Here is why people like me hate(d) Uncle Ben: I spent,spend thousands at a grow shops. I read every Jorge and Ed grow book three times. I have no practical knowledge of plant science or applied science for that matter, but any book that says 'Marijuana" on it MUST BE RIGHT. WHAAAA? GREEN LEAFS THROUGH HARVEST?!?
Uncle Ben must be some evil crack head making up LIES!......
No fucking way did I waste all that hard earned money, I worked for! I am a smart person, THERE IS NO WAY I WASTED MY MONEY. I didn't get the cure right UB, thats why the nugs tasted kinda funny, the leafs are suppose to be dead at harvest!!!.....
We all see UBs thread and for some reason we get angry at him for ripping us off. When I first read this thread I was Angry, shocked, and I immediately mistrusted UB. I started going through the posts and I saw the very few testimonials amongst the heavy insults. I didn't not begin practicing UBs techniques until I had NO other choices really, but to save money and time. What began was a lovely garden at a time in my life that I needed it to succeed so badly. Now I finally feel like I have so much to learn!