Drying tech:
My drying technique is quite simple really, i leave the large colas to hang/rest for 3-4 days until they start to wilt, and the leaves give that wrap over effect, it's not until then in my opinion that the humidity can drop below a certain point, if i were to chop them down straight away, it would shorten the drying time too much, and i may be left with bright green buds heavy with chloraphyl, which takes a minimum of 8-10 days to evaporate. The smaller buds get snipped off and put into light small piles with all leaf still remaining except for the fan/shade leaves. keeping them fairly close at all times to keep the moisture/humidity consistent. You don't want them to sweat, so give them a little space and no heavy buds on little ones ofcourse. after the 3-4 days, time to turn things over, move the centre buds to outside, and the outside layer into the centre... By now the large colas are to be snipped down and added to the smaller piles to help retain moisture, and consistency. another 4-6 days things should start to feel dry enough to handle and be placed into curing jars or tupperware, where my curing will take place every day replacing the air each day, and for the first week of curing leaving the containers open during the night hours, and closed during the day, and always kept 100% dark (very important!!! THC IS LIGHT/WIND/HEAT SENSITIVE) leaving the leaves on until completely try will help protect the trichomes from premature degradation, and maybe even increase the taste of your product
You are semi-correct with the clone technique, It takes me roughly 3 weeks for the clone to get roots, and keeping her under only a 11 watt fluorescent tube will only JUST give her enough energy to survive, she will be far from being a plant or in 'grow phase' as some may call it. I restrict the roots by air pruning around the base of the container with the Rockwool, If you were to analyze these clones, they would sure enough be in 'regeneration' mode where they will only be trying to grow new nodes, and with the little amount of light given only the tiniest amount of nutrients will be necessary. Over the next 3-4 weeks she only grows maybe 8-12 inches high. Still not yet a 'plant' as such as if you were to place her in a high HPS environment, or outside, she would die a horrible death almost indefinitely. BUT she needs 'hardening' off first. This changes the cell reproduction, and how i do this is placing her in my tent and at the very bottom of the tent using only 1 HPS 600 and for maybe 4-6 hours i will blast her with some hard light, then continue the rest of the hours with the flouro. keeping 24hour light all the time. She will only become a plant, once the hardening off phase is completed and the night cycle begins, where Dark hours are introduced into the plant. Dark times are what cause the plant to 'grow' its not really 'the light' as such..... When there is darkness the plant knows to produce enzymes, and these are not produced by 'clones'. Clones do not
need darkness, the process can be kept alive even in a fridge for weeks without ever growing....
So a clone by definition she most certainly is
BUT i do this for a singular purpose, its my guarantee of growing again the next round, and having a ready clone to take off right after inspection is completed, then my 30 days growing begins with 18hrs light, 6hrs dark. (remembering hydroponics is about simulating/synthesizing it would be unnatural for any plant to receive 24hr sunlight, but we can use it to our advantage)
Seeing what darkness can do to a plant tells you all you need to know
darkness makes stems stretch for light
so we are only going to get branches when she wants to grow
I hope that helps explain a little better about my technique, not to get the wrong idea, or thing i may be cheating some secret grow time
I haven't always done this, it was a self learning experience, and worked to my benefit,
There are still many more grows to my name with many started from a fresh new baby clone (rooted) and still harvest well over a lb, just for reference, feel free to check them out I actually found that it doesn't really gain any more yield from this concept i have, but it saves me time. Time is valuable in hydroponics!! especially when the landlord want to do his 'visit' for the record, i've ALWAYS finished each and every grow, but i have been VERY close where i've had to dry elsewhere