still trying to figure out this whole popcorn thing. This is a forum not a theater.

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