perhaps a new method in growing


Well-Known Member
Its not super cropping per say, but not far from it. You snap a limb and it swells up, that's what super cropping is. We aren't talking about bending your plant I'm talking about snapping a branch almost clean off and re supporting it. She will correct herself by repairing the damage focusing nutrient flow to do the repairs. I've never used scissors to lst or supercrop so I don't now what your referring to unless you think somebody is talking about topping or fimming. As far as the purple branch, I have cut large clones from a mother and had the clones go all purple before all the way through flowering. But not just one branch. Just remember purple isn't always a good thing. Some nutrient defecient plants will go purple and some just have the purple pheno. Not saying your plant was deficient just saying in general. But as to what you where doing, you pretty much supercropped/grafted a plant back together and it lived. As for cloning your results this year, it could happen. The purple may not unless your running the same exact plant from clone or another purple strain.


Active Member
and most of the time when i see this breaking of the stem done, its not done to a huge bush, but plants that grew vertically.


Active Member
Its not super cropping per say, but not far from it. You snap a limb and it swells up, that's what super cropping is. We aren't talking about bending your plant I'm talking about snapping a branch almost clean off and re supporting it. She will correct herself by repairing the damage focusing nutrient flow to do the repairs. I've never used scissors to lst or supercrop so I don't now what your referring to unless you think somebody is talking about topping or fimming. As far as the purple branch, I have cut large clones from a mother and had the clones go all purple before all the way through flowering. But not just one branch. Just remember purple isn't always a good thing. Some nutrient defecient plants will go purple and some just have the purple pheno. Not saying your plant was deficient just saying in general. But as to what you where doing, you pretty much supercropped/grafted a plant back together and it lived. As for cloning your results this year, it could happen. The purple may not unless your running the same exact plant from clone or another purple strain.

thank u man, yea id say its debatable that that is supercropping


Well-Known Member
your right, you always were right, you always will be right, we are all wrong. So sorry for our lack of understanding and knowledge, your superior intellect has humbled me. happy now? douche....


Active Member
and blue grass, uv did what the original post ask, u have experience in this sistuation, so it seems if u heavily cut or clone a branch , it turnes purp. my plants couldnt be deficient because the rest of the plant was ok and my other plants were ok, and they were from the same batch of seeds from another plant.


Active Member
your right, you always were right, you always will be right, we are all wrong. So sorry for our lack of understanding and knowledge, your superior intellect has humbled me. happy now? douche....

u have knowlegde just limited knowlegde and u try to apllie that to shit that just isnt, and ur damn right im right!


Well-Known Member
Super cropping is completely different from topping. Two dif things all together. With bonsai you are still trimming. Super cropping is damaging a branch I.e. Breaking it. The plant then repairs the tear with a large swollen node similar to that of a broken bone that has calcified and repaired itself.


Active Member
yeah if u cut the damn top off, and im not arguing that breaking the branch is cropping, but its debatable the way mine broke, im saying i turned a part of a plant purple without the bullshit of deficiencies.
Super cropping is completely different from topping. Two dif things all together. With bonsai you are still trimming. Super cropping is damaging a branch I.e. Breaking it. The plant then repairs the tear with a large swollen node similar to that of a broken bone that has calcified and repaired itself.
take a look a bluegrasses comment, u might learn something that can use to make u look smart in the future
LOOK Tweeker he just told u super croping is breaking are u so stupid that u do not get this? "
Welcome to kentucky were my sister is my cousin and my wife"


Active Member
did u read my other comment im not arguing breaking branches is topping, im saying the purpe aftermath isnt topping, but u must be dislexic so u dont understand
Look man the only reason people started being rude cause u acted like a dick No need for that here yea a lot of people joke around but if u cant take it maybe u need to go smoke more


Active Member
Look man the only reason people started being rude cause u acted like a dick No need for that here yea a lot of people joke around but if u cant take it maybe u need to go smoke more

i could care less, if u pay attention, bluegrass cloned a branch, and it turned purple, i almost cut off a whole branch it turned purple, cropping is pinch and twist, like bluegrass said, its not cropping but close, because in he end the outcomes the same, but the skock of almost or lwholy lopping of a branch sends tons of trace minerals to that section
ok, supercropping is topping a plant or bonsi, poking holes spliting branches, dosnt maipulate the canopy, for god sakes have u taken any botany classes , or did u learn about plants of people from the internet. ur kind of right tho i did supercrop my plants months befor this.
What is Supercropping?

This type of training is known by many different names:

-Stem mutilation
-Stem pinching
-Crushing the herd
-Leaning the stem over

Now, there are interesting theories, methods and discussions invovling both the science and application of this type of training.

All of them have the same general idea: mutilate the stem evenly around an area so that the stem bends over at a 90 degree angle. In this case, we aren't removing a piece of the plant, but rather damaging an area of the plant so that the angle of the branch changes.

The most common methodology for crushing the stem is to pinch the stem enough that it breaks and separates a bit. Then, turn your pinch by 90 degrees and pinch again. This will cause the tip of the plant to fall over at an angle.

Supercropping can be done during vegetative growth to achieve effects similar to LST. That is: the apical tip will be bent downwards once the branch has been pinched. This causes the plant to think that it needs to send new tips to grow towards the light source.

Supercropping can also be done during flower to keep those stretchy plants from burning themselves. There are plenty of examples of supercropping well into flower w/out having too adverse of an effect on the plant:

Obviously, some strains will respond better than others. In addition, if you supercrop well into flower and you have some heavy budsites, you may find the stem has troubles supporting itself. Be smart about it and don't crush the stems too hard if you don't think the plant will grow out of it.

Now a few last things before I'm done...

First.. please remember to start out doing a few branches at first.. make sure your plant reacts ok to it.. some do better than others... its better to make sure first... but again, i have not grown any that react poorly...

Second.. if you tear the stem its ok.. you may get little rips that run vertically up the stem.. its alright if this happens.. your plant will be just fine... trust me.. it happens a lot..

Third... be gentle when you squeeze.. you may need to work it a little if the stem is thicker.. this is ok... if you are too rough you will break it off.. i have done that.. topping unwantedly is not a pleasant surprise...

Fourth... take your time at first... its nothing you need to rush.. get used to how the stem feels when it pops like you want it to.. how it feels when its softened enough to bend easily.. then build up your speed.. it can take a while to do a larger garden.. and you may want to hurry.. but patience is a virtue here...Don't hermie them by going nuts

Lastly... when the spot your super cropped heals up it will more than likely be a thick round ball in the middle of the stem.. this is good.. think of it like scar tissue that lets nutes pass up to bud sites like an expressway.. suppercroping is not topping FCK go read PLEASE